Yeti GOBOX Collection

PawClaws, You got a problem?

Originally posted by pawclaws:
"Please tell me how to make it all better." - - E. G.

Well ElkGunner, all you have to do is say right here in front of God and everybody: " Gee Phil, I'm sorry I called you a liar. I know deep down in my heart that you didn't lie to me and I was totally out of line by insinuating that you did!" That's all ElkGunner; oh..., plus quit being an asshole!

Gee Phil, I'm sorry I called you a liar. (And even worse, I feel bad that this whole thing was a misunderstanding, as I have no memory of ever calling you a liar.) I know deep down in my heart that you didn't lie to me and I was totally out of line by insinuating that you did!

There, now all better? Oh yeah, don't worry about me being an "asshole", as I never have been one, never will. I have frequently been called a "smart ass", and I take that as a badge of pride, as it just shows my hard work at my skoolin' paid off.

By the way, if you have time, could you let me know where I called you a liar???
Feclnogn: :D :D :D (Oh my ribs hurt!!) LMAO
Moosie; only time will tell! Meanwhile since EG won't be tied up with badgering me, why don't you see if he will help you with your spelling? ;)
It's not the spelling that needs Help its the Typing :D My goal some day it to type with more then jsut 2 fingers. Because On words like Just,,, I always have the left Finger beat the Right finger to the "s" before the "u" so the word 9 times out of 10 = "Jsut" So if you see me spell Just right its because i went back And changed it :D

I also do most of my work for the State of Idaho.. They run a Upper/Lower case text. So a Sentence like :

Before you can strive to build something great, you must first begin with an idea.

Would be written like :

Before you can Strive to Build Something Great, you must First Begin with an Idea.

that Fuggs me up when I type with 2 fingers and then come to the Board with usually 2-3 mins a Wack during the Day and Hurry up and Type something.....With the Fingers Beating the Others and the SHift Button Held Down 1/2 the Time My......But hey, As long as ya Understand I think thats all that matters :D

HEHE I said "BUTT HAY" ;)

OHHH crap, I'm explaining myself like you usually do !! CRAP, Have I stooped to needing to Explain myself even if It's Irreli.. Irella... Irelev ... Uhhhh Unimportant ;)
I actually don't even Lok at he Keys really 1/2 the Time.. But it's hard to keep my place so Leters Close to the Other ones pop in every now and then. I should Record me typing sometime and Post it. I'm the only dork I've met that Types this way. I'm guessing I can Type as fast or faster them most here but the Accuracy is only about 10% ;)

No need to be formal, Just call me a "Pecker".
I can type fast, watch.alghalhglkasnb;lkjan;lsjdhgpkjeahypoin ;blknb;lshdgplkjeabn;lkabsn;kasjbfnl;aknbv;lkspiurhyepoijrpoiawjfd'la,
And while you are digging why don't you dig up where I miss quoted you and took your words out of context.

"The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it." --John Ruskin

Toil on!
Nemont, I pulled the Quote out of his Post directly, It wasn't from a Miss quote. That being said, I'm sure since he requested Gunner to say Sorry... He will inreturn, do the same to you .... ?

"Philanecrophile" ? does that have to do with Sex and Dead animals ?!?! ;)

TOM.... So are you bragging that you Spell better then me too

(AHHHh I am Funny today :D )
Thanks for clearing that up. I feel so much better now. :D Anyway I will still have to live with the shame of Paws thinking I am a butt hole. :rolleyes:

I bet when EG orginally posted this he didn't think it would require 93 responses to finish.

You're welcome Nemont. Now that I "BUTTERED" you up and took your Side, I want a duck and Antelope hunt. Since we always are only nice to people we're using :cool:

The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.
Herbert Agar
As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand.

Honesty is the rarest wealth anyone can possess, and yet all the honesty in the world ain't lawful tender for a loaf of bread.

:D :rolleyes:


Buuuahahahahah !!
paws reminds me of a couple others of the moosie family thats was always about ready to,just got done with or still thinking about kicking someones ass, can anyone guess who?
"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be." --Thomas a Kempis
You are on. Ducks and Antelope in '05. I'll throw in some field goose hunting as well. Just for you I will throw in a snipe hunt. :D

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