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Good for you!! The longest I've make it, even with an e cig, has been 2 1/2 days....I felt every cigarette this past week on my elk hunt...ugh
I wish I would of never started dipping cause it is the hardest thing I've ever tried to stop doing I've quit off and on for the last year and unfortunately I'm back on it it's very tough to tell your body no more nicotine when you've had it for so long still trying to quit tomorrow I plan on disposing off the cans I have left and trying to chew sunflower seeds and be done
Good luck and hope it gets easier. I quit chew then cigs when wife was pregnant. Never started up again. 30 plus years of not spending money on tobacco is nice. I work with an ex-Ranger and the last 10 years have been dramatic with his breathing now being raspy and I suspect early emphysema. He used to be a mountain of a man during his 40s though now acts a decade older than his real age. His brother died a year ago from a heart attack. I tell him he best not croak at work. He laughs. I am serious.

I smoked for 47 years I quit with Chantix 3 years and 5 months ago. I still reach for my shirt pocket for one. The bad thing is you will try and stand close to someone that has just lite one up. Good luck you will feel a lot better and have more money for Cabela's and Bass Pro
I met a guy last year who worked on the CZ (aka Marlboro, aka Philip Morris) Ranch. He says they don't even let him hunt or fish the property. I haven't sent a dime of my money to those assassins since 1991.
Hang in there Gunner! You can do it if I can. The thing that really got me was looking at the money I was spending to do nothing, but put myself in the ground earlier. That and the total hours I blew away in a year standing around outside smoking, when I could have been doing some constructive.
Good for y'all!
Glad to hear it. Mind over matter.
It's not that hard - I've quit dipping several times :rolleyes:
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Tobacco is slow dose poison. My late brother quit cold at 42 but the damage had been done, mitigating COPD complications that took him 22 years later.
I guess I need to remind everyone that it is just a silly little weed. It cannot control you if you do not let it. It will not just jump up into your mouth, it takes 2 to Tango. Just man up and toss the crap!
I guess I need to remind everyone that it is just a silly little weed. It cannot control you if you do not let it. It will not just jump up into your mouth, it takes 2 to Tango. Just man up and toss the crap!

Throughout my ordeal I continually asked myself who was stronger, me or the tobacco. It helped. I'm glad I proved stronger but it was a miserable period that I never want to repeat. I still have nightmares where I wake up thinking I started again. :(

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