PawClaws, You got a problem?

Originally posted by feclnogn:

There it official. A 300 post thread with no redeeming value except for the fact that I have proven myself to be a superior fisherman, and Danr's last post. A true statement if there ever was one.
Yes you did, well atleast you followed the guidleines and had the pic of a fish to go with the whopper.
I think you win.
Heck, I refuse to read this crap.

I disagree with Paws, but he's never asked to meet me! :( I guess he knows someone his age shouldn't be challenging a stapping lad like myself! I hope someday I get to where he's at!!!!
1_pointer, you know what Bob Barker says; "Come on down!" :D Clinton Utah; hmmmmm what's in Utah besides Mormons or is the plural Mormen and if it is what about Morwomen? :confused:

Seriously though, what we have in Ohio are pretty good turkey, fair pheasant, some duck, some geese, real good whitetail, pretty good dove, fair to middlin squirrel, a lot of ground hog, and hog, bear, bobcat, panther, and cougar are sighted just about as often as "Big Foot". Oh plus I did see that once in a lifetime in Ohio elk a couple weeks ago. Fishing is pretty nice for freshwater species; especially walleye, pike, large mouth and smalmouth as well as stripers and hybrids but my favorite is crappie and perch, brim or blue gill/sunfish/and pumpkin seeds! Anybody wants to come down is welcome, just let me know where and what you need me to do to help make it happen. :D (Or we can just go make a fire znd drink some Black Label or Pabst!!) :D
Hard to find, but; worth the look and expense! :D It's either that or San Miguel, possibly Doseque, maybe Tecate. :D
Man i can`t believe this thread passed the "soapbox for illegals" you guys did a shitload of fighting while i was gone, WOW!
I disagree with WH.....I would rather #*^@#* around with y'all and talk smack cause we love eachother, rather then beat a dead horse, talking about the illegals. I guess being from Mexico Myself (southern California) I just got tired of all that shit!

BTW did WH Tell ya I am 1/4 Mexiican!!!!

Look at my sister, You can tell. For some reason I got the blonde hair and green eyes from my grandmother, but Yeah baby I am mexican :D
Funny part is My Grandpa (the mexican) told me to NEVER hang with the mexicans
Ok I am done rambling...Bored at work again :D
Hello Outdoors Chick, you are who you are, and we all are part of some ethnic background, aint nothing wrong with being part mexican,chinese,german or any race! when our parents started "bumping uglies" i`m sure they wern`t thinking about the mix, but as an american we all should be concerned about the invasion of illegals from mexico,china,cuba etc. the reason mexico comes up so often is that is where "most" of the illegals come from, at least here in the southwest, if it was in florida it might be cuban`s, anyway i have to stop my bullshit on this thread, i will stay on my soapbox.
Hey ODC you might be surprised but Red hair and Green eyes are fairly common in Northern Europe including Spain and Italy. Met some georgeous red headed ladies in Mexico. CJCJ isn't a racist gal. He is just sick to death of seeing his country turn over the keys of the treasure chest to interlopers who have not ponied up their fair share. I know exactly where he is coming from.
Caribou Gear

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