Yeti GOBOX Collection

Youtube waypoints for sale


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2010
Thinking a side hustle to offset inflation and tag price increases is needed. I will need to solicit some additional help from fellow HTers as "area experts". Heres my business idea: you send me a youtube hunting video and i tell you where it was filmed if on public lands! You slackasses who cant figure out your own spots can now buy the info to be just like your favorite influncer! Fees will be based on accuracy, something like $50 for general area/specfic range/unit# (under 20-30 miles radius) $100 for trailhead/narrowed region (under 5-10 miles) $500 for the exact waypoint for a spot in the video. If my crack team of outdoor enthusiasts cant figure location or if private property there is a $10 processing fee to prevent getting spammed, also any video with guys wearing flat brimmed hats or that use the word "hammerring" will inccur $10 hurts to watch fee. Will give 20% discount on all freshtrack videos if you use the standard promo code.

What do you think? Should i take my idea to shark tank? LMAO
Can’t say this hasn’t crossed my mind. Idk how many videos I’ve watched, done a little google earthing, and found the exact spot the shot was fired from. Even in areas I’ve never been in before.

I’m in.
This past spring I was watching The Hunting Public and their semi live turkey videos. I knew they were in Mississippi, but some of that terrain looked awful familiar. I saw a few things in particular that got my attention and drove out to one of the spots I frequent. Sure enough, there was their camp. I guess come March I'll figure out how many others put the pieces together and decide to try it out.
The amount of eastern Montana mule deer hunts that pop up on YouTube is impressive. Why do people feel the need to document and share the adventure. Do they think they are going to become famous for shooting a dinky mule deer while they are rutting.

I say you burn all the spots down sounds like a great business venture.
Your all hired! Lol

My problem is i think the monetization of hunting (primarily thru video, some i even enjoy) is ruining the sport and dont see way to stop or even slow it down short of getting youtube to ban content which is in my view bad towards hunting overall plus they would likely find another platform. The videos can be incredibly informative and remove barriers to entry but also makes people first exposer to the sport easy to be misdirected in my eyes. I learned hunting from family and friends, it was part of growing up. When i meet these ultra competitive people dressed in every item sitka sells on the mountain and attempt to have a 2 minute polite how ya doing conversation i feel like some have never actually learned how to hunt! I got to thinking does some influencer maybe muleytard have hardcore fans who take his videos as gospel? Do they think stuff they do during video hunts is the right way and not realize theres 5 days of video that got cut for that 30 min video and fail to learn that hunting is a ethic based sport? I haven't seen it yet but what's next is some roidfreak going to run pass me on trail only to pass him in mile benchpressing a log and counting off hammering37, hammering38...

Should we start spot burning key influencers? Lets say we do, will consequence be video quality drop hiding landscape and directly impact their "likes"? Will it make it harder for them to create content between lose of spots and reduced video quality? Lots of questions, any answers?
The amount of eastern Montana mule deer hunts that pop up on YouTube is impressive. Why do people feel the need to document and share the adventure. Do they think they are going to become famous for shooting a dinky mule deer while they are rutting.

I say you burn all the spots down sounds like a great business venture.
Idk why most of them do it, but they could stop anytime. I'm not interested in spectator sports.
Your all hired! Lol

My problem is i think the monetization of hunting (primarily thru video, some i even enjoy) is ruining the sport and dont see way to stop or even slow it down short of getting youtube to ban content which is in my view bad towards hunting overall plus they would likely find another platform. The videos can be incredibly informative and remove barriers to entry but also makes people first exposer to the sport easy to be misdirected in my eyes. I learned hunting from family and friends, it was part of growing up. When i meet these ultra competitive people dressed in every item sitka sells on the mountain and attempt to have a 2 minute polite how ya doing conversation i feel like some have never actually learned how to hunt! I got to thinking does some influencer maybe muleytard have hardcore fans who take his videos as gospel? Do they think stuff they do during video hunts is the right way and not realize theres 5 days of video that got cut for that 30 min video and fail to learn that hunting is a ethic based sport? I haven't seen it yet but what's next is some roidfreak going to run pass me on trail only to pass him in mile benchpressing a log and counting off hammering37, hammering38...

Should we start spot burning key influencers? Lets say we do, will consequence be video quality drop hiding landscape and directly impact their "likes"? Will it make it harder for them to create content between lose of spots and reduced video quality? Lots of questions, any answers?
I don’t think they are going to care about you spot burning the Hill Ranch, the San Carlos, the Deseret, or any of these other high dollar elk/deer amusement parks. None of us average folk could afford it anyway.
I've thought about making a fake video of a monster bull harvest in an obvious spot in a crappy unit and seeing how many people I can get to burn their points.
Are all youtube hunters hated here or just Cam Hanes and Elkshape? haha I like watching hunting youtube during the off-season and whenever I'm bored.
Burn the worst influencer spots to the ground with location hints hidden in the videos. If you shoot anything you should be in a crazy dumb costume like this T-rex, blaze orange vest. 1706222338999.gif
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