Kenetrek Boots

Public Land Conundrum

Just imagine - you don’t hunt the buck and someone else with your tag does. The buddy never gets a chance. You have the tag, he doesn’t.
Ok I follow you now, and you can’t go with him cuz you got a tag on the same dates his hunt is somewhere else.

Who gets the first crack?
We have tags for the same area. His tag starts a week after me. Basically, I get first chance on a hunt with way less pressure.
I think Buzz summed it up pretty well.

I once had a great spot on public ground. A place that I'd hunted for 25 years or so and consistently paid off. I never took anyone in there with me and had only hunted it with my dad or on my own.

A couple years back my nephew got into hunting and it seemed we would be good hunting partners so I showed him the area and helped him take an elk. I made it abundantly clear that if I showed him this spot that he would not show it to anyone else and either hunt it with me or by himself.

The following year comes around and I find him in there with 2 of his "best buds" from out of state. Fwiw my nephew and I no longer speak to each other.
Public land spots are sort of interesting.

The way I work it is pretty simple. If I'm shown a spot by a friend, I don't go back unless:

1. I'm invited back.
2. I call ahead of time and make sure its OK.

I expect the same from people I take to some of my public land spots. Been burned a couple times and I just don't hunt with those folks anymore. Don't hate them or anything, just know they can't be trusted.

The last thing I would ever do is hunt a place someone showed me without letting them know.

I have friends i don't even hunt with, but know some of their spots. You could rip my fingernails off and I wouldn't say boo.
We have tags for the same area. His tag starts a week after me. Basically, I get first chance on a hunt with way less pressure.
Yeah I understand now. I don’t know that it’s a good idea. I definitely see both sides of this coin but his perspective (my opinion) is that he spent a lot of time finding this buck and you technically fell backwards into the tag and get the first crack at him.

Not saying you’re wrong cuz it’s public land at the end of the day, and if you won’t someone else will, but I can really sympathize for the guy. Not everyone is gonna come out a winner in this situation which is the real shame. Idk that any buck or bull is worth losing a friend over.

The spots I was given from the folks on here will go to the grave with me, and I don’t think I’d ever hunt them again. But that’s just me, and idk what I’m doing half the time.
No. One hunt is a controlled hunt, another is general season. Different dates.

If we had the same tag we’d go together and I’d let him shoot the buck.

I’m personally hoping I find a bigger buck before I get pissed and shoot his out of vengeance.
Dude it doesn’t matter, honestly.. if you shoot any buck and are happy with it, he’ll feel like a DBag for trying to get stingy about it
From reading your original post, its your buddies spot this year. He had the tag first and put in the effort to scout it, and located a shooter. Its sounds like you got the tag after he told you about a nice buck. Not saying thats the reason, but you could read it that way.

Also, flip the script. How would you feel if he did it to you.
Good luck regardless!
So, I am reading the OP with the understanding that you both hunted this new spot for the first time together and neither one had been there before.
IMO, that is now a shared spot and either of you is free to hunt it on your own without “permission” from the other. I’d generally have a conversation or expect a conversation before either of you bring other folks there.

Just because one of you finds a “target” buck in the original location doesn’t change a thing in regards to the other one coming back to hunt the area he’s familiar with. The fact that one person lets a “target” take priority over shared experiences together is the reason I wouldn’t hunt with said “friend” again. Not because it’s someone’s spot.
I hunt a lot with my son in law. We also scout together. I could care less who takes the shot. I just enjoy the shared experience. It's not about the kill. It's not about a trophy.
From reading your original post, its your buddies spot this year. He had the tag first and put in the effort to scout it, and located a shooter. Its sounds like you got the tag after he told you about a nice buck. Not saying thats the reason, but you could read it that way.

Also, flip the script. How would you feel if he did it to you.
Good luck regardless!
His tag is a general hunt, he can hunt the whole state. He has several other spots he’s scouted too. I just happened to get lucky with a unexpected tag.
Glad I'm not in that situation.

If it's neither of your spots and he spent the time and energy this summer scouting it and planning. Then you swoop in last minute with a tag and make plans that could effect his hunt, but he's the bad guy? I guess I don't see how you could be upset over this.
Why am I upset? Because of his pettiness. If the roles were reversed, I’d be happy as hell for the guy and probably would go help him. His response? I’m not going with you.

However, he’s still planning to elk hunt with me on the hot spot I showed him. I haven’t been a dick an uninvited him.

Very much a one way street right now.

Person is a relative so there’s deeper reasons why I don’t tell him to go to hell. Thanksgiving is going to be fun.
His tag is a general hunt, he can hunt the whole state. He has several other spots he’s scouted too. I just happened to get lucky with a unexpected tag.
Its really simple, talk to your buddy! If you respect him and want to remain friends, then do what he wishes!
If you don't care, then hunt the spot and possibly loose a friend.
Unfortunately this how this generally plays out.
As to who found the spot is up for debate. He claims he found it. I remember looking at maps together and me saying no way to several spots and saying let’s look at these spots. We agreed to one and backpacked in together, neither having been there before. I don’t think either of us can claim it and we’ve done this on several other spots in the past.

My thought on public land is if I don’t want anyone else to hunt a spot, I don’t take anyone there. I do have a few of these spots. If I take you somewhere, I’m not going to get mad if you show up there later but I might not show you anymore spots.

On the reverse. I have enough spots I don’t have to steal other people’s spots.
I think he was going through. Doing the scouting. Excitedly sharing pics with you. Kind of a dick move on your part to go in and take advantage of his scouting.

If you approached it as "got the tag for the area but I will make sure I don't shoot that buck you spent all the time scouting because I'd be a dick if I did that and you're my buddy"

Yeah I'd be pissed at you too. If it was just a place he liked to hunt that's one thing. But adding in the scouting makes it pretty sh!tty on your part.

I mean think about it from his side and put yourself in his shoes.

Friends are more important that tagging. Be a good friend.
Why am I upset? Because of his pettiness.
Put yourself in his shoes. He just finds out with no warning you drew the tag. You're lying to yourself if you think you wouldn't be upset too.

The fact that he's still planning on going with you elk hunting tells me he was hurt by what happened but he's not ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater and not be friends any more.
Glad I'm not in that situation.

If it's neither of your spots and he spent the time and energy this summer scouting it and planning. Then you swoop in last minute with a tag and make plans that could effect his hunt, but he's the bad guy? I guess I don't see how you could be upset over this.
I don't see why more people don't see it this way. I'm 100% with you.
Why am I upset? Because of his pettiness. If the roles were reversed, I’d be happy as hell for the guy and probably would go help him. His response? I’m not going with you.

However, he’s still planning to elk hunt with me on the hot spot I showed him. I haven’t been a dick an uninvited him.

Very much a one way street right now.

Person is a relative so there’s deeper reasons why I don’t tell him to go to hell. Thanksgiving is going to be fun.

I'd be right there with you, I don't really even care if I shoot anything anymore. I'd be happy that someone had a good tag. I also think we may have a little different perspective given the past success and experiences we have. I can understand why he's upset, his plan just changed and it wasn't in his favor. He's probably been dreaming about it for a while.
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