PEAX Equipment

PawClaws, You got a problem?

My main point is that the f&g no longer will receive the usual finacial support without providing services. It's called accountability.

NEMONT, my $28 doesn't amount to much up front, but without it there wont be the associated federal moneys that the agency relies on (it amounts to much more then a $28.00 loss, I guarantee).
Ten Beers,

Hell, I may buy a second Elk Tag (at Non-resident rates) so I can hunt my regular area plus my Controlled Bull Tag. So I am guessing your little $28 protest ain't gonna be hitting them too hard.... Where did you learn your Civics lessons? In second grade???
Spend away EG, but at the last sportsmans breakfast I attended, the f&g was saying that overall tags sales was going down....
Or is it that the agency has now taken a stance againts ATV use, and those ATV riders that hunt are "voting" with their wallets???????? I don't have to buy tags except for those animals I hunt.
If you don't own a tag, are you really a hunter??? Why would restrictions on ATVs be a bad thing??? Nobody is restricting the hunters, just the Fat-Assed crew that rides ATVs.

Hey Nemont,
Can I ship you up game, and you can get me a receipt???
I don't have to buy tags except for those animals I hunt
Just curious why you think that is such a protest against your F&G dept. I think the majority of folks would buy tags for the animals they hunt.

As for the anti ATV stance by your Fish cops that is a reaction to what the ATVer's were doing. Your brother ATV riders are ruining it for the law abiding people like you. Have you turned in the offenders when you saw any of them riding in improper places?

I'd of never guessed that EG was a'feared of commitment.
If you have a problem with me, keep it over her in SI. Don't be a coward and go hiding your little obscene thoughts around the site.

I don't appreciate having to get E-Mails from others, letting me know of your Cowardly comments.

Just because you have gay fantasies, don't try and bring me into them. Sorry, doesn't matter how cute my ass is....

I don't frequent the Adult section, so at least be man enough to make your comments in public.
Then you may have to post a correction or retraction post, like I did when I posted some misinformation - ElkGunner corrected me and rather than delete the post or topic, I just admitted the error and took my lumps...
You missed the humour....

I didn't edit the post, just the title. Interestingly enough, the orignal post to Paws was generic, and adequately advised WhiteDeer.

I didn't change anything on the post, just wanted to call out WhiteDip, and tell him if he has a problem with me, to be a man, and not go around posting chickenchit stuff about me in the Adult section. That is what got Paws in trouble, and the same crap is what WhiteDip was doing.

I also cut-n-pasted the original topic into the reply I posted last night, and it was:
If you have a problem with me, keep it over her in SI. Don't be a coward and go hiding your little obscene thoughts around the site.

I don't appreciate having to get E-Mails from others, letting me know of your Cowardly comments.
Can you re-edit post#1, to put back in MY POST that YOU deleted???? :D
Gummer.....I can understand that a being, with the size of gonads that you must have, would be fearful of going to the "Adult Section" So, rather than put any of your "friends" out, I will also e-mail my cowardly comments to you direct, also. You have to admit, that those in Idaho that know you for the pompous ___ you are (Only because you are sensitive, Sweetie, did I leave the nasty out) will not erase this mental image from their minds for a long, loooonnnnggg time! Maybe I'll put a full page ad in the Idahoan next time? Love and kisses to my little man.

And remember "The smaller the mind the greater the conceit"
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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