
PawClaws, You got a problem?

btw about this duck and lope hunt??????

Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me
Now, I did Find (And I'm the Only one I might add) where Gunner said You said some Lies, And I posted that Above. So I get Credit for the PAWS side and not just Gunners side.

That Being said, I also Came across PAws Demanding Respect, Threatening to Beat up, Threatening to SUE, and alot of Smart A$$ A-hole behavior. Which he states he doesn't like from others. If need be, I can provide a Bunch of Clips and Snidbits ..but probably won't cuz that does take time.

If you don't need respect, or don't care what others think then :

A: you wouldn't have left the board the first time.
B:Wouldn't have wanted an Appoligy.

Paws, You also Posted ALOT of Info that was Stated to Be FACT and then when Someone Questioned it you told them to look it up themselves. (HArley's come to mind right off the bat) But you wanted proof when Someone posted info...

If I wouldn't know ya and Like ya I would Asume by your Posting that :

You are a Very Edjikated man that doesn't know much...

But Since I personally like ya, I'm not asuming that... Although I'm sure others do.

What are you goingto do for the Next 2 weks while Gunners hunting in Africa ? Ithica better get on the Ball ;)

Thats my Smart Thoughts for the DAY :D
I was Standing up for him 280.... I think Sometimes Words Get confused when ONE posts them sometimes :D
EG & Moosie,

Moosie, since we are so "tight" and all, I think I'll invite myself on your Duck and Lope hunt (and I'll do the Field Goose Hunt, as we know that is a waste of time with your shooting skills).

You'll know which rig is Moosie's coming up the driveway. One window will have beer cans flying out of it, and the other window will have McD's MilkShake cups flying out of it...
Who is getting the rights to the snipe hunt?

I will keep an eye peeled for Moosie's rig. Should be easy to spot. Just a warning Moosie Havre has the last McDonalds until you get to Glasgow, that is a 150 miles W/O a McDonald's shake fix. Just so you can plan accordingly


You got your money's worth.....

Hey Nemont,
We get to drive though "You can Havre"? Cool, we can pick up Axl, and bring a retriever. If we go through the right time of day, MTMiller won't even know.... Now we just have to look for that Yellow house....

Hey Paws,
I think they are picking on you. I'll ask them to stop.

Hey 280,
Can you talk to your buddy Moosie, and tell him to be nice???
I am pretty sure Axl only comes along if mtmiller is with him. I am leaving that little detail up to you.

Thanks ElkGunner; I appreciate it although I'd rather just let them make fools of themselves. Nemont is tiring of playing the baboon. 280 may take a while; I think I remember seeing him playing a part on "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
"I appreciate it although I'd rather just let them make fools of themselves."

Who is "THEM" under those circumstances ? Would "THEM" be self Reflection or myself and my new Cohorts in crime?

Why, with all this sophistication flowing around in this Post I feel Compelled to bring out my lexis of VAst Vocabulary to Fit in now. Unfortunately I’ll fall back into my conventional mode of posting because most of us Don’t like immense expressions..... I feel it looks like we try to Be~little others and Shows we have Small packages :D
Hey Paws,

Not that Moosie mentioning "small packages" made me think to ask you a question, but.........

When you called Wash Hunter a "moron", if it turns out he is not a moron, does that make your statement a "lie", or merely "wrong"?

Hey WH,
Are you a "moron"?
So... If I call someone a Name or say that something they type is Wrong... and then I'm proven otherwise.

Can I :

A: say that they just didn't say It clearly enough

B: say that that I was Mistaken because they are 99% of the time wrong and I was Betting the Average this time


C: just post a Picture.

HEy Gunner, I haven't heard From 280 my Buddy yet so you're a POO POO head and a LIER !!!! I know you are but you have to Find the Post were you did lie before you say you didn't lie......

In my opinion, no. There are some morons on this board, but I think we all know who they are. ;) I wouldn't necessarily say Paws lied about that though. After all he has a right to his opinion. And, I did ask you the idiotic question of whether what you said was a question or a statement. So from that I can see why he feels I'm a moron. Luckily, being a moron in his eyes I can only hope he doesn't see me as a threat, and that he isn't collecting evidence to use against me in a future lawsuit.
If the question was "IDIOTIC", why wouldn't you assume that he's an IDIOT rather than call the question "MORONIC" and state that he's a moron?

Zoowie!!!!!!!!! WH's ODC I have a tee shirt for you.. it says.....

"ZERO TO BITCH IN 3.2 SECONDS"...... Neat lady..

ODC I unfortunately have never met WH, how could I possibly believe he is a moron, idiot, etc? Wake up and smell the chittlins! (Besides, he started it!)
Oh ODC you can e-mail me your number if you wish. I'm not sure I would post it if I were you, telemarketers you know! Let me know when would be the best time to call. :D
Outdoor Chick, NOW My Feelings are Hurt... Sure you stick up for W.H. that belittles gamefarms yet you never stood up for me that hunts them. Remember, I'm not a POO POO head :eek:

I'm HURT ;)

Paws... I thought I used to understand you but have since realised I don't, so In the BAttle of Wit's It's apperent I'm WAY underarmed so I'll bow out..... :cool:
ODC I unfortunately have never met WH, how could I possibly believe he is a moron
An extension of that statement would be, "I have never met Paws, how could I possibly respect him"?

