Protesters/Rioters? Storm Capital

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Are those if you in fiscally responsible states interested in paying for bankrupt California/Illinois/New York irresponsible spending and million dollar state employee pensions for which they contribute 4% in exchange for Democratic votes?
Please provide the source of this Quid pro quo so we can provide it to the voters of her district.
Communism doesn’t work. Is anyone here aware that Nancy Pelosi demanded a blue state bailout as a condition to the latest $600 stimulus check bill? Are those if you in fiscally responsible states interested in paying for bankrupt California/Illinois/New York irresponsible spending and million dollar state employee pensions for which they contribute 4% in exchange for Democratic votes?

This is what happens when you try to force socialism down American’s throats. Pound sand Nancy.

Some of those blue states send way more money to the federal government then they receive back.
When you have the biggest fiscal hawks like Rand and McConnell representing a state like KY that is basically subsidized by federal dollars you really shouldn't tossing stones while your waiting with your hands out on the dole line.

I couldn't fill my freaking living room with politicians that actually walked the walk when it comes to being fiscally conservative.

So instead of tossing labels that are designed to do nothing but incite division, how about with try for some actual solutions that stem from our commonality
I didn’t hear the word vote in there anywhere. Also didn’t see any facts about a quid pro quo. Can you provide facts we can go to her voters with to help make change?

Also Fox News or CNN should not be used as a source for anything factual. The exact same situation will be told in two completely different lights. Thusly, painting their view as absolutely right and the other is absolutely wrong.
Lawful behavior and respect for property is only a sacred idea when pointed at people of color. Got it. Thank you Trump-enablement hotline for the clarification.

One day that involves formally confirming the next president of the United States, encouraged by our outgoing president and the building being our seat of government. Context matters. All violence and destruction is a crime, but some acts are more than that.
I wouldn’t ever consider it a sacred idea. Noble or right.

Destruction of property and violence is wrong, skin color doesn’t matter, context is mute albeit maybe in a time of war.

Media beautifying BLM and Defund Police burning and rioting all summer, honestly surprised it was that calm yesterday. If media covered Portland and other areas like they covered DC yesterday perhaps yesterday would have been different.
Some of those blue states send way more money to the federal government then they receive back.
When you have the biggest fiscal hawks like Rand and McConnell representing a state like KY that is basically subsidized by federal dollars you really shouldn't tossing stones while your waiting with your hands out on the dole line.

I couldn't fill my freaking living room with politicians that actually walked the walk when it comes to being fiscally conservative.

So instead of tossing labels that are designed to do nothing but incite division, how about with try for some actual solutions that stem from our commonality
My Indiana is not Kentucky, home of the #1 lowest funded pension system in the United States. Indiana has a 1% cap on property taxes, so the most corrupt liberal Democratic politicians don’t come here for their careers.
I didn’t hear the word vote in there anywhere. Also didn’t see any facts about a quid pro quo. Can you provide facts we can go to her voters with to help make change?

Also Fox News or CNN should not be used as a source for anything factual. The exact same situation will be told in two completely different lights. Thusly, painting their view as absolutely right and the other is absolutely wrong.
Read the stimulus bill! Or just Google or YouTube and you can watch video of Nancy commenting on her bailout quid pro quo. This is no big secret, just not publicized by our liberal media. I actually have a real job and must work now! I’m not your mommy.
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Not just a guy , a man I’ve know 45 years ! A man who showed great character in a situation I witnessed when most would not have. A man who is truly a good person and who was there! He posted on Facebook that the protester was shot by police hours before the press. He was close enough to the Capital building to hear the shots . A witness posting on Facebook and still posting videos and pictures. He is going to be interview by the FBI for his pictures and eye witness account . Not just a guy !
Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying he is lying. I am sure to him there is truth in it. It is very much evident by your post you hold him in high regard. My point was there are facts that need to come out to make a decision. Everything there is on camera, the actual truth will come out. In our courts we don’t make a damming conviction on hearsay.
Read the stimulus bill! Or just Google or YouTube and you can watch video of Nancy commenting on her bailout quid pro quo. This is no big secret, just not publicized by our liberal media! I actually have a real job and must work now!

If you bring it here you need to be able to back it up. Throwing out lies and unsubstantiated theorys is what got us in this mess to begin with.

If your throwing a jab at me about a REAL job. I just spent the last 15 years defending your right to your opinions. I would suggest you keep them to yourself if your not adding anything of value to a decent conversation.
My Indiana is not Kentucky, home of the #1 lowest funded pension system in the United States. Indiana has a 1% cap on property taxes, so the most corrupt liberal Democratic politicians don’t come here for their careers.
The only thing less accurate then your facts are your labels.
For example "liberal" NY has significantly more robustly funded pension system then Indiana. I am not sure why you think anyone party in this government is responsible for that considering they are both there and responsible all functions both good and bad of our government.

However this thread is not about pension funding, nor is about any other partisan whataboutisms that you might come up with, so why dont you stop tossing labels around and degrading the conversation
I’m not one to engage in political debates, but two things are for certain to me. Those wing nuts that entered the capitol and clashed with police sending it into lock down do not represent the thoughts and actions of the majority of Americans, regardless of political flavor. Someone said it in an earlier post but they are just the antifa of the right.

The second thing im certain of is there had to be credible intelligence that something like this could happen yesterday. The command staff and decision makers who designed the security and logistics ops plans failed miserably. Watching that angry hoard clash with police inside of the capitol and immediately overwhelm them was tough for me to watch. You can see the panic in the officers eyes when it happens and see how dangerous of a situation it turns into immediately.

I can’t help to notice in all of the footage aired in the news that many of these nuts recorded their crimes with cell phones. I’m sure whichever alphabet agency investigates the incident is going to be spending quite a bit of time dumping phones, identifying people and charging them. I hope they ID all of them and set a precedent with an extremely harsh punishment. Make an example of them to dissuade this from happening ever again.
I can't wait to see what Trump tweets today. Maybe he'll surprise me but I wouldn't be surprised if he makes this all worse.
One thing for sure, when the dust settles Congress and State Legislatures better get to work trying to come up with a solution to make elections trustworthy again, or next time whichever side looses will likely repeat today’s events...or worse. Dems spent four years trying to delegitimize the President screaming about “Russian” collusion, Trumpists have been screaming for 60 days about a perceived stolen election. Now the precedent is set that if you loose then the election was “rigged”. We can’t survive this kind of distrust in the system for long.
This is my biggest fear. Millions did felt that Trump cheated with the Russians to win the elections. This election millions think that when the Democrats went around the state legislators and changed elections laws that they were cheating. When one side thinks the other side is cheating they will use there belief to justify doing the same thing themselves.
It wouldn't be that hard to cheat. I could have done it this past election. Of course I didn't and would not in the future but the opportunity was there. I received a ballot in the mail from my son to vote in Montana. He has lived in SD for the past two years. It would have been easy to fill it out, forged his name and dropped it in the mail. I would like to think that this would be caught by election officials but the reality is there is a good chance it would not have. Election laws need to be tightened up to ensure that there is one person one vote or we will always have half the country not accepting elections from now on.
I'm a little shocked that this was even allowed to happen, it was not a 'surprise' situation that the the protestors showed up and there certainly should be enough security forces around Washington to stop illegal entry into our capitol buildings...correct?
Little known can walk around a lot of places at the Capitol building area and offices as long as you clear a normal security checkpoint. My wife was there a few years ago and was able to see the offices of many reps. The door to John McCain's office was open and you could see in.
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