Probably a little overthinking… 7mm-08

If you wanna pick up a few bricks & send em this way...
None of the local shops (50 miles) have had bricks of primers to sell.
Those that do have primers are selling by the pack (100) limit 2 packs.
And no large rifle or small pistol.

I do business with a distributor/wholesaler. Sign on their door still reads " no primers, don't even ask".
I'm tempted to get some Starline 308 small primer brass and neck it down just so I have something I can use. They have tons of small rifle primers there.
I've not heard too many espouse that load as a tack driver. Plain Jane Green/Yellow box Rem 140 gr ammo does well enough for many, as well as White box Winchesters.

I'm a hand loader, so I tinkered until I decided to stop wasting time, effort, & money and settled on "my" load. Still I've got a reserve of Federals that are more than good enough, just in case.
I have rarely seen a rifle that won't shoot the Hornady Whitetail's well. I would also add the blue box Federal PowerShocks to that list.
I was making brass for reloads with some cheap Hornady American Whitetails for my buddies TikkaT3 300 Win. It shot a 15 round 1" group at 100 yards. Which out shot all of the reloads that I ended up making... I told him to buy a case of that stuff and just call it a day
I was making brass for reloads with some cheap Hornady American Whitetails for my buddies TikkaT3 300 Win. It shot a 15 round 1" group at 100 yards. Which out shot all of the reloads that I ended up making... I told him to buy a case of that stuff and just call it a day
A friend has a Ruger American 7mm-08. It will shoot almost one hole 3 shot groups with the Hornady American Whitetail loads.
I'll throw another vote out there for the american whitetail factory loads. Shoot very well out of 2 7mm-08's. And best of all it is "cheap." Also their precision hunter line has shot extremely well in every gun/caliber ive used them in, i've had mixed results on game but they shoot so good i keep trying it.

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