Kenetrek Boots

Protesters/Rioters? Storm Capital

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One thing for sure, when the dust settles Congress and State Legislatures better get to work trying to come up with a solution to make elections trustworthy again, or next time whichever side looses will likely repeat today’s events...or worse. Dems spent four years trying to delegitimize the President screaming about “Russian” collusion, Trumpists have been screaming for 60 days about a perceived stolen election. Now the precedent is set that if you loose then the election was “rigged”. We can’t survive this kind of distrust in the system for long.
Ok I’ll bite.

can’t understand most everyone’s double thinking. Where have you all been when Portland and Seattle were invaded and FEDERALLY owned buildings were damaged and taken over. Yet today everyone is fired up?
All I know is I have felt safer, made a crapload more money, 401k is up 30%, been able to hire more people, paid less taxes, been able to donate a bunch to charities, stave off the anti gunners, keep my insurance, and on and on in the last 4 years.
This will all be drastically reduced very quickly. Socialism is great until you run out of peoples money. And no I didn’t get a stimulus check.
Did some of you also vote to introduce wolves also in Colorado?
Afraid to comment on this.

Here is a primer on "Q" for the un-initiated. Note that this article is not from an evangelical source, but it is VERY careful not to condemn evangelicals.
I sent this article to my pastor about a week ago. He had not heard of "Q", but had the earlier permutations. He says he has had similar encounters to that of Pastor Frailey.

This is scary stuff and it is entrenched.

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Afraid to comment on the this.

Here is a primer on "Q" for the un-initiated. Note that this article is not from an evangelical source, but it is VERY careful not to condemn evangelicals.

This is scary stuff and it is entrenched.

I have a cousin whose daughter has gotten caught up in Qanon. That's exactly how she got involved.
I can't believe all the Trump hate here. Decades of being lied to that are politicians were going to control the illegals coming across the border. Jobs sent to China and other countries for the benefit of the rich while we were told to be happy with trinkets of cheap junk from there. Stupid, wasteful, endless wars. Our establishment has failed and let us down. The non career politician Trump gets elected and this failed establishment spent four years lying and conspiring to get rid of him. Hell yes people are mad.
“The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.” George Washington

Imagine a United States without politicians having a R, D or any other party abbreviation beside their name. People running on merit, content of character, moral principles, experience. The electorate would have to actually learn about a candidate and make their choice. The majority of the American electorate is to lazy to do this so I don't even know if a "no labels" ideology would even work at this point.
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Just look at the pics of yesterday! Our local stadiums will hold 80K people in concerts (on the field also). There was WAYYY more than a stadium full of people there.
I hate rioters on either side but some folks don’t like seeing our free country being turned into just another corrupt socialist country. Many will not just sit aside and let it happen.
Only the "News" has announced that this was a Republican lead insurrection. There are no facts to date.

But I will ask all of you, HOW/WHY was it soooooo easy, today, for ANYONE to storm into our Nations electoral process and try to usurp the laws of our Republic ????

Our Government structure has not failed. The Swamp Frogs consistently re-voted into office have.
He also spent 4 years lying.
And the POTUS before him spent 8 years lying, and the one before him spent 4 years lying and......
Not to mention during this same time how many of our Congressman/woman were lying.....
And on BOTH the left and right...... not just the right......
The old can tell a politician is lying because his lips are moving..........

Yesterday what happened was a terrible thing, I think most would agree. I hope I never see it happen again. And
I hope that in the future our election processes are cleaned up and become transparent so that never again is there
any doubt to be had, at ANY level of government, to lead to this type of chaos.
I've been looking into my own state's issues and try to find out the discrepancies that do not appear 'clear'. Not sure
the answers are available. But just the doubt cast with this last election makes me wonder.. 'does my vote, or will my
vote even matter' if things have or can be manipulated...... I've lost a lot of faith in America's government.
But just the doubt cast with this last election makes me wonder.. 'does my vote, or will my
vote even matter' if things have or can be manipulated...... I've lost a lot of faith in America's government.
The only doubt that shrouded this election was the constant toxic rhetoric which was found by both side of isle and the judges to be false. If something is broadcast enough there are those that will start to believe it.

In every election there will be a small amount of discrepancies. Nothing has been manipulated, they were heavily scrutinized and the results are clear. If any one expects 159,633,396 votes to go off with a few hiccups they are dreaming.

Just to be clear I didn’t vote for the President Elect. However, I will support him as he is a duly elected president.
Communism doesn’t work. Is anyone here aware that Nancy Pelosi demanded a blue state bailout as a condition to the latest $600 stimulus check bill? Are those if you in fiscally responsible states interested in paying for bankrupt California/Illinois/New York irresponsible spending and million dollar state employee pensions for which they contribute 4% in exchange for Democratic votes?

This is what happens when you try to force socialism down American’s throats. Pound sand Nancy.
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