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PawClaws, You got a problem?


For some reason, I don't think too many of us are "envious" of you.... I am trying to think who might be, and I am drawing a blank. Maybe Ten Beers????

And keep in mind, it is D-W-O-R-S-H-A-K. I would have thought somebody with 90% comprehension would learn how to spell a word, after seeing it a time or two. Look at TenBeers, he knows how to spell it with only a 3rd grade "edjumacation"...
Why would anyone be envious of me? :confused: That's a sin anyway ElkGunner. Any good Catholic should know that! :hunp: Man, sometimes you make less sense than I do! :eek: You better get an early start on the Geritol there bud, maybe get a glaucoma check and an Alzheimers test, possibly a pap smear; who knows! :D
And some days the "lowly cook" thinks he is a Doctor.... Oh that's right, Dr. Livingston....

And Paws, you might want to tell all the Men you are going to be cooking for not to do too much hunting on the 8th.... Hate to see them all get tickets for hunting out of season..... And you might want to re-think Revilee, as daylight comes pretty early in that part of the state, assuming the Men you are cooking for want to be hunting at first light...

Why don't you at least buy a deer tag??? That place is crawling with Whitetail, big enough an old blind man should be able to see them. And you could easily eat all the meat with 20 guys in camp...
And Paws, you might want to tell all the Men you are going to be cooking for not to do too much hunting on the 8th....
Well I guess that willleave out 280 money and ElkGunner money huh! Where do you want me to meet you Nemont, time and place , I'm paying my own way
Paws, Sounds like you have time and you did say it was my choice. So I choose here in Glasgow. I think you will greatly enjoy our community. So Oct 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Cottonwood Inn on Hwy 2 West.

For anyone wanting a room please RSVP as there is limited room in the Nemont household. :cool:

Hey Nemont.... I got my drive already planned out ;) :D

Nemont if you can make that on the fifth; maybe the sixth you are on. Thanks Nut, that helps put things in perspective. Seriously I want to get in camp a couple days early to make sure we have everything plus I need to go in to Lewiston to buy dry ice and groceries before opener. EG we will have plenty of meat. One of the guys is donating a Red Angus steer which will dress out at 125 pounds of boneless meat and another is donating a hog. One is bringing forty pounds of baked Idaho Russet Burbanks and we are all kicking in fifty bucks for chow for the ten days. There should be plenty to eat. Oh hell Nemont I just remembered, I promised Pops I'd drop by his place on the 5th! Sorry, we are back at the rear end of this thing again! Hey Fred you want me or Travis to pick you up on the way out? :D

If I were you I would get off the interstate in North Dakota and head north to Grand Forks. There is a Cabelas in East Grand Forks. You then just take Hwy 2 straight west to Glasgow. It will only add 30 minutes to the drive. I have been both ways going to and from Minneapolis and timed it out at least 8 times and it never varies. 12 hours exactly from Minneapolis to Glasgow.


P.S. Bring your shotgun as ducks and geese are open and I sure there will be plenty of time to get in some good waterfowl hunting. Grouse and Sharpies are open then too.

Maybe that is viewed as a bribe. :D

I still don't get why you wouldn't put in a few hours hunting deer if the hunting is good. I wouldn't drive that far and pass up a chance to hunt. Hell the food bank would take the venison and you can write off the donation.

Why don't you both agree to not be pussies, agree to a meeting place, put $400 each in the pot, and the guy that can walk away gives $400 to the conservation organization of his choice (and of course, gets his $400 back).

I like to see bribes. :D ;)

My thoughts on a trip out west. If I was to achieve the desire to go there and it is during hunting season, I would want to hunt if my physical abilities would allow me to. The people would be great to meet. but after all we all do like the hunt dont we?

Unless it is this time of year. But wait there would be fishing then?
Liking something doesn't make it practical, sensible, or even sometimes possible Nut. You should understand that; you are a married man aren't you? :D Oak that sounds like the way to go but I don't think Gunner or 280 are going to go along with putting in the $400.00 bucks each! I have been trying all day!! :D
She's happy and I'm married for sure. I just stated how I am and feel. Some people like redheads some like blondes and some like brunettes. Different strokes for different folks. Just give me something to hunt and I am happy. :D
Drugs!! :D Darn Nut; if I was lhuntin' blondes, brunettes, and redheads I'd be hapy stoo!! :eek:

I think we are kind of seeing into his character.... Lots of tough talk, lots of boasting, but in the end, there seems to be lots of "insufficient funds".....

I agree with you, why drive 1/2 way across the country to watch the Men go out hunting?
Maybe he likes to drive! Maybe he'll drive his foot up your ass! :eek: Maybe he just wants to see what Idaho looks like! Maybe he wants to visit his friends! Maybe he wants to look around for D.B. Cooper! Maybe it isn't any of your damned business! ;) Now go stick your head into the toilet and flush it until your head clears. Hey ElkGunner, you are closer than Nemont is; why don't you stand in for him as his second? Then after I kick your ass it will really be Nemont's ass and no embarrassment to you! ;) By the way, while the men go hunting, where will you be? :confused:
OK Yoteler. You need directions or can you just use mapquest or something?
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