
PawClaws, You got a problem?

ElkGunner, does your response insinuate that you are a racist? Do you mean that you are not surprised that I am not a racist? Do you mean you are not surprised that I don't believe CJCJ is a racist? What exactly do you mean? You know, it has been really pleasant around here while you were away! :D Is you comment "...real piece of work" intended to be an insult? Please explain your comments.

P.S. How was New York? ;)
Rut oh.... here we go again
What happened to your 90% reading comprehension?

Hey,did you see where Nancy Reagan is going to be putting more pressure on ol' Dubya to allow Stem Cell research in hopes of finding a cure for Alzheimers?
Yes and anyone who would condone the murder of innocent children to find a cure for any disease is an immoral animal not worthy of the term human.
Now answer the questions ElkGunner! Nemont, don't you have something to defrag?
HEY PAWS.. Why should Gunner answer the Question when You never answered mine ? :D

NUT, Uhhhhh If someone turned into 2 people when They got Bashed some of us would be many ... (WOW, That was deep ;) )
AS in.... ? HEY, It should be me that can't comprehend things. Should I sign you up with Gunners reading and understanding course 101 thats he's giving
And to think that the Dinasaurs wondered why they went extinct..... :rolleyes: Doesn't even recognize a life saver when handed one. :(

He is a "piece of work". :rolleyes:

Don't expect any answers. When he gets cornered, he ignores the questions, and starts playing dumb(er).

Funny how somebody that is so much smarter than everybody else, so much more learned than everybody else, can be made to look so dumb by a high school "struggler". ;)
Where's my mouse trap? :D Oh Gunner, you are sooooo easy. Glad you weren't born female, else Moosie's would surely have a ho on the BB! ;)
Hey Paws,

To save me the trouble of reading all these posts, did you coward out on Nemont's invitation to Montana?

I was thinking of buying a couple of cases of brew, and making a roadtrip up that direction....
You can either read the posts or ask Nemont. He has not yet advised me on the status of his invitation which I accepted.

Just figured you had been all puffed up and bluffing.
Member # 707

Member Rated:
posted 06-12-2004 20:58
Yah Chas, Foreman is a professional bluffer! (Thought I'd beat Moosie, Nemont, and ElkGunner to it!)

"As the rainbow follows the storm, peace shall follow the war."

Phillip P. Foreman "Pawclaws"
aka Cpl Kass Irons, CSA
Mosby's Raiders
Quartermaster and Garrison Cook

Posts: 2137 | From: Athens, Ohio 45701 | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged |
Originally posted by pawclaws:
You can either read the posts or ask Nemont. He has not yet advised me on the status of his invitation which I accepted.

Are you saying you can't remember what your answer was?

Hey Nemont,

I'm thinking any proceeds from the event, if it were to take place, should be sent to Nancy Reagan's campaign against Dubya, in order to enable cures to Alzheimers.

Seems like that would make it a Win-Win for Paws... :D
Personally, I am on the edge of my seat waiting for this to come true.;f=18;t=006657;p=1#000003

Originally posted by pawclaws - 06-23-04 18:31:
I suppose you would like to know the truth. Can you handle the truth? Fact is Mr Bin Ladin was captured in Baghdad in December 2001 just before Christmas. First accounts I received were that he had been killed; then, all went quiet. Within 90 days the information turned into a review of his capture. He remains in US custody. I suspect that his dead body will be discovered near Baghdad or between there and Kurdistan sometime in late September. Believe it? Doesn't matter cause I'm not offering proof and a few of you need something to pooh pooh anyway. Just keep your ears and eyes open;and remember, you heard it here first.

You don't believe somebody who thinks he is in the Confederate Army???? :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:

I think we can all agree that Nancy Reagan needs our support in her battles against Dubya. :D
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