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PawClaws, You got a problem?

Hey Paws.. are you from Encampment?? You're beginning to take this all too seriously..

Afraid I have never heard of Encampment. What makes you think I'm taking this seriously at all?? ;)
LOL DanR....

Paws you know It might sound like I'm on Gunners side but I'm all for being fair. So Let me point something out :

Well ElkGunner, all you have to do is say right here in front of God and everybody: " Gee Phil, I'm sorry I called you a liar. I know deep down in my heart that you didn't lie to me and I was totally out of line by insinuating that you did!" That's all ElkGunner; oh..., plus quit being an asshole!
Then Gunner Replied by :

Gee Phil, I'm sorry I called you a liar. (And even worse, I feel bad that this whole thing was a misunderstanding, as I have no memory of ever calling you a liar.)
You then Went on by Saying :

Now I have heard the last I am going to hear or tolerate regarding me telling lies. I do not lie; that damned simple, get it?
I was Just wondering where Anyone called you a Lier ? I took Your Advise :

Tell Lard Moosie to look for them then.
And I actually spent a few Mins looking through some Posts And I did Find Insults, Inuendo's, Slams, smart Ass Comments, and some Funny comments by both parties .... But Haven't seen where you were called a Lier.

MORON .. YES Where you said :

A question is a statement moron!
Gunner said :

Yeah WH, I can't believe you aren't as smart as Paws, you Moron.
.... I did Find a Quote bt Gunner that said :

Actually, right now, I have to wait until one of his lies gets me un-invited from a hunt, then I have economic damages.
So I'm guessing this is the Statement that has you in an Uproar ? Gunnner, Why did you say Paws was a LIER :D
I would have guessed Paws would defend his credibility and honor a bit stronger.

I guess I gave him too much credit, I think you are right 280.... Moosie finally found someone he looks smarter than....
...a bit more strongly.", EG. Adverbs do have a place in proper English! ;)
paws, "Ithica you conclude what you damn well please! Now I have heard the last I am going to hear or tolerate regarding me telling lies. I do not lie; that damned simple, get it?:

paws, I haven't accused you of lying, all I did was ask you to produce the post wherein you claim EG said you were telling lies. It's such a central and crucial evidence exhibit needed to resolve this issue I don't see how you can expect us to settle the case without it.

Can you produce the evidence or not?

How about I issue a retraction, as that would likely clear all this up. Can you please direct me to the post, and I will retract it, and correct the mis-understaning ly .
Yes Ithica I can produce the evidence. I made electronic copies of each and every one. Will I produce it? No. Find it for yourself. If you are all that concerned over it invest some sweat equity.
No thanks ElkGunner; your apology is sufficient. If you wish to locate the "offending post", however; continue your search. I assure you it does exist. I'm surprised you don't remember it!

I am just worried about your credibility here... I mean you have people comparing you to Pug and Thumper, and I don't think that is a good thing.

And obviously these posts are inflicting this much turmoil upon you, as evidenced by you keeping "electronic copies", I would think the only sufficient remedy would be for me to retract the offending posts. Otherwise, people will wonder if you are just making these up.

I know you wouldn't do that, but there are others who aren't as bright as you and me.... :D
Well old man, to each his own. If some folk here are busy worrying about my credibility, voracity, honesty, etc; someone else is getting a break. The only people I need to prove my point to all begin with the title Esquire. ;)
So Paws,

If you called me "old man", and it turns out I am not an "old" man, would that be a lie??? :D

I thought it was you that was worried about your credibility??? :confused: :confused:
Only if you are not a man! Since everything that is an adjective is relative, reference to age in the form of an address would not be a lie. Merely the fact that you responded to the address would indicate it to be true. If one said , "ElkGunner is an old man" knowing that ElkGunner is younger than one's self, then that might be interpreted as being a lie; however, it still would be questionable. The speaker for instance might be referring to balding, greying hair, wrinkled skin, very mature behavior, etc; with such a statement. One can never tell for certain what is or what isn't. ;)

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." --Henry David Thoreau
Well Pretentious a-hole. To each his own.
paws, "Will I produce it? No. Find it for yourself."

Well, I've looked high and low and I can't find it. Now I'm really starting to doubt that it exists. It would be real easy for you to produce it and you refuse, so what do you expect us to think? Remember the ol' saying, "Verify, verify and verify."?

I'm not going to play any more hide and seek games, paws. You don't produce the quote, time and date-------I don't believe it exists. It's that simple.
Originally posted by ElkGunner:
[QB] Nut,
I should clear up my adeversary comment with you. It is just that I think you like TurkeyEye better than me, and you take him hunting more often...
Yea I was wondering about that. ;)

Yep you are right on the quote. :D

I would take ya hunting if ya came to Ohio. There is Zaleski Sate Forest and Waterloo Wildlife area which is near where Paws lives. Maybe I could get him to join us then? :D