Kenetrek Boots

PawClaws, You got a problem?


You need to quit, I cant stop laughing...HAHA.

Oh, and I suggest you watch it with Elkcheese, when he says he'll "give you an education" in particular after seeing those pictures...he may want to give you more than an education.

Lemme see what I have learned from ElkCheese....

He did have the April Melt-down, where he started posting pictures of himself digging a hole in the ground..... And then the time he tried to find a picture of a backcut that was done right.... and then the.... never mind....
The Meltdown was where I learned that even if you try and clean up a SuperFund site, and you plant grass on top, the water supply of areas like Anaconda still carries Heavy Metals and causes brain damage.
I think after the 500th post. Back in early June when this all started I couldn't believe when it went 100 posts then it topped 200, then 300 then 400 and now is approaching 500.

And yet nobody has gained anything out of it. Well except Moosie who got an antelope and duck hunt from me.

Ten Bears,
I read on another BB that you were going to Paws great Idaho elk hunt. I am just curious where in Idaho it is safe to hunt with 30 to 40 guys out on public land? Also curious what the chances of bagging any game would be in that scenario.


I wouldn't eat that Turd thing Paws is cooking up for you. A pic of it is on his new site.
I've decided not to purchase an elk tag this year (political reasons, might change my mind later), but I told PAWS that if I got directions to his camp I might show up for a day or so. The area they hunt is a lot of logged out mountains lots of cow elk......roads......rednecks in pickups......
Hey Ten Beers,

Just exactly what "political reason" are you making? That the Dubya economy hasn't provided you with $28 to go shoot a cow in a clearcut????

If you are that hard up for cash and food, let me know, and I'll see if I can raise some money here for you. Since we don't have to buy Paws any gas money to drive up to Nemont's, I think we likely have about $8.32 unassigned.

Any truth to the rumour I heard from some guys up North, that Paws was gonna be a no-show on the whole Idaho hunt??? Whoever will feed the Men???
And yet nobody has gained anything out of it. Well except Moosie who got an antelope and duck hunt from me.
And that .... "my Friends"... Is what It's ALL ABOUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have any time or money invested in whether PAWS actually shows or not. I might make to their camp just to drop in for a while. My political statement is my business, but you may recall something about agencies funded by hunters taking stances against some hunters...... I used to buy an elk tag (and other tags) as a matter of course, a means to support the f&g, I once bought tags I had no intention to fill, but now, I think I'll base my tag purchases on preseason scouting (and bear baiting that I'm learning from MOOSIE).
Why wouldn't you hunt elk? Wouldn't it make more of a political statement to shoot an elk and donate the meat to the food bank and deduct the full value of elk meat from your tax bill. I know that they place at least a $2.50 per pound value on donated venison at the food bank here. If you had 200lbs of elk meat that is a $500 donation which could be written of both your state and federal taxes. It would cost the state a heck of alot more then the $28 tag.

Nemont, that is pretty shrewed....

For some reason, and not sure why, I thought Idaho Food banks would not accept wild game, due to "health risks".

Ten Beers,
What stance has an agency taken against certain hunters???
The food banks here take all the venison they can get. It has to be professionally processed but if you tell the local processors you are donating it to the food bank they don't even charge you the processing. I have donated several whitetail does every year because they are over populated on some friend's ranches. I get a pretty health tax deduction and get to help the needy at the same time.


[ 07-14-2004, 18:00: Message edited by: Nemont ]
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