Phishing attempts… us what they have tried

I get a text all the time from “USPS” about a package that can’t get delivered due to the wrong address. Please click on the link and verify your address.
My mom who is living in assisted living but will soon move into memory care had forgotten how to retrieve text messages on her iPhone. I walked her through the process of opening up the texts and asked her to find the family group chat. After reading those back to me I asked what else she had for messages.

USPS package scam x 3. I was going to walk her through deleting the texts and blocking the caller, but thought she might accidentally click the phishing link so I asked her to ignore those texts.
A couple years ago scammers got ahold of our CFOs info and came close to convincing our bank to transfer close to $1M to a different accounts payable. Luckily the bankers know us and called to verify what we were doing. Now both the bank and us have all kinds of procedures in place to change electronic deposit info.
Sister in laws email sent this to my wife. Mrs kansasdad clicked on a link, and it seems that lots of people in her email address book are now getting the same email generated in her name.

Got a text today purporting to be from the pastor of our church. (I'm thinking he must have gotten a new cell number. ) Said he was way too busy and was going to miss a deadline to get apple gift cards "for a couple of church ladies in the hospital with cancer"

1) It's a small church. I would know if there were ladies in the hospital.
2) A lot of little old church ladies looking for Apple gift cards?

I call the pastor on his old number and he picks up. No, he is not looking for gift cards for dying ladies.

I'll play to see how far this goes.
"I can get them today. How many, what values, how soon?"
"$600 should do it. 3 $200 each. After purchasing, I need you to unwrap them and take photos of the actual cards. Send me the photos here so I can distribute them easily.
Bring the physical cards to me at church tomorrow (Apparently this new Pastor is Adventist) so I can give you cash or check"
"Happy Phishing"

Just got from USPS:
"Your International package cannot be released due to-insufficient postage. Please click on this link so the Post Office can process your package."

Good but not good enough, dumass didn't hide their email address at all.
A friend likes to engage the scam callers by saying please hold for sec the slightly putting hand over receiver and speaking loudly "Hey Sarge, do you have the duty reports for Captain yet?". Click
I just got a message on my phone, telling me someone just ordered a play station for $999 on my Walmart account and I should call if it wasn't me.

I'm not too worried since I don't have a Walmart account, but I hope they enjoy the play station.
Just got a very nice opportunity from the IRS. It was tempting but I don't think IRS uses 🤷🏻‍♂️ Do I have to tell everyone don't click on link?
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

You are eligible to receive a $1,400 Economic Impact Payment. Please provide your accurate personal information. We will deposit the amount into your bank account or mail a paper check within 1 to 2 business days.

Killed link

(Please reply with "Y," then exit the text message. Open it again, click the link, or copy it into your Safari browser and open it.)