Red Montana

I agree with you on this post, Montana has been good to my family and I as well. But I'm 100% confident that in thirty or forty years, the next generation will not have had the same type of quality hunts I've enjoyed there in the past.

I'll just take what's left and call it good...
I'm afraid you are correct but really hope you're not.
I found it somewhat ironic to read the fall issue of the Backcountry Journal yesterday, where Jim Posewitz was quoted by our own Big Fin, as believing in the power and wisdom of "the people". I guess we'll see how that wisdom plays out the next four years.
Well that's depressing. I hope my generation wakes up and stands up. As frustrating as it is, nothing is going to change if we just sit back and do nothing. I just havent quite figured out how to explain that cheap opportunity isnt a good thing.
I'm terrified for the future of Montana. I think a lot of hunters dont care to understand about policies and what's going on. Perhaps many are unaware how much better hunting opportunity that used to exist. I certainly didnt know what I didnt know until I hopped onto HuntTalk and started reading.
I agree with you on this post, Montana has been good to my family and I as well. But I'm 100% confident that in thirty or forty years, the next generation will not have had the same type of quality hunts I've enjoyed there in the past.

I'll just take what's left and call it good...
Montana has been good to me as well. Albeit quit some time ago. I hunted public land in Montana starting in 1991. It was a game rich paradise with easy access back then. It certainly is not like that now.
And FWIW I am a life long Republican and a unapologetic conservative. For the first time in my life I voted for a Democrat when I cast my vote for Cooney. With more than alittle trepidation I might add.
I’m really worried about Montana as well. I think we’re going to see big changes when it comes to elk management. Gianforte has been very clear in the past that he believes elk are overpopulated, FWP is at war with landowners, and that he believes FWP should not acquire more land. I agree with @BuzzH that a ranching for wildlife lookalike and more elk reductions are on the way.
I’m really worried about Montana as well. I think we’re going to see big changes when it comes to elk management. Gianforte has been very clear in the past that he believes elk are overpopulated, FWP is at war with landowners, and that he believes FWP should not acquire more land. I agree with @BuzzH that a ranching for wildlife lookalike and more elk reductions are on the way.
The current elk management plan hasnt been followed. Even if we got a a new plan in place that was perfect I see no reason that it would be followed.
The crazy thing is current managment is doing nothing but training elk to reside on private lands via hunting, which is the exact opposite of what its suppose to do.
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I don’t think anyone thinks Montana hunting is what is use to be. I have only been hunting Montana for 20 years but the decline has been huge. There might be a lot of game in Montana but most of it is not huntable. Areas of public land that you use to be able to go and see tons of game and sign now you are lucky to find a single track in fresh snow. It is very sad and it is only getting worse. When you hear stories about what hunting was like 30 to 40 years ago compared to today in Montana it is very discouraging.
Personally, and sadly, I feel like there's a lot more on the line right now. I mean, wilderness doesn't do a guy much good without our 2nd amendment rights. And I feel like that is the sad reality we're teetering closer and closer to in the toxic political environment we've seen the last 10-20 years. The left is further left, and the right is further left all the time... But I'm also very concerned with the way we're dealing with our public lands and game

I think we need to continue to teach new and young hunters the TRUE conservation that is hunting. And obviously do everything we can every day to protect freedom, 2nd amendment rights, wilderness and public lands etc... But priorities seem to be getting more dire all the time to me
1. that isn't true
2. That doesn't matter with regard to this topic. Comments like that get threads derailed then locked. Take you politics back to Facebook.
Ouch. Didn't realize my opinion is political while yours is apolitical, especially on a thread entitled Red Montana. If it's not what you'd like to hear I understand that, but please. And I don't see how you'd know that this isn't true. But I digress. I'm not trying to push politics on anyone. I'm a guy just like everyone else on here who cares about hunting, conservation and public land access. I'll go back to the hunting threads and let the experts sort this one out
1. that isn't true
2. That doesn't matter with regard to this topic. Comments like that get threads derailed then locked. Take you politics back to Facebook.
Simply not so neff...nor should it be. We are getting further into the moderating weeds IMHO.
What we are seeing in regards to hunting on both public and private land has more to do with opportunity management then it does with which party controls Government.
To some degree you are probably right. OTOH if we actually followed the elk management plan that's currently in place I think we would have decent hunting on public land again.
I have a lot of use for wilderness with or without a gun.
Designated wilderness is of very little value to me save hunting. Noticed I used the word "designated". Wild places are of value to me, but like anything else they should be managed, which the "Wilderness" designation precludes.
Well that's depressing. I hope my generation wakes up and stands up. As frustrating as it is, nothing is going to change if we just sit back and do nothing. I just havent quite figured out how to explain that cheap opportunity isnt a good thing.
I'm terrified for the future of Montana. I think a lot of hunters dont care to understand about policies and what's going on. Perhaps many are unaware how much better hunting opportunity that used to exist. I certainly didnt know what I didnt know until I hopped onto HuntTalk and started reading.
Oh trust me, everything is going to change.

IF you're a resident Montana Sportsmen be prepared to take it in the ................shorts!

You reap what you sow. We, (not all of us) but 2 out of 3 voted without regard for Hunting, Fishing, or the public lands heritage we were born with. My Grandchildren's heritage is going by the wayside, in response to the "Great Patriots" movement in America. Trumpism will be alive and well long after Trumps gone.

Most of the guard are either really white headed, or dead now. Many of the Hook and Bullet clubs locally are dissolved or greatly reduced. There's just nobody in the younger generations to give a shit in any numbers.

We started groups to combat the assault on our heritage only to loose out in the long run because we've been beat in a war of attrition. They must of known that we would die off or lose out to monetary interests at some point. There's just no give a shit in the next generations.

I doubt the trip to Helena to testify on behalf of resident sportsmen and women will be worth the lost day of work and wear and tear on the old truck.

Audios to a lot of what made Montana Great.
Designated wilderness is of very little value to me save hunting. Noticed I used the word "designated". Wild places are of value to me, but like anything else they should be managed, which the "Wilderness" designation precludes.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the value of designated wilderness and the need to "manage" every parcel of land.
I have a lot of use for wilderness with or without a gun.
Let me re-phrase:
Wilderness doesn't do hunters like me much good without a gun. Hiking is ok but it doesn't fill the freezer. I have a lot of use for it WITH a gun. But I guess if they take the 2nd amendment rights away we'll all be finding new hobbies. 😂
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