Yeti GOBOX Collection

Podcast on Montana Mule Deer ideas

I don't think we disagree. NR caps is a big selling point for people in regions 6 and 7. The problem is most of the hunters live in other regions and caps in 6 and 7 translate into more NR in there hunting place.
I don’t see this moving the needle for mule deer hunting pressure in eastern Montana. Still better than what we have now with the rut hunt I guess though.
I don’t see this moving the needle for mule deer hunting pressure in eastern Montana. Still better than what we have now with the rut hunt I guess though.

The data that the group looked at suggests that the split in seasons, coupled with the move to Oct for MD and Nov for WT means that more NR's will choose Whitetail than they currently do. FWP data suggests that residents favor whitetail over MD, so if anything I'd expect to see a leveling out in terms of choice, and more self-selection in where people hunt.

Region 7 could still utilize limited entry districts under this proposal, or they could have choose your region for R's 6 & 7. Keeping broad commission authority to enact regional and location specific management is a cornerstone of the group's ethic. The proposal should not be viewed as a 1 size fits all approach, but rather a foundation that's based more on hunter pressure and wildlife distribution as opposed to only considering hunter opportunity.
This was a great Podcast. Couple things I know that won't happen but would really help.

1. Mandatory Reporting and if you don't report. You don't hunt that species next year (we've been doing that here for the last 3 years and it works)

2. Does Montana allow Hunters feeding the Hungry? Could you not use a program like that to help draw down the Cow Elk numbers? Say some group like BHA or something meets up for a weekend or 2 and tries to partner with landowners to meet some sort of quota? I dunno, just spitballing ideas
I agree and this is an easy sell in regions 6 and 7. Not nearly as easy to sell in the rest of the state. People in the western part of the state are happy see those Washington hunters buying gas, beer and a motel room on there way east as long as they do not stay more than the night.
Back to what seemed to be one of the major points, “for the good of the resource “.

This is not really a comment to your comment AR, just perspective after reading a few on this thread.
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