PawClaws, You got a problem?

He hasn't posted in what, a week or two and this thing is still going? It's turned into a monster all unto itself.....
Now I know your lying.... :D
You have to add my name into every third or fourth of your posts any more just to keep me alive in places you think I should be commenting...
Call me a liar again, and I'll provide you the opportunity to explain it to a judge. Boy, I don't know what your problem is, but that smart-mouth of yours is going to cost you some money.
Relax everyone I ran across Paws and since he couldn't be a mod on this board he realized his dream of being a webmaster.

web page

I still don't know if he cooks for the men or not
So does this mean he doesn't want to be a HUNTTALK.COM "LIFE MEMBER" ?

Elf Gummer, That quote looks afully Familiar, If you stold that from Someone you could get sued you know !!!!!

I'm guessing someone else wrote that stuff and Made it all up... Paws as we know would never write a Sentence like this :

"Founding Member memberships will be offered beginning 31 December 20002 and continue through the appointment of the first Board of Directors This offer shall terminate upon the seating of that initial board."

I'm not sure what year that is exactly :confused: and after "Directors" there probably should be some sort of Puncuation ? But I was never really good at spelling or grammar anyways....

At any Rate,I think it's a Great Idea and good luck to his Endevor ! You guys should support him.
Some of these boards look like "days of our lives" told my wife to quit watching soaps and come on here sometime
. I wish Paws luck on getting members like this site there's alot of things that keep people coming back to hunttalk such as navigation and user friendly. Paws don't look to bad but seems to need more personality for me to keep going back too. I'm trying to design mine now but far from ready so can't be too critical I guess.
Call me a liar again, and I'll provide you the opportunity to explain it to a judge. Boy, I don't know what your problem is, but that smart-mouth of yours is going to cost you some money.
Lets not get our panties in a bunch now gunner... ;)
You don't seem to have any qualms of continous name calling, I have no idea what your going to tell a judge? Slander maybe? I doubt it... ;)

I have no idea where I pissed in your wheaties, or where this unfounded hatred of yours came from, nor do I really care.

You see Russ I think that they use their anonymity like a shield to enable themselves to remain aloof, shallow, and at an arm's length. For whatever reason they do not appear to be willing to take the risks that being human requires. Why then having made the decision to not step out any closer than behind their electronic barriers would they not act like ass holes and feel confident with that?
What is there to be afraid of? I think this is a pretty good find and will use it often I think....

Besides, you seem to want me to answer questions you pose no matter how meaningless.... I have asked you before, now don't dodge the question or ignore it because it will just keep surfacing until you come clean with it or admit you were just blowing smoke to discredit me....

Dig deep, I know you have it in you, or you were just putting a "Big Lie" on the board, which then would make you a lier. You stated I stabbed Moosie in the back, come clean with your evidence or keep your chest thumping for your household.....

I think it really pissed you off when you made some stupid comment about saw cuts and proof came up to the contrary of what you spouted.

Funny thing is, now it's strictly a pride thing, and that will get you no where....

You really are clueless. Let me guess, you didn't catch the irony in the first comment?? :rolleyes:

And by the way, it is libel, not slander. :D

And another word of advice, if you are gonna keep making those backcuts, make sure you start wearing your hard hat...
I suppose I will give you an education, since you don't seem to know all the rules to the game...

When you are on private property, (I know you think it all belongs to the Feds) You don't have to wear a stitch of any thing if you don't want to.

So, you will have to come up with some thing a little better than that. It was pretty lame any way and I am guessing you had to get some one else to e-mail that one to you for ammunition.... ;)

If this is all you have, you may want to drop it and move onto some thing you are better at, like name calling and hiding.

"You see Russ I think that they use their anonymity like a shield to enable themselves to remain aloof, shallow, and at an arm's length. For whatever reason they do not appear to be willing to take the risks that being human requires. Why then having made the decision to not step out any closer than behind their electronic barriers would they not act like ass holes and feel confident with that?"
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
I suppose I will give you an education, since you don't seem to know all the rules to the game...

When you are on private property, (I know you think it all belongs to the Feds) You don't have to wear a stitch of any thing if you don't want to.
Uhhh... Cheese, if you choose not to wear a stitch of anything, please don't post pictures, as last time you were posting pictures with your pants around your ankles, your posts got deleted.

For a place with low standard in decency, somehow, you managed to be beneath them... :rolleyes:

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