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PawClaws, You got a problem?

Paws, I'm sure that living in Encampment would be an education... in futility. The experience and practice would most likely have to do with leaving the WC without a trail of TP hanging from your drawers and as for the rookie comment,,,, I'm far from being a rookie and my nose hasn't been wet for some 50 years or so. So don't go letting your aligator mouth write checks your hummingbird butt can't cash.

Just keep blowing into that big balloon and sooner or later you'll accumulate enough hot air to fly away..

OK, now I finally get all this. Yes, I am slow.

No one asked my opinion in particular, but here it is anyway.

I'll start here:
Harley Davidson Post (Link)

Originally posted by pawclaws:posted 01-17-2004 08:19
"I would suggest that Harley's succes has NOTHING (sorry Schmalts) to do with the employees, and everything to do with a fad of Old White Guys having middle age crisis, and thinking they need a Hog. When all those old white guys start having heart attacks from clogged arteries, I would predict sales will go down." Elkgunner, that's because you haven't been to Japan lately. HD is the number one selling bike in Japan for near 12 years now and it ain't old farts like you and me buying it! What brought HD back to life is a "japanese management style that we taught Japan. It is mopst definitely the employees and their focus on the customer's expectations and providing the quality that the customer wants . <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> Fascinating history there! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
And you are right also; "The bigger you get, the mnore managers you hire!" Too bad isn't it because you know what; "nobody knows how to do their job any better than the employee doing it! Whey do you need another manager??? Think about it!! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
Based on the following two articles, HD is the number one selling bike in Japan for near 12 years now and it ain't old farts like you and me buying it! is not a statement that accurately reflects the facts. This is merely, IMO, a misinformed statement.

First there is this:

From the Harley-Davidson Newsline (August 15, 2003) (link)

Harley-Davidson set a goal to have 100,000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles in ownership in Japan by the end of 2003. At the end of June, Harley-Davidson Japan had already met and surpassed this goal as the total number of registered Harley-Davidson motorcycles owned in Japan reached 100,274.

"All of us at Harley-Davidson are proud of this significant milestone and accomplishment," Jerry Wilke, Vice President and General Manager of Asia/Pacific and Latin America Regions, commented. "Over the years, Japan has become our largest export market and none of that would have been possible without the significant dedication and efforts of our dealers in Japan and the in-country Motor Company staff at Harley-Davidson Japan."

In 1989, Harley-Davidson established its subsidiary in Tokyo to grow the market. Since that leap across the Pacific, Harley-Davidson's market share in the Asia/Pacific region has grown steadily. By the end of 1998, Harley-Davidson had recorded more than 50,000 motorcycles owned by Japanese enthusiasts. With sales on the rise, ownership surpassed 75,000 units by the end of the decade. This latest milestone of 100,274 motorcycles in Japan is another example of the increasing popularity of Harley-Davidson motorcycles around the world.

According to HD, it took almost 14 years for them to reach 100,000 units sold in Japan.

Then there is this:
Japanese Motorcycle Sales from Honda (link)

The link shows total sales of Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, & Kawasaki combined and Honda's market share of those sales. Honda's sales alone (between 1989-2002 to try to stay consistent with the Harley Davidson PR) range from a low of 406,746 in 2000 to a high of 832,967 in 1989. Readers can draw their own conclusions.

This would be the post containing the first allegation by pawclaws of being being called a liar by Elkgunner:

Link to paws' post

Originally posted by pawclaws:posted 02-11-2004 10:25
Elkgunner, call me a liar and I'll provide you with an opportunity to explain why you did so to a Judge along with your interpretation of why your comment isn't slanderous. Any more questions? Fun is fun and I don't mind participating in fun or good natured ribbing; but you are pushing the envelope my friend.
Which appears to be a response to this post by Elkgunner:

Link to EG's post

Originally posted by ElkGunner:posted 02-11-2004 07:02

Are you just making up these connections of Washington, Jefferson, and Carter with agriculture up like you did with the HarleyDavidson being the leading nameplate in Japan and Reagan being the 2nd best President? :rolleyes:

Perhaps you could explain to those of us who aren't old enough to have been around during the Jefferson administration. Can you tell us what it was like?

And are you referring to "Agriculture" in general, or specific parts of Ag? I would think "Agriculture" is so broad, by definition, the Presidents you indicted were actually not "indebted to a single industry". Being in bed with the Sugar industry is much different than being in bed with Welfare Ranchers. Being in bed with Grain farmers is much different than being in bed with Poultry producers. :confused:
I personally don't see anywhere that EG called Paws a liar. Please correct me Paws if I am wrong, by providing the text where you allege he DID call you a liar. From what I read, EG alleged Paws was making a statement consistent with others (specified in the above post) made in which Paws subsequently provided no factual justification of those statements. At worst, EG in this particular case is guilty of sarcasm, nitpicking, and badgering. That's my take.

Please continue...
Depends on the Yahoo? Answer the question! :D

Gee Danner, I would have thought a man of your espoused years would appear to be much more mature in prose, attitude, and overall demeanor. Thank you for the insight.
No ElkGunner never used the word Liar as earlier explained. Thank you for your effort Hangar18. There may be some here who find this information important. :D
I just want to go on record here as having thought that pawclaws was crazy before I started reading this thread. Now there is little doubt.
You know after reading close to 250 posts I have come to the conlusion that the only thing I have learned from this thread is that I am a great fisherman, actually I already knew that so In reality I have not learned shit. I say we should close this thread and create a new on on boobies. Any takers??
Ranking the Presidents of the United States, along with the process and some other tidbits.

Data Source: October 2000 Survey of 78 Scholars in History, Politics, and Law
Co-Sponsors: Federalist Society & Wall Street Journal

The website has a lot of information. Ronald Reagan is ranked #8, and in addition is considered the most underrated AND the 2nd most overrated. WTH?
NO.. Answer if you Actually told someone :

I stood up for him when some yahoo over on NAHC BB was mouthing off about him. Yahoo said "Moosie is a turd and smells!" I replied; "Like sheeeiiiiit!"
And if so, Provide the Link...

Respectfully yours, Moosie
255 posts on this thread only 47 more and we will beat cjcj illegals thread. I have faith we can do it. :D

I have no idea how Hangar18's post fits into this.
Paws, I can be as elegant as I wish in prose and demeanor.. when I choose to be. I was however, raised in a rather common peer group and as such, I am capable of lowering myself to the level required by the company. Some much lower than others.. Not being one to slouch on an oppotunity, I have determined that engaging in this debate deserves somewhat lower level of engagement. So rest assured that my demeanor is adjustable to the circumstances..

Now.. What about boobies?? How do boodies fit into this discussion??

ODC, Is this effort in response to a challenge??

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