PEAX Equipment

PawClaws, You got a problem?

Originally posted by JB:
guy acts like he owns the place.....what an ass!
so true so true :rolleyes:

As for I (or is it me? :confused: ) Not once have I seen EG hide behind Moosie. Moosie wont let him get behind him even while they are hunting I think? Is there a reason for this?
JB Quit Trying to Hide Under my Apron.. Although there is Pleanty of roon for ya !!! OHHhh BURN !!!! OHH wait... Uhhhh that was on me.. NEver mind

Nut, .. Uhhh yes ;)

LOL 280, DAD did no Spanking... And go Read Yoops board ya Slacker . I'm tryingto invite myself on your hunt :D
you don`t want to hunt my bears moosie they are way to small, but like to eat, so I keep packing bait to three bears I won`t shoot,,,,seems like I may be the dumb ass???
I thought you said they were like the Bear I shot... Ohh wait, Was that a Burn I didn't catch ?

Someone Call a Firefighter ;)

How's this for Dumb, I'm still Buying bait and Driving up to the Baitsite and I can't shoot another one in the Unit I'm in...... HUMmmm

PS, Quit interupting the Fighting with hunting stuff... :D
"What have I done to Gunner differently then I have to Anyone else on the Board "

Not a thing I'm aware of Moosie; why do you ask?? Is it because Nemont took my statements out of context and re-wrote them before he mis-quoted me? (Which by the way is why I will not answer him; well that and because he just wants to play butt hole!)

Fair Enough.. I'd go back and Read it and Figure it out.. But like most things.. I jsut don't care and Already moved on to bigger and better things ;)

Unlike Gunner, I like the Animations
But I think eventually you'll grab the Cheese :D
Don't trouble yourself Moosie. I got to go find better bait myself! :D
Oh, man, Look what I have been missing :eek: :D :D :D
I haven't been on here at all in the last two pages, and my name and job have been added to the fray... Am I way to cool or what
Phil, you keep up the good work, I respect you 100%, especially in the morning.
That pic wasn't appropriate to be put in this section any way gunner... I would suppose that you single handedly would have made a
! ! ! H U G E ! ! ! issue out of it... ;)
Just an educated observation... :D
Thank you Water Wapati. I appreciate your remarks. And yours too Chaser! :D (How the heck did you slip in there?)
Water Wapiti,

I think if you just read thru THIS thread, you will kind of see the problem. Nobody is trying to say Paws shouldn't have his own opinion, and in fact, we all encourage people to express their own opinions.

I think Paws has now become so obsessed/enamored with me, that he has likely changed from being somebody who could "earn" respect, into being someone who "demands" respect. Do you give respect to someone who "demands" it? And do you respect somebody, just because they are your elder, as Paws "demands"? I think Charles Manson, Dubya, and Saddam Hussein are all my elders.

As pointed out in this thread, his threats to take legal action are offensive to all. Look at his threat to subpeona all of HuntTalks records. That single act would shut down Moosie's Hunttalk, as I assure Moosie does not have the time to deal with that kind of bullshit. Do you really respect somebody who would make those kind of threats?

He also likes to act tough, and call people out to fight him. Unfortunately, most of us have acquired substantial assets and higher standing in our local community, so we can't take him up on his offer. Therefore we just have to roll our eyes and laugh.

WW, I am sure Paws has some redeeming features and traits, but I think if you look at his Profile, his obsession with trying to "demand" respect and such, you will likely see a changed person from the one you think you respect. I for one, could not respect somebody who posts pictures of cross dressers, but that is up to you.

In any event, the purpose of this thread was to tell Paws to quit taking shots at me all over the Site, and be enough of a man, to do it in front of me, and not hiding. I think my message was delivered, whether it was heard is up to Paws.

"In any event, the purpose of this thread was to tell Paws to quit taking shots at me all over the Site, and be enough of a man, to do it in front of me, and not hiding. I think my message was delivered, whether it was heard is up to Paws."

Really! I'm totally surprised that any of your posts have any intent other than to take shots at anyone, especially our President, with whom you disagree or feel a tad intimidated!"

ElkGunner I don't like your attitude, your disrespectful mouth, your lies, nor you because I perceive you to be an aarogant slob who believes that he is simply a cut better than anyone else who draws a breath. Let me wise you up there buddy. I've met an awful lot of people in my fifty five years; some bad, most good. You aren't better than any of them. Obsessed with you? No, not really, just your particular brand of elitist asshole!
OK, I’m a newbie and may be crossing the line. (Never done that before, first time ever. ;) :D ) I don't know the history behind this. But this is my take on it.

Paws I respect.

I do so because I have never had reason to believe he wasn't voicing what he was thinking. I have not always agreed with him, yet he has always been honest in his opinions.

Right or Wrong, I respect one who will stand up for what they believe in, and then admit when they were wrong.

Having read Paws post on this forum and on the NAHC 'urrp' forums I believe he is a man of his words, and has earned my respect.

PAWS.... "aarogant" ?!?!?

I think you meant "arrogant" :
1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance in an overbearing manner <an arrogant official>
2 : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance <arrogant manners>
synonym see PROUD
- ar·ro·gant·ly adverb

Just thought I'd point that out ;)

Funny thing is, I know I'm better then Most people, so I don't need to prove it like you two :D
Yes, you are correct. Moosie, while you may be better off than most people; never get the mistaken impression that you are ever better than anyone. Want to end up like ElkGunner? With all his youthful success he has acquired of value absolutely nothing. :( My heart bleeds for him. (Anyone have a Band Aide (RT)??) :rolleyes:
Like I said "I know I'm better then Most people, so I don't need to prove it like you two " .. I've proved that countless times in helping people, and doing stuff that others wouldn't do for people, and how I live my life.

That's why You're argueing with someone else besides me. Sometimes I do have the impression that I am better then some others, I'll just never try to Display it to them (Like now
) (Do I need to tell you that last line was Tounge in cheek ?

Being better and Telling someone you are to get them to "KNOW" it makes you "NOT" better.... Think about it and You'll get it ;)

Like I said... Carry on boys :D
As pointed out in this thread, his threats to take legal action are offensive to all. Look at his threat to subpeona all of HuntTalks records. That single act would shut down Moosie's Hunttalk, as I assure Moosie does not have the time to deal with that kind of bullshit. Do you really respect somebody who would make those kind of threats?
I only see any of this as absolute tounge in cheek,besides Moosie is 100% covered with any libel any way...
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
:D :D :D