Kenetrek Boots

PawClaws, You got a problem?

What round is it again???

As a more senior with a respected member, I appreciate your addition of the larger picture.. I didn't know she had a freckle there!!

Hey Paws.. What makes you such a cantankerous ol' wind bag? You're calling names and stirring stuff and generally being a pain in the butt. Didn't you get hugged enough when you were a kid? Did your male authority figure lock you in a closet?

You can tell Moosie,, He likes listening to problems.. He has some wonderful solutions for you.. Just ask him. Get down on one knee and say "Moosie, help me!"..... Go ahead.. It won't hurt.

My guess is he's pissed off because they booted him off the neighborhood watch (aka intelligence committee) in his trailer park ;)

I cannot now possibly offer up another bribe here on this thread
. You could possibly come duck hunting if we reschedule the Main Even for early October when duck hunting season get underway. You could jump in with Paws, since you are both from Ohio and all. ;) He will need a manager and all.

Moosie, I know you are a turd, you know you are a turd. I have accepted the fact and you should too. Wanna dance? Dan
I think this a link to the post that Paws keeps refering to EG saying he was telling lies. You can read it for yourself and see where you think EG does what he is accused of.

:cool: LINK :cool:

Paws have you taken any time to review your previous threads and see if there was a pattern of you wanting to file a lawsuit or call out someone to fight? Just curious.

DFC, I never said I wasn't a Turd. Please Post the Link to were I said I wasn't a turd. I think In fact I said I probably am or might be a Turd... Prove it Or I'll sue you or Kick your ASS :D

Nemont, Paws asked if Gunner called him a Liar, Gunner didn't call him a liar... DID he ?
I got an annonymous whine-o-gram saying someone called someone a turd but bribed them into relations with an old guy who watches chicks with freckles on their fanny.
Or something like that.

BTW there is a standing rule of a 1 bribe limit per thread please respect that rule or you will be subjected to taking Nut duck hunting , but if you do end up paying penance in that manner don't call him moron or idiot or else he'll feel comfortable and not go home at the end of your punishment.

Also when engaged in a lying contest please remember that pictures of fish are required or else the lie is invalidated.

so it is written so it shall be.
I couldn't find anywhere the words lie, lies or liar were used by Elkgunner when refering to Paws.

What I did find was typical Paws: Respond to any issue, post something that someone questions him on, he then goes postal and calls the person out. Then he threatens legal action against person who dares question his genius.

It is really very predictable.

Also when engaged in a lying contest please remember that pictures of fish are required or else the lie is invalidated.
OK, I will play this game :D Your all a bunch of liars and pussy's (are put downs ok in this thread? If not I will edit :D ). I never lie. Here is the photographic proof. New World record bass. 31.25 lbs. Caught on a size 28 light creme midge. hand tied by me.

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