PEAX Equipment

PawClaws, You got a problem?

Yoteler wouldyou mind swinging by Wyoming on your way to Idaho lto pick up Buzz?
Aw heck, Whiskers can I lease you and your bus for a couple of weeks? I need you to pick up ElkGunner, Buzz, Nemont, Yoteler, 280, and maybe a couple others and bring them out to Idaho on or about the tenth of October. Yoteler, ElkGunner, and 280 will pay for it!
The bullshit it getting a bit deep...

Paws, I dont doubt you maybe are a tough old man...but come on now.

I think you just have to get on Paws "I'm gonna kick your Ass" list, and then he pays for it all.... Of course, that is today's direction from Paws Kerry. Remember yesterday, he needed $800 to drive the Escort 150 miles.... And before that he thought he was Dr. Livingston, lost in Africa, and before that he was a lowly cook on the losing side of some battle, and before that he was the landlord at some trailer court....

I think you get the pattern, so I wouldn't be asking for time off work to ride the Paw's Short Bus out West, unless you can predict his medication for the days you are looking at.

Did you see the news article on the old retirees, who don't take full doses of their medicine, in an effort to save money on their prescriptions???
Something tells me Paws don't need no "Assisted Care", Paws just needs a Laz-y-Boy, a remote control, and a nice pretty Apron for when he cooks for the Men.
Man, I have left this one alone for a long time because every one got out of hand, I punch it up just to do a quick looky see, Low and behold I see huge amounts of smiley's and happy posts...
In the SI section, what gives...
You boys just be at the bus stop and take a number as you exit. This won't take long!! Fred just ask Whiskers to swing by your place on the way out. You can enjoy the scenic ride and the entertainment and I'll even pop the pop corn for you before I extinguish ElkGunner's lights! :eek: He goes done in the first round, in less than a minute; for EG I end it. Then comes Nemont of Montana Communications, he gonna need flowers better advise his relations. Next we do Buzzy in case I'm getting fuzzy. That would be Lloyd fillin' the between #2 and #4 void. After Lloyd I want 280 he drops in round four if Yoteler try to run somebody lock the door. Then last but not least Yoteler the beast. Since he'll be the last and the event termed the "Main" gonna take him down slow, gonna make him feel pain. But go down he will and when all else is quiet I'll take on all others who just want to try it. :D (Word!!)

Got pictures of the snake over on Fireside!
Well if this happens and it is during hunting season and I have a tag for something, I will miss the festivities because I will be lost somewhere in the "wilderness". So then all ass kicking will have to wait because y'all will have to form a search party to find my sorry lost and bewildered ass. But when ya find me I will be smiling like the kid with the hand in the cookie jar. :D
This should be good...a retiree taking on 5 guys...

Jesus H. Christ, I know a few tough guys, a few trash talkers, but Paws, you have taken the cake.
Powderburn, what it says is "MODERATOR" Best watch yo mouf dere boy! :D
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