Caribou Gear

PawClaws, You got a problem?

Snipe ? Say it ain't so ;) '05 will be AK for Moose/Bou again for Me (maybe) so We'll see what plays out... But I'm excited about the snipe ;)

Paws, Speak for yourself bud,

"since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be."

Remember , I'm all that and A bag of chips :D

280.... Dunno.... ;)
c`mon moosie ya have to remember our hero`s Pug Boykin, and Thumper, they were an ass kickin`pair
Hey Paws,

Can you clear up that whole Lies vs. Liar thing????

You got me a bit confused on it. :confused:
Did I call you a liar?

Did I tell lies?

Did you call me a liar?

Did you tell lies?

I hate to think we are having some sort of another mis-understanding, and risking our close friendship... :(
Think about this,,,A Steel Cage Match for the title of Hunt Talk Championship,,Thumper vs Paws???
ElkGunner; you inferred that I was telling lies, you insinuated that I was telling lies and you said that I was telling lies.

Moosie; Always do.
paws, I'm having a hard time keeping track of who said what. I'll feel a lot less confused if you could just copy and paste the quote from EG where he said you were telling lies. Please include the date and time of the post. Once I see that I'll be able to get some sleep again. Thanks in advance for helping to clear all this up.
Originally posted by pawclaws:
ElkGunner; you inferred that I was telling lies, you insinuated that I was telling lies and you said that I was telling lies.

I am still a bit confused, but based on the above answer;

#1 we can rule out that I called you a liar. Mr. Paws, would you agree?

#2 we can rule out that I am a Liar. Mr. Paws, would you agree?

3# therefore, we can surmize that ElkGunner is NOT a liar, nor did he ever call Paws a Liar. Mr. Paws, would you agree?

#4 We can also agree that the remaining issues unclear are a.) if Paws lied and b.) if Paws called ElkGunner a Liar. Mr. Paws, would you agree?

I am really struggling, as I sit here scratching my head, to remember when and where I said you were telling lies. I have re-read thru all these posts, and I can't see a single inferrence, insinuation, or statement to the same.

I think Ithica probably has the best idea, as it is likely the easiest way for all of us to clear this up. And given that we have now gone more than 100 posts in this thread, uniting such adversaries as Moosie and 280, Nemont and Ithica, and Nut and I, it is obvious that the unwashed masses all want to see these inferrences, insinuations, and statements.

You wouldn't be making these up would you??? ;)
And I got a Duck and 'Lope hunt out of the DEAL.. I'm not paying 10% booking fee though PAWS :D

I too would like to see the Answer. I believe Gunner said Sorry as per your request and answered all the questions above. Yet yuo haven't answered him nor Nemont.... If you need, I can Go Edit their Post to have it say what you need ;)

Also, Were is CJCJ

Gunner, Me and 280 are one in the Same, It's kind of like the Movie FIGHT CLUB.... Buuahahaha !!

Time for Someone to Post a Picture of something useless about now right (And a picture of me better not pop up :( )

That is probably the first "picture only" post I have laughed out loud at...

Moosie, since we are so "tight" and all, I think I'll invite myself on your Duck and Lope hunt (and I'll do the Field Goose Hunt, as we know that is a waste of time with your shooting skills).

You'll know which rig is Moosie's coming up the driveway. One window will have beer cans flying out of it, and the other window will have McD's MilkShake cups flying out of it...

I should clear up my adeversary comment with you. It is just that I think you like TurkeyEye better than me, and you take him hunting more often...

Even Lord Moosie wants to see the posts...
paws, I tried to save Moosie and everyone else from having to find the post where EG said you were telling lies, but I couldn't find it. Let's not play hide and seek. If you know where it is please tell us. If you can't produce it pretty soon I'll have to conclude it doesn't exist, and there goes all the credibility and respect you've worked so hard to accumulate. I wouldn't want that to happen.
Ithica you conclude what you damn well please! Now I have heard the last I am going to hear or tolerate regarding me telling lies. I do not lie; that damned simple, get it?