Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

PawClaws, You got a problem?

Not sure why you are suddenly caught up with fantasy about me and the size of my cajones. You seem to have a bit of insecurity. Oh well, just don't go hiding your chickenchit comments.

And please, no "love and kisses", as whatever pervversions/fantasies you have about me, I assure you, that I don't swing that way.
Editing post now have a 120 min time limit. you can all thank elk gunner for that

I need at least twenty four hours. I often make mistakes that I don't catch for at least a day.

Couldn't you just punish Elkgunner by not allowing him to edit any of his posts and leave the rest of us alone. :D :D

But I didn't edit my post. DEL did!!!!

The Man is opressing us for his actions!!!

Free the Gunner, Free the Gunner!!!
so people wont edit titles of posts and the contents of the post after its been going on for a while

Uhhhhh.....Del, it was YOU that edited the post....

Let's change it back, as I am afraid this thread won't make as much sense.... I would hate for somebody to read this thread, and not understand what it was about. :confused: :eek:

Free the Gunner, Free the Gunner, Free the Gunner from the opression of The Man.

Your funny, if you sent me the org contents of that post I would be more than happy to put it back up, I said org contents not the one after you edited it.. ;)

Free the Admin, Free the Admin, Free the Admin from the opression of The Gunner ;)


That was the FUNNY part. I didn't change a single word in the first post, just the title of the thread. I thought it was pure genius on my part. :cool:

Orignal Text:
If you have a problem with me, keep it over her in SI. Don't be a coward and go hiding your little obscene thoughts around the site.

I don't appreciate having to get E-Mails from others, letting me know of your Cowardly comments.
Both Paws and WhiteHead did the SAME thing. For some reason, they get enfatuated with me, and then start having fantasies about me all over the site. :eek: I don't undertstand which part of "NO" they don't understand... :rolleyes: I am not into their "scene"....

Free the Gunner, Free the Gunner, Free the Gunner from the opression of The Man
see I am a fair guy, I put the org comments back

still shouldnt be changeing post, but you know that ;)

We just can`t free you Gunner! You have made your own bed and....well you know the rest. This is what you get when you have an opinion on just about everything, i know this firsthand, and have lived with the following labels [know-it-all][Bigmouth][asshole][Dickhead] and [Mr. potential]. but since you are a Lawyer [may God have mercy on your soul] You are a "Hard Target"
gunner, you are really a funny individual....
you don't want others jumping all over the board doing exactly what you are guilty of yourself...
What's with that....
Oh, I know what it is, gunner can do it, but by God, no one else better or he will run off to others.... MOMMY, MOMMY... Little Johnny is picking on me....
You must have been the little spoiled brother in your family when growing up....
then ithaca, everyone that responded to your mistake, also made a mistake.... so if you changed your post then it would look like they were talking about somethign else..... sooooooo....

if you feel you made a mistake then just post it on the thread, then people can reply to that... sounds fair to me....

Yep, and your so fast yourself Buzz....
If you lived in Washington when we were growing up, we coulda rode the short buss together, but instead, you were the loan soul on yours and had to be by yourself for way to long a period... ;)
That isn't good on young minds, even if they are in a different world by themselves...
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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