Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

PawClaws, You got a problem?

Hey 280,

He kind of reminds me of the joke about the hooker....

We have already decided on her character.... Now we are just negotiating the price...


Now we got it down to 145 miles??? That is only 5 gallons of gas.... Hell, I'll cover the whole $10. Nemont, if you can front me the money when Paws shows up, I'm good for $10. By the time I get to Glasgow, I would likely have that much in Aluminum cans in the back of the rig to recycle...

When you get to Nemont's, have him give you $10...
Nemont, if you can front me the money when Paws shows up, I'm good for $10
Well I guess I can have the kids mow a couple of the lawns around the neighborhood.

Hey, another advantage to that route would that you could continue on Hwy 2 west all the way to Glacier park. Going to the Sun may be getting a little iffy by Oct. but man is that a beautiful drive, well except for going through Browning.

well that pretty much covers all the details, your up paws,,, accept or decline, as I have stated before smart money is on the latter

I think you might owe Nemont some money just for the travel planning advice. That kind of local information is invaluable.

And by the way, if you are coming to Idaho, you should probably learn how to spell the name of the place you are going. It is D-w-o-r-s-h-a-k. It was named after a GOP Senator. For some reason, all dams in Idaho that are named after people and kill Salmon runs are named after Republicans.

Can you really sit around a hunting camp for 10 days and just cook for other people?

You don't have much confidence in Paws following through on his boasts???
Well I guess that will leave out 280 money and ElkGunner money huh! Where do you want me to meet you Nemont, time and place, I'm paying my own way. But with 280s and Elk Gunner's money!! Now as to Dutch oven cooking there "Rookie". That theory works fine for lunch and dinner and even if you don't mind stews or beans for breakfast; but, biscuits are done in 30 minutes, pies and fruit cobblers in forty five minutes to an hour, fried eggs are a real bitch to slow cook in the oven so I usually flip the lid over on some coals and fry them. Do hand made tortillas the same way for breakfast. Then there is the little matter of building a fire with a supply of coals to feed the ovens. I figure if Scotty shows up and we are both out of the sack by four AM and we get real well organized we can provide three meals plus a pack out snack and maybe a little bedtime something too if we bust our asses all day. Granted, we may be able to break after breakfast cleanup and the slow cook stuff is burried for dinner. We will be feeding between twenty and forty people which is why Nemont should really consider driving on down. It would be worth the trip to spend the week-end with us! Now if he wants to limit our visit to his ass kicking then I can drive up to his place after the 19th. Assuming of course I receive my $800.00 expense money. If I should get snowed in, he can feed me until the weather breaks and look forward to a new ass kicking every day! By the way 280, when is the last time you had a real good ass kicking?? hmmmmmmmm?? Would I rather cook than hunt? I guess that really depends on what is in season, how my constitution is, and what the weather looks like. Always more fun to cook indoors than walk around in a blizzard. P.S. ElkGunner if you want to drop by and teach me how to cook I'd be glad to watch you get laughed out of camp!

P.S. Thanks for the spelling! I didn't mis-spell it, I mis-read it! ;)
Well I guess that willleave out 280 money and ElkGunner money huh! Where do you want me to meet you Nemont, time and place, I'm paying my own way. Now as to Dutch oven cooking there "Rookie". That theory works fine for lunch and dinner and even if you don't mind stews or beans for breakfast; but, biscuits are done in 30 minutes, pies and fruit cobblers in forty five minutes to an hour, fried eggs are a real bitch toslow cook in the oven so I usually flip the lid over on some coals and fry them. Do hand made tortillas the same way for breakfast. Then there is the little matter of building a fire with a supply of coals to feed the ovens. I figure if Scotty shows up and we are both out of the sack by four AM and we get real well organized we can provide three meals plus a pack out snack and maybe a little bedtime something too if we bust our asses all day. Granted, we may be able to break after breakfast cleanup and the slow cook stuff is burried for dinner. We will be feeding between twenty and forty people which is why Nemont should really consider driving on down. It would be worth the trip to spend the week-end with us! Now if he wants to limit our visit to his ass kicking then I can drive up to his place after the 19th. Assuming of course I receive my $800.00 expense money . If I should get snowed in, he can feed me until the weather breaks and look forward to a new ass kicking every day! By the way 280, when is the last time you had a real good ass kicking?? hmmmmmmmm??
Paws, Sorry bud but I am confused, You are paying your own way as long as you get $800 for expenses?

I know it is after noon maybe the morning meds have worn off. Could you help me out here.

Yes of course! I'll spend their money!! If they pay up and you want to drive out to camp; I'll give their money to you!! :D
Originally posted by pawclaws:
Yes of course! I'll spend their money!! If they pay up and you want to drive out to camp; I'll give their money to you!! :D
Ever notice when Paws gets caught in one of his "stretchings", he doesn't answer the questions???
Well shoot, the snake is dead!! :( Now I will have to tear the darn dryer apart to remove his body. Anybody need a new whip or belt?? He looks to be about eight foot judging from the thickness of his posterior end. He is a black snake. Should make some real nice leather. Now where did Gunner46 put that rattlesnake recipe?? :eek: Seriously now, you nuts that can get a local tag and have the time ought to at least consider coming out. I know it is public land and all but the word is that the hunting is pretty good and the group is a whale of a bunch of nice guys and they really had a ball last year.

Let's see 20 to 40 people in hunting camp on public land. Hmmmmmm, I think I will pass for the solitude and quiet of hunting in a much smaller groups.

Also Oct 19th is out of the question. I plan on being on an antelope with my daughter. This is her first hunting season and will be hunting antelope on her grandmothers ranch.

So swing this way on your way through.


[ 06-25-2004, 15:42: Message edited by: Nemont ]
Nemont, I dont think Paws will want to swing through on his way down.

I've heard its pretty tough to peel spuds and stir the gravy with your eyes swelled shut.


That is a problem because antelope season starts on Oct. 10.

I will not pass up a chance to share the field with my oldest daughter. Note she was the one who I posted a pic of standing in front of the U.M. student entrance. I love here even if she wants to be a Griz.

I don't know for sure if we drew but we used landowner preference for her, so hopefully she did. She also put in for a cow elk tag in 630/631. They increased the total cow tags to 200.


How many days is it gonna take your daughter to whack a 'lope??? And how long do you think it will take to dispatch some ol' Confederate Soldier???

My daughter struck out on her Idaho Cow tag... We may just have to call it good with her hunting deer this first year, along with the Gooses and other "miscellaneous"....
Lloyd, somehow I don't think that will be a problem.
My unaided vision is 20/400 right and 20/600 left so basically I'm legally blind and what I do I do by feel; including ass kicking!! :D So Nemont come on down on the week-end of 9 Oct. We'll be set up and I'll probably getthere on the 6th or 7th anyway. Hunting officially starts on the 8th I guess; but, I wont be out on the first day for certain, maybe later when I get the rhythm of the camp and see how my constitution works out. Ray breaks the group up into two man teams for hunting and spreads them out over about a fifteen mile radius (mostly uphill.)That way the hunting froups and pressure isn't too bad. Remember they will be hunting during the week rather than on the week-end like most of the locals. Scott is bringing a 12 foot boat so we can drown a worm or two maybe try trolling for a little of that land locked pink meat too. I also hope to get out and do some grouse shooting for the pot. Just be sure to bring an alum stick (styptic pencil) for your split lip and maybe some ammonia caplets to help wake you back up or bring you to consciousness. You won't need a change of clothes. Folk I knock down generally don't thrash around; just lay there until they get helped back up! :D Come on down, have some fun and get that $800.00 them boys are sending me to give to you! :D
Actually, I think it will only take opening day. There are quite a few of them around. It won't take long to whip the old confederate soldier. I am only concerned about timing.

My daughter has a pretty good chance to draw a cow tag. In Montana, since it is her first year of hunting, the state gives them a deer tag, elk tag, upland bird, both waterfowl stamps and their conservation license and state lands permit.

I guess I can just book the Cottonwood Inn and convention center or perhaps Valley View Nursing home would be more appropriate just to get it over with. AND FINALLY END THIS THREAD!!!\

PAWS, where at around Dworshak? That's a big place (email me). Don't let EG's lack of comprehension bother you. He and )(
get that way. :rolleyes:
Shoot ten bears you asked me so quick I near forgot. :eek: We will be at Dworlshack on the Reservoir right next to the Corps of Engineer Headquarters on their property camp in area 10A. I'll send you a location map that will show you the road network. Nemont, I hope you can find time to drop down; but, I know how things go when a man has to work and take care of a family. You guys out there who get all envious of retirement remember this, if you do it early all your buds are still busy working, and it sure do get boreing sometimes!

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