PawClaws, You got a problem?

Sue were the Moneys at.... I've spent all mine.

ODC, that's Harisment.. saying her-ass-mint could get you sued or beat up !!!!!
Well Nemont , maybe you are having relations with the wrong publics!
Yes I said Moosie is a turd! I'll say it again, "Moosie is a turd"! I ain't scared! He already said he ain't got no money! He can't get to me and can't hire a lawyer! Ha Ha Ha !!

:D :D :D
Moosie is a turd!
Moosie is a turd!
Hi Ho the Pampers Oh..
Moosie is a turd!
:D :D :D
Watch It PAWS ...That is My Moosie your talking about.... I may have to come kick your ASS...... :D I will Sell Roberts Body Until I got the money for Moosie to get a great lawyer....It may take a while MOOSIE :D
Sounds like you may find out about the three rings of marriage: engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering.
Did you know they feed women a special food to kill their sex drive?
- Wedding cake.


Paws only answers questions when they are easy. Tough questions he either calls you out for a fight, tells you his IQ, demands respect or leaves. Oh yeah he also tells people like me, that I like to, "play the butt hole". Then says I am playing a baboon but he never attacks anyone personally. :D

For a genius you sure have a lot of people having to define words for you.

(n.) A gift begged; a present.
(n.) A price, reward, gift, or favor bestowed or promised with a view to prevent the judgment or corrupt the conduct of a judge, witness, voter, or other person in a position of trust.
(n.) That which seduces; seduction; allurement.
(v. i.) To commit robbery or theft.
(v. i.) To give a bribe to a person; to pervert the judgment or corrupt the action of a person in a position of trust, by some gift or promise.
(v. t.) To gain by a bribe; of induce as by a bribe.
(v. t.) To give or promise a reward or consideration to (a judge, juror, legislator, voter, or other person in a position of trust) with a view to prevent the judgment or corrupt the conduct; to induce or influence by a bribe; to give a bribe to.
(v. t.) To rob or steal.
Now that you have slandered me in front of these fine ladies and gentlemen as well as Moosie and EG. I demand you retract your statement about the me bribing anyone. :rolleyes:

Or perhaps you would like to take a long drive to Montana do this man to man.

Am Playing butthole now or being one? :cool: Perhaps this is my baboon act. :confused:

Moosie, "Paws... I thought I used to understand you but have since realised I don't, so In the BAttle of Wit's It's apperent I'm WAY underarmed so I'll bow out..... " -- Moosie said...

... and then Moosie said...

"I'm guessing there is NO-ONE at NAHC that said I was a Smelly Turd... PAws, You are a LIAR... !!"

Sooooooo Moosie, does that make you a........

(n.) A gift begged; a present.

Nope. A bribe is a bribe and you are a briber and Moosie is a bribee. And if you want your ass kicked you come out here and meet me it the Ohio University Convocation Center Gymnasium. It's on Richland Avenue.

(n.) A gift begged; a present.

Nope. A bribe is a bribe and you are a briber and Moosie is a bribee. And if you want your ass kicked you come out here and meet me it the Ohio University Convocation Center Gymnasium. It's on Richland Avenue.
Your speed reading is affecting your comprehension. I said you drive to Montana not me to Ohio. Have you seen the price of gas?
How about the CottonWood Inn and Convention Center, HWY 2 East Glasgow, MT. Let me know in advance I will make it a charity type deal. ;) Winner get's to donate to their favorite causes. My purse would be donated to Walleye Unlimited and Ducks Unlimited. You can leave yours to the alzheimer's unit of the old, retired, cranky defense analyst home for geniuses and speed readers.

How does your day timer look for late August or early September? By then the mosquitoes should be at their worst.

nemont called out paws, will paws accept? eastern montana boys are as tough as they get, except the boys from Butte
"Sooooooo Moosie, does that make you a........

"TURD"???????" "

MAybe.. But it Sums up YOU ARE A LIAR

And thats all we were sueing about anyways .. right ?

I don't think it was YOU that said I was a Turd (Although you did now), It was someone else... a "YAHOO" to be exact. Does this Document Exist or does it not ?!?!

YOU want the truth ..YOU CAN"T handle the TRUTH !!

See easy questions like: Do you want your ass kicked? he will answer. Harder questions like tell us where EG said Paws told lies or even where I misquoted and rewrote stuff happened he won't respond.

Won't even respond to my question about me playing the part of a butthole or baboon. :D :D

Maybe he and I should schedule our little sparring session around the opener of duck season in early October.

More seriously Moosie he has accused you of accepting a bribe. :eek:
Maybe you should retain a good quality third year law student from the University of Montana in Missoula. Go Griz.
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