Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Phishing attempts…..show us what they have tried


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
No Nigerian Princess this time, but a text from a bank that I do not have an account with, asking me to reply to a link if I hadn’t made a Target purchase.


Mind yourselves out there ladies and gentlemen!

What you got from other scummeisters out there?
Interesting. Series on cbs news recently about scammers in Africa ripping off old folks. Video interviews in the village. Huts with internet.
Same company has tv series fbi international.....................................?

One drone.
Lawlessness has taken over instead.
World wide.
I get a lot of emails of how I'm a heir of some rich Asian or Indian and I need to click the link to access my millions. Or that I need to confirm some purchase with my bitcoin that I don't own on PayPal that I also don't use.

Now if I start getting messages of someone gifted me an elk tag in Wyoming or New Mexico then they might just get me to consider clicking the link.
I get a lot of emails of how I'm a heir of some rich Asian or Indian and I need to click the link to access my millions. Or that I need to confirm some purchase with my bitcoin that I don't own on PayPal that I also don't use.

Now if I start getting messages of someone gifted me an elk tag in Wyoming or New Mexico then they might just get me to consider clicking the link.
Yep just checked the junk folder and here is a PayPal order, at least I didn't use bitcoin this time. 🙄

I've had my phone number for over ten years and I still get messages intended for the previous user of the number. I know waaaaayyyy too much about her private life! She has at least 2 inappropriately-behaved ex-boyfriends, a weird purchase history at Walgreens, a car she evidently never picked up from the mechanic's, she doesn't keep her appointment at the dentist, and I think I once accidentally shut down her bank account with one of those "did you authorize this transaction? Reply YES to allow, reply NO to automatically restrict activity to your bank account" texts. I replied "NO" before realizing that we've never banked with that institution but 'S' did. Oops.
We get the McAfee one all the time, but more commonly lately, the "need to confirm your address for a package you're receiving".
The latest for me was an email posing as Xfinity saying my bill was overdue. Had the correct logos and everything. The kicker was that we had just canceled my wife's credit card a couple of weeks before that so it could have been feasible. I didn't fall for it.
Several times I've gotten calls telling me that the sheriff was going to haul me off in handcuffs if I didn't get some gift cards and use them to pay some fines, I didn't know I had. I tell them I'll have the coffee on for him when he arrives. Sheriff never does show up.

A friend's dad contacted him to ask if he would take him to the bank to withdraw $1500 so that he could buy some Walmart gift cards to pay the processing fee for the multimillion-dollar lottery he had just won. He had a hell of a time convincing him that he didn't win some lottery that he didn't even buy a ticket for.

They had a news story the other day where someone used AI to generate the voice of a person's loved one, asking for money to get out of jail.
That wouldn't work with me. I figure a couple of nights in jail never hurt anyone.
Just returned from vacation in Mexico...got a email the second day back saying that the "item I purchased in Bacalar was being held in customs and to click the lick for additional information" problemo being that A- I was in Isla Mujeres not Bacalar and B- I never bought anything!

Interesting that someone(s) had both my email addy and also knew that I was vacationing in Mexico :unsure:
I like the ones that say "LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ON ROUTE TO YOUR LOCATION" :eek:
I'm also amazed at how many e-mails I get telling me that someone has tried to log into my Facebook acct and requires immediate action. Never had facebook.
Or my subscription has expired to things I've never joined.
I'm also constantly "winning" things from Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware :unsure: Just click on this link :ROFLMAO:
Got one today that was very straight to the point. Just a text message that read "What was the last animal that you adopted?"
Got a very official looking email from [email protected] saying there was suspicious activity- an $1100 purchase at Apple. Told me to log in to secure my account.

Red flag- I wasn’t the recipient in the “to” section. It had a generic greeting instead of directly to me. I didn’t get a notification on my phone.

I didn’t click the link in the email. Logged in on a separate browser, didn’t see anything, and reported the email.

But I’ll be damned if it wasn’t the most convincing phishing attempt I’ve seen.
I got one that was funny. Straight out said they hacked my computer and they would turn over all my inappropriate search history to my employer if I didn’t send them $2500 immediately. It was my work computer…my work monitors all my activity. It was funny that they were simply so straight forward with attempt at blackmail.

I don’t have anything inappropriate in any of my computers (well my hunting sites show up as mature content when my wife put blockers on to keep my son on the straight and narrow). Be careful out there…some of these groups are pretty good at their BS!

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