
PawClaws, You got a problem?

paws runs faster dives deeper and comes up dryer then most, so he can fund his own trip since it was his own mouth that got him into this,,,unless of course his "ego is writing checks his body can`t cash",,or something like that.
Uhhh... Paws, just exactly what route are you taking to Lewiston? Are you using one of your maps? You know, the ones with the Scandanvian countries of Italy and Spain???

You could drive all over Idaho and Montana on far less than $800...

You might try Mapquest to see the closer directions....

Hey 280,

You don't 'spose ol' Paws is getting "overdraft" notices from his "bank"?
"You don't 'spose ol' Paws is getting "overdraft" notices from his "bank"?" LOL,,,clever EG very cleaver
Nemont said it was 650 miles from Lewiston to his place in Montana he had selected. Twice that is 1300 miles. That multiplied by fifty cents per mile is $650.00. I think that $150.00 more for meals, hotels, insurance, maintenance, etc is quite reasonable. Of course it would be difficult to understand what travel really costs when you don't pay your own way! ;) 280, I figured you didn't have it to spare!
Now ElkGunner, take you arm out of 280's ass and quit working his lips for him! :eek:

The rate allowed by the IRS is 37.5 cents per mile. I wish it were more but it hasn't risen with the price of gas. In addition the IRS rate is calculated for taxes, insurance, licenes, gas, oil and depreciation.

Just trying to help.

Respectfully Yours,

Why wouldn't you just swing by Nemont's on your way out there, or your way back? There ain't many ways to get to Lewiston, Idaho (and not sure why on God's Earth anyone would want to go see a Pulp Mill).

And I am guessing that if you spend the night at Nemont's local hospital, they will likely serve you a couple of meals. Probably Liquids only, but broth might taste good after a thrashing...

Will you at least offer to set a PB&J sandwich out next to the highway for Paws to pick up?
paws is having a little trouble reading his maps, paws your assignment today is to find Lewistown and Lewiston on the map and report back the difference we would want you using the excuse that you were in the wrong town now would we, and another question if you were picking a fictious person from history to pretend you are why would you pick a lowly cook and not someone like Annie Oakley,,,lol or Robert E Lee?
After 11 pages am sorely lost :confused:
The only thing I do know is that Moosie graduated with a 1.46% :confused: :confused:
My schools always gave GPA's not Percents??
say Oscar, that wasn't your blood-alcohol content they gave ya instead was it :D
Hey 280,

What makes you think Paws did the "Choosin"....? You ever see the movie Sybil??? My guess is ol' Paws is the "chosen".... Some days he is a cook for the losing side, other days he thinks he is Dr. Livingston. Some days he is a landlord at the trailer court, some days he takes his medicine....

Hey Paws,
Just to help you out a bit, that part of Idaho/MT/Wash is loaded with Lewis and Clark names. And you might want to use a professional's map, not one of them you make yourself...
Well the finding is not going to be a problem since I am going to Dvorshack rather than Lewiston. Goin there to be a lowly cook for a group of buds, Corps of Engineer folk, Idaho Fish and Game folk, etc. I'll be in area 10A at the dam camp ground by the COE. Y'all are welcome to come down and visit. Unless your name is Mike, then that might be a problem. ;) I'll be there from the 8th through the 19th of October and at a couple other places in Idaho earlier doing some shopping for 1860s artifacts. So far being a lowly cook has cost me about a grand.
Hey Ten Bears! :D How you doin' man?? Nemont, I know what the IRS allows as an expense however I don't itemize any longer so the piddly bit of reportable income is insignificant. I still think you should come out to Dvorshack. Just got word that my other cook is having some problems. I hope he can stillmake it out there; but if not, I can still find a little time to fix ya a cup of coffee, burn a steak, kick yer ass; whatever! ;) Otherwise get them boys to collect that $800.00 and I'll come on out to your house for a visit after the 19th.

I feel like I am watching Sesame Street.

(Sing it in Bert or Ernies voice)
One of this is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same, one of these doesn't belong can you guess which one it is?

I can still find a little time to fix ya a cup of coffee, burn a steak, kick yer ass ; whatever
Also what is with the 19th date? The 19th of what? I thought you said October 8th. I can't get that much time off of my job at Walmart. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'll be in camp from the 8th through the 19th of October. Well depending on how Scott's difficulties work out; I may have to get there a bit earlier. By the way I do a perfect imitation of Ernie! :D (I have a degree in voice improvisation with honors and worked fifteen years for Disney doing voice overs for Cinderella.)
That was just after I taught Nature Boy Buddy Rogers how to fall without hurting himself or his opponent!

Anybody know where I left my meds? :confused: Did I already take them??

For some reason, you never seem to be able to answer any questions.... Have you looked into getting your money back from some of those degrees you paid for????

It looks like Billings to Glasgow is 276 miles. And the Escort does 34mpg, so less than 10 gallons to get there, and 10 back.

Call it $40.... I think 280 is good for some, and maybe RockyDog. Whatever they can't scrounge, I'll cover.

You are quickly running out of excuses....

Just out of curiosity, why on earth would you drive all the way to Idaho to cook for some others, and not pony up the $338 for an Elk tag??? Idaho is just loaded with Elk, any idiot can kill one.... just look at Moosie... :D
Can't cook and hunt at the same time Gunner! Any common moron should be able to figure that out. Getting to meet with some of the folk I have talked with on line or via e-mail is far more important to me than taking an elk; especially since I don't have room for the meat right now. Those degrees; I didn't pay for them bubba, you did! :D It's only 19 miles from The Plains to Glouster; but, I don't plan to be at either of those locations. either! :rolleyes: Send me $800.00; put up or shut up!
Now excuse me I must go and extract the black snake from my clothes dryer!
I suppose the Sheriff is still wanting to take pictures of the break in as well! :eek:
You might want to learn up a bit about Dutch Oven cooking, as it is pretty easy to cook and to hunt. Most of us have the skills to do both. It ain't that hard, unless you actually aren't a hunter....

And I am sure you could find someone to give the meat to, if you couldn't use all of it. An Elk doesn't take that much room in a freezer. I'm kinda guessing you aren't much for hunting. You seem to like cooking more.... We have a word for thems types of people...

So it looks like you are officially cowarding out on Nemont's party??? Is that your final answer???
Member # 707

Member Rated:
posted 06-04-2004 10:55
Wanna find out for yourself Bubba? Name it. Place and time; I'll be there!! (Notice I don't hide my name and address!

"As the rainbow follows the storm, peace shall follow the war."

Phillip P. Foreman "Pawclaws"
aka Cpl Kass Irons, CSA
Mosby's Raiders
Quartermaster and Garrison Cook

Posts: 2161 | From: Athens, Ohio 45701 | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged |

This was like 300 posts ago, I guess paws either forgot at the time he needed money to get to the "place", or he is now looking for a way out,,,smart money is on the latter
It looks like Billings to Glasgow is 276 miles. And the Escort does 34mpg, so less than 10 gallons to get there, and 10 back.
Actually the far shorter route would be to get off the I-94 at Glendive and take Hwy 200 to Cirlce, MT then North on Hwy 25 to Wolf Point then Hwy 2 West to Glasgow. That is only 145 miles. Course you don't get to see the beautiful Missouri Breaks just the lovely Eastern Montana plains.

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