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Protesters/Rioters? Storm Capital

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Really? I didn’t realize the trial of the police officers in Minneapolis had been held. I was thinking it was scheduled for March. And it’s interesting to hear the left suddenly place an emphasis on “evidence”. Sure didn’t work that way when it Trump/Russia, Trump/Russia, “Trump called veterans losers”, etc. I guess it depends upon whose ox is being gore.
Stop and put on your thinking cap on for a moment. The officer was kneeling on the suspect’s neck, suspect says he can’t breathe, officer disregarded it, suspect passed out, officer disregarded it and failed to provide any aid, suspect died. Note I didn’t say the officer murdered him. That’s for the court to decide. However to paint it as anything other than unjust is disingenuous. As to the rest of your stuff, I have no idea what you are talking about and see no bearing to what it has on the legitimacy of the election results.
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Not to derail this immediately, but you have riots that were incited by:

1) A black guy unjustly killed by a white cop (AGAIN)
2) A completely unproven election conspiracy

Comparing the two is inane. That said, I don't support or condone violence for either circumstance.

The violence today is what happens when people worship a person more than a democracy.
As a counterbalance, I want a healthy form of conservatism to exist in our government. This would be a good step towards the GOP salvaging that.

You'd think that light would have went on a LONG time ago. Like injecting disinfectant. Or inhaling UV light. Or "I know so much about medicine I could have been a doctor if I hadn't decided to become president." Right. Couldn't get through high school but thinks he's a natural born brain surgeon. Would a sane person say such crazy stuff? And then that stunt phoning Georgia's Secty of State over the weekend. I mean, that's just nuts! He knew they were recording him. Wow!

No president in the history of the US has worked harder to NOT get reelected. What is wrong with these people? The majority of Americans didn't want him in 2016. Why is it so hard for these idiots wrap their heads around him losing again?

I think it is laughable that someone on here thinks the social media outfits should be liable for allowing incendiary posts. The posters should be liable. Start with the Tweeter-in-Chief.
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Not to derail this immediately, but you have riots that were incited by:

1) A black guy unjustly killed by a white cop
2) A completely unproven election conspiracy

Comparing the two is inane. That said, I don't support or condone violence for either circumstance.

The violence today is what happens when people worship a person more than a democracy.
I don’t believe either were proven. The video of George Floyd certainly appeared unjust, but watching the entire event and knowing the results of the autopsy (fentanyl OD) leaves a lot to investigate.

The violence today AND for the entire summer are the result of people feeling unheard.
I don’t believe either were proven. The video of George Floyd certainly appeared unjust, but watching the entire event and knowing the results of the autopsy (fentanyl OD) leaves a lot to investigate.

The violence today AND for the entire summer are the result of people feeling unheard.
The election fraud claim has been disproven again and again and again.
The summer of BLM was a mostly peaceful protest and today (ONE day) was violent domestic terrorism on a “sacred” building.

Got it. Thank you MSM for the clarification.

Lawful behavior and respect for property is only a sacred idea when pointed at people of color. Got it. Thank you Trump-enablement hotline for the clarification.

One day that involves formally confirming the next president of the United States, encouraged by our outgoing president and the building being our seat of government. Context matters. All violence and destruction is a crime, but some acts are more than that.
Totally disagree I would like to see a country that values liberties more than democracy. Kind of like our forefathers.. True democracy is just mob rule and that actual power and rights do not come from a select few or even a majority but that they these rights are inherent. That we would value those rights..
America has the advantage of having democratic rule of law, with mob rule being held in check by individual liberties enshrined in the constitution. I personally favor policies that recognize individual liberties. I vote for candidates who share this value, and I’m all for utilizing the courts to challenge encroachment on constitutional rights. Ballot box and the courtroom.

Other voting citizens favor democratic rule over individual liberties, and their political actions to promote this value contradict my actions, but that is their RIGHT in a free society.

Where some Trump supporters have really fallen off the rails is the means taken to attempt to regain eroded liberties: threats, intimidation, lies, spreading rumors, misinformation, false accusations, violence, bigotry, property destruction, etc. These actions are antithetical to the continued existence of a civil society, and threaten the foundations of the protection of law. IMO this issue transcends politics, and strikes to the core of what it means to be a good citizen.

No more shenanigans of refusing to honor the democratic election process - I won’t give my vote. I thought Trump was mostly harmless bluster, but after today it’s evident it has caused real harm.

Look around at the flags, clothes, and incantations. To witness these followers turn on their own party and even their own ideology, is a glimpse into the cults of personality of yesteryear. It’s often deeper than even their religion and there’s a darkness to it.

It’s certainly not limited to one side of the political spectrum, but it is at the most visible I have ever seen in my life.

The acuteness of this statement pained me.
I don't have words to describe the logic behind this miserable representation of a protest though same can be said of all violent protests...

Trump needs to condemn this garbage. He needs to pass the baton to Biden and move on.

Same with murdering law enforcement members nationwide in the name of BLM, rioting cities, assaulting federal buildings.
BLM "protesters" must cast out the scum who encite violence.

People need to wrap their head around peaceful protest. It would seem protests are elevating though history doesn't seem to agree. Maybe it's the time frame between protests... seems they're building intensity upon each other and quicker

No clue. Very disappointed with the inference behind "protests"... do peaceful protests exist?

Seems more protests originate with peaceful intentions though tantrums rise because their protest isn't gaining the attention or outcome desired...

There is no going back for Trump at this point, condemning it would be meaningless to both his supporters and anyone else.

Lets call a spade a spade Trump been inciting and laying this out since before the election.
When before a single ballot it cast the president already stated that anything other than his victory can only happen because of fraud and deceit he undermine the democratic process to an extent that i havent seen in my lifetime.
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There is no going back for Trump at this point, condemning it would be mean-less, to both his supporters and anyone else.

Lets call a spade a spade Trump been inciting and laying this out since before the election.
When before a single ballot it cast the president already stated that anything other than his victory can only happen because of fraud and deceit he undermine the democratic process to an extent that i havent seen in my lifetime.
Let's not forget he tried to do the same thing in 2016, but didn't plan on actually winning. Then, he set up a commission to investigate voter "fraud" which quietly disbanded after finding nothing. It's so painfully obvious what he's doing, it's hard to imagine how any adult can fall for his b.s.
Time for a class action lawsuit against social media companies that use AI that intentionally foments hate and division? Those who own these systems understand this is how they generate traffic and can't be bothered by the negative affects it creates.
that's not entirely accurate, but facebook does suck
This has rung true for me the last 18 months - lifelong friends with whom I have shared much including fairly thoughtful and nuanced political thoughts for decades who have suddenly turned in to trump chanting zombies - I don't get it, but if it can happen to these well educated, well connected and successful folks, I can see how it could have powerful allure to those less educated, less connected and feeling disenfranchised from the American dream. Frankly it is a bit scary that normally rational people are one weird year away from surrending independent thought and logic. I guess it helps us understand what happened in Nazi Germany (I am not calling Trump or his supporters Nazi's, I am referring to a successful, well educated, orderly society descending in to the madness of one person)

I have experienced the same thing. It hit home at the last P&Y convention where DJT2 was speaker. I stood slack jawed while a few of the attendees professed how DJT2 should succeed his father and afterwards his brothers and sisters should succeed him as president. I was listening to successful, intelligent, freedom loving men fawning over the idea replacing our republic with a hereditary dictatorship.

No idea, right where the peas and wheat meet. 10 dozen full bodies, birds were stale, need some weather but still some dumb ones.

Epstein didn’t kill himself, and it’s all about money.

lards and honks on the river tomorrow, supposed to snow.. what a blessing.

carry on.
A friend posted today he was at the protest and he posted on Facebook do not believe the news. It was a peaceful protest with hundreds of thousands of people, he doubts it was Trump supporters who were involved and made a great point. Nearly a million people or more dispersed without burning or looting the town. I don’t excuse Donald Trump for his actions but let’s see who these criminals are who stormed the capital building before we give blame. Hundreds committed an egregious crime against this country but hundreds of thousands demonstrated in lawful assembly. Any person who entered the Capital building should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. As far as the president I think he destroyed his legacy!
I can't find where hundreds of thousands demonstrated today in DC. Here it says thousands.
USA today on demonstration

Same here: Washington Post

Here on FOX it says several thousand: Fox 2now
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