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PawClaws, You got a problem?

PAws, if you send the Package to Mars, And Request 65$ for the PAyment I will send it. I have no Issue with that. Please show a Reciept though......

I would , however, Be carefull on saying the Leadership around here sucks because I think you offended DelW. MUCH worse then Second guessing his ability to pick an Admin. And by Upsetting Delw you might have Hurt Buzz's Feelings. MAYBE youshould think of their feelings :D :D :D

(GOSH DAM I'm funny
My feelings hurt HAHA I have no feelings.

I do however think your a big waste of bandwidth lately.
I havent seen anyone talk this nonsence since we got rid of the kooks a few years ago.

you see you could have stayed away from this thread but no you had to keep it going.
now SI will go back in the shitter( I wonder if I should thank you now or after I have to start deleteing posts ;) ).
I figure you will be back for a bit rant and rave about someone threaten to kick some butt throw a lawsuit in, then get your feelings hurt around and quite again(for the 5th time I think). Then after a month or 2 you will come back and get it going again.

The sir shit makes you sound like some have crazed englishmen that is looking to find himself.


I'll gladly pay you for a new Apron and the postage to send it to MarS. You can tell who ever is in possession of the old one to insert it into their Colon, and we can no longer wonder what is done with it.

I kind of think you got him "patterned"....
Well Mr Del W, I could certainly understand your frustration at this thread's continued life; being an Administrator and all and yet "hamstrung" and all and unable to delete it or lock it out! ;) Fact is this thread gets more hits than your web site! :D You know should every word of your post prove absolutely true; it still doesn't justify your rudeness, or mean spirited butt sucking comments on the recipe thread. Now run along and make something moldy! ;)
Why not just ban him now? Do you really need anymore evidence of his true colors? Not only is he rude and irritating, he is a fricking make believe rebel corporal to boot. Confederate soldiers should all be dead by now, the war ended in 1865. Let's just end this one NOW!!!

Why Mr. Whitedeer! :D I've been waiting patiently biting my tongue to avoid responding in much the same manner! LOL :D
Okay Genius when did the war end? Was there additional, organized fighting led and sanctioned by the confederate government?
I am not talking about the deep south, cousin marrying, one tooth, tank top wearing, redneck rebels who think the south shall rise again.

Anyone else smell that? :eek: Pheeeeeewww what a foul stench! :eek: Mayhap there be some Listerine about the place what can be borrowed to clean up an odiferous orafice! Rude? Irritating? Perhaps just thoughtless and inconsiderate. Perhaps the clutch engages the foul orafice before the brain paths are consulted! :D
being an Administrator and all and yet "hamstrung" and all and unable to delete it or lock it out!
What makes you so sure I cant? I think you would be amazed at what I can do. FAct of the matter this thread has gone on so long that I find it facinating that you still post to it. You have the power to stop the post the thread by not posting replies. however you must keep it running for some unknown reason. Heck maybe you like it.

Before I did that I would have to consult with my lawyers to make sure I wouldnt get sued or beat up. ;)

Hey Paws, listerine wouldn't clean the orifice that you use the most. But, hey, when you are a really big one of those I guess not much can be done.


[ 07-26-2004, 11:19: Message edited by: Nemont ]
Imagine an actual "expert" has spoken on a subject of which he is most familiar!
I must confess Mr Del W, I do rather enjoy this thread. :D The good natured ribbing, and warm retorts of familiarity are heart warming indeed. It isn't often one finds such depth of friendship mixed with such humor and intellectual banter. I am so moved a spirit of generosity has overpowered my financial conscience. Moosie; I'll just by golly hand deliver that package to MarlandS on the way out to Idaho this fall. If you like, I'll drop by your place too with a crisp Andy Jackson to reimburse your losses as well! What say? :D
Mr. Foreskin,

Delw is an expert administrator and is most familiar with that role. Why don't you take your own advice and just leave here smarter or better yet just leave. Maybe you need to just go cook another one of those Turd things on you camp kooks website.

from the favorite links page of ohiocampkooks.org

Moosies' Hunt and Talk
An exciting discussion forum composed of seasoned hunters, survivalists, and shooters. Lots of humor mixed with a wealth of experience. Especially helpful for the big game hunter. You will enjoy your visit here and leave a lot smarter . "Warning; Sometimes the language gets a bit colorful!!"
Well shit, I don't know whether to wait at the mailbox or just watch the driveway.. maybe an airdrop???

Apron??? I hoped it would be a thong. Can I wear it as a thong?? I usually read Hunttalk nekkid but would change my ways for a Hunttalk apron/thong.

Speaking of hamstrung, when can I start moderating again??
If I remember correctly post automatically dissapear at like 600 replies or something close too. it was kinda a bug in the Hunttalk ubb system ;)
I am feverishly working on the fix for this as we speak ;)

Looks like right now I got the program only to lock the posts at 600, well at least its not going to get deleted ;)

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