Caribou Gear Tarp

PawClaws, You got a problem?

STOP!!! STOP!!! STOP!!!!
Chick, these guys are big boys. Let them settle their differences. If you don't want to read it, don't click the link.

Hey Paws,

If you are looking for "respect", you will likely find it between "Pity" and "Suicide" in the dictonary.

How come you didn't show Nemont "respect", and answer his questions?
A question is a statement moron! It is an interrogative statement! Is that conspiracy there ElkGunner? are we moving from civil to criminal liability? Will you give me cause to subpoena Hunttalks records? Hmmmmmm......
Yeah WH, I can't believe you aren't as smart as Paws, you Moron.

"Statement or a question"..... sheesh!!!

Hey Paws,
I think you missed some of Nemont's questions... :rolleyes:
There is a pretty clear pattern to the posts you make. I am not part of a conspiracy here nor am I threatening legal action.

I would like an answer at least some of the questions I have asked. I will list them in order.

1. Why is important that EG, or anyone else, respect you? I know you have stated you have earned it, you are his elder and you are educated however respect is something you cannot force upon another. Perhaps you mean you want a more civil discourse
TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: re·spect·ed, re·spect·ing, re·spects
1. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem. 2. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit. 3. To relate or refer to; concern.
NOUN: 1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. See synonyms at regard. 2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem. 3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation. 4. respects Polite expressions of consideration or deference: pay one's respects. 5. A particular aspect, feature, or detail: In many respects this is an important decision. 6. Usage Problem Relation; reference. See Usage Note at regard.
ETYMOLOGY: From Middle English, regard, from Old French, from Latin respectus, from past participle of respicere, to look back at, regard : re-, re- + specere, to look at; see spek- in Appendix I.
2. Why don't you ignore EG? I still can't figure out why anyone takes things stated on a BB to heart. What possible difference can it make?

3. Why do many of your threads and posts, outside the recipe board, involve you inviting someone to a fight? I can't count the number of time you have called someone out.

4. In addition you threaten legal action more than any poster on the board. Why is that?

I am certain you have good and important things to add to the discussion but that doesn't seem to be good enough for you. Once someone questions you about a post you threaten to kick their ass.


P.S. Why should Moosie's and EG personal relationship make you uncomfortable?
Butt out Nemont! As you have already stated; you can't figure me out! Figuring out your BS is relatively easy.
Very Nice MichaelR!! :D

I think you finally got one of your pictures correct. Once there were intelligent questions asked of Paws, he then gets beligerent and rude to Nemont.

Once again Michael, you proved a point, thanks.
Figuring out your BS is relatively easy
I will gladly butt out.

Before I do I am wondering what BS I have stated. To quickly review for you: I have asked you questions and you neither answer nor show respect to say something other then Butt out.

If you can't stand some one pointing out patterns in your posts perhaps you should review some of them and see for yourself.

I have finally figured you out. You like to demand of others what you refuse to do yourself. Respect is usually two way street there old man. Thought you would have learned that in all your schoolin.

EG, no there is no way I'm even close to Paw's superior intelligence. Tell you the truth I'm not sure anybody here can compete with this:

The incredible, all-knowing, all-seeing, speedreading, ultra-comprehension, extremely well educated. genius IQ, engineer certified, most technically qualified analyst in the federal government tough-guy, "Pawclaws"
I'd like to Clear Some stuff up...

First off, It might seem like Gunner is "HIDING" under my Skirt or Apron but thats just a lame excuse to say because I haven't Banned him. I haven't banned any of you others Either. Tell me something I've doen Different to Gunner then Anyone else.. that was a Statement but you can Reply to it as a Question stated.

This isn't jsut to PAWS or Elkchsr, it's to Anyone that thinks I'm playing favorites on this board. Remember I'm the Fence Stratling Wussy ;) I play both sides :D

I don't mind a Good fight and I like to see 2 guys going at it thinking they are "THE MAN" and In reality neither of them "GET IT" most everyone else that doesn't reply do.. Bu thats what Makes it fun :D

What I don't like is comments like :

I also get the feeling that he "Lords" his relationship with Moosie over the "dues paying" members.
It was a Silly comment like that which made me Reply to ElkChsr earlier this week. He knows it's nothing personal with my post but if you're going to Involve Me I'll jump in and Play. MAtter of fact, 1/2 of you guys are Here because You've seen my "PLAY" on other boards and like my style... Well.. Probably over 1/2

That is a Personal Issue that you think you "SEE" but isn't there. Matter of fact, "DUES" are what one pays in life. Gunner has Paid his Dues Monitarily on the Board and Phisically with me on hunts. That being said I'd bann him if He got out of Line, I can Draw a line between friendship and buisness. thats how Guys like me get Successfull. If he or others can't, then it's not my problem now is it ?

I'll rephrase the Statement above if Someone wants to step out of the Shell and answer it though.

What have I done to Gunner differently then I have to Anyone else on the Board >?!>!>

Think Carefully before you "PLAY" here... I can Cip Quotes and Phrases out of posts as well as the Next internet junkie.

Unlike Nemonts Multi PArt difficult Questions ;) It's a Straight foward and should be an Easy answer .... RIGHT ?

That makes me a bit uncomfortable; possibly overly aggressive, when dealing with him.
Statements like that sound like personal issues PAws.... I know you to be a Stong ed-jikated fella (Unlike me) and Love your Posts, I can't truely believe you get Uncomfortable because someone Types something... That's "SILLY" :D

Anyways, Carry on, I can give a Rats ass if you guys fight, But lets not Fugg up every topic. Thats the Only time I'll have issues.

Carry on KIDS !!!
guy acts like he owns the place.....what an ass!

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