Please help August!!! The pup who’s seen it all.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2018
Post with @Big Fin approval.

First of all I would like to introduce August we like to call him Augustus or Gus. Gus is a Boxer and around 1 year old. About a month ago he was brought into my wife’s work after the previous owners waited 5 days after he was hit by a car and was paralyzed in his rear legs. After being examined the previous owner declined and treatment because of money. The next day the owner returned and asked to euthanize him. My wife’s work contacted the rescue Scoot to the Stars. The recuse was going to work with going to work with the previous owners and pay for everything. The owners decided that for whatever reason they did not want him anymore a couple days later and surrendered him to the rescue.

It was at this time we put in an application to foster him and we’ve had him since Labor Day. Gus was doing great and getting stronger everyday, he went from being unable to support himself with his rear legs to being able to walk with just a little support to now being able to walk unsupported with needing just a little support when he uses the bathroom. Gus was also neutered just over a week ago. Everything was going great with Gus getting lots of love and support on road to recovery.

This all changed on Thursday night. I just got back from my pronghorn hunt. I just fed the dogs and put Gus back in his crate. I went out to unload some stuff out of the camper. When I came back into the house I discovered Gus standing in his crate and he was drooling a lot and there was blood mixed in with the drool. He had a bone treat filled with some type of filling to help him stay busy since he is on strict crate rest. My wife got home a couple of minutes later and we tried to look in his mouth thinking a piece of bone broke off and lodged in his mount. He would cry out in pain and wouldn’t let us look in his mouth. We called the recuse and let them know what was going on and we rushed him to an urgent care vet. The vet working there worked with my wife in the past and he specialized in ortho. As soon as he looked at Gus he said it look like his jaw was shifting. After X-rays it was confirmed that the right side of his jaw was broke.
My wife made some phone calls to the vets at her worked and they switched some surgeries around and they would get him taken care of on Friday. While we were at the urgent care vet I looked on the camera we have for the pets and the video caught the accident. While I was outside Gus somehow got his mouth caught in the kennel and when he jerked away he raised the front of the kennel off the ground. The thought is that his jaw was fractured when he was hit as his lower left k9 was broke and he had a few scabs on his head where his head hit the pavement.
Friday was surgery day and he was dropped off early for the surgery. He was out for about 4 hours. They pulled his lower left k9 and another tooth and then wired his left jaw to stabilize the jaw so it can heal. He is at home now recovering peacefully with the help of some pain pills. He was able to eat food last night and this morning.

I’m askingfor help to raise funds for the recuse to cover all the cost of surgeries that poor Gus has undergone this last month. Below is the link to the rescue where you can donate for Gus. Thanks for everyone’s time and I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated on his progress.



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