Kenetrek Boots

PawClaws, You got a problem?

Originally posted by ElkGunner:
Hey Paws,

If you are looking for "respect", you will likely find it between "Pity" and "Suicide" in the dictonary.

How come you didn't show Nemont "respect", and answer his questions?
I think you skipped over the Bs!! behavior

"Couldn't you just imagine some pre-schooler wandering around the playground in Ohio DEMANDING to be called "Mister".... " quoteth Mr. Mike

Actually you know it would be unusual for a pre-schooler to demand being called Mister in Ohio when I was going to pre-school. You see it was the norm, to do so without the necessity to demand.

By the way Mister Mike; with respect to Behaviour, it would be quite sufficient for you to gain control of your own! I'll see to mine, thank you very much.

[ 07-25-2004, 11:37: Message edited by: Mr. Foreman ]
Mr. JB I have decided that I am not going to provide advance warning regarding any action I take whether it be toi litigate or perform a different physical act. I shall merely consider what needs to be done and act accordingly. I will however remind you Sir that in the past my policy has always been to respond only when provoked. Now as to my face just crying "smack me" you are cordially invited to give it your best shot and suffer the consequences. Additionally I believe that your statement may well constitute assault. A thought you may wish to consider sir.
Keep an eye on your mailbox!! :D
Okay, boys and girls...our word for the day is "Girrrrrthy" in Ball Park Franks. Who wants a wimpy little supermarket frank when you can have a girrrrthy Ball Park Frank straight off the grill? :rolleyes:

Nice to see you back, Mr. matter what the peanut gallery says.

Sign me,

-Mr. Thread Killer-
Mr. Rogue Warrior Sir! :D (For most of these backwood yokels I would pronounce it the same but spell it "CURR")
Great to hear from you! These puny imps of Hell's dominion aren't a real bother; just a petty nuisance Rogie. I decided that the good elements here are sufficient to warrant tolerance of the annoyances.
It is truly nice to see a friendly face! :D
Mr. Foreman,
No formality needed here. You can simply call me by my initials!! Chas E. Robbins That's CER !! :D :D :D

mr.foreskin,...i think you may have jumped the gun and assumed i was talking about you when i said "his face cries smack me" were wrong,i was talking about someone else(it was some other smuck) were the one that i said needed a "check-up from the neck-up".

why should i be watching my gonna invite me to play dress-up?
I took it for JB to mean that Gunner needs Slapping, and YOU (mr FROMAN) Needs their head checked. I'm 995 sure thats what he was implying without saying names.... You need to know who's postingto get what they mean sometimes. JB is Equally for or against everyone. He doesn't play sides, just calls it like it needs to be usually. (ON second though, It might have been me he was implying ?!?! HUMmmmm....

I will say, however, that Although I call my Kids "SIR" I don't like being called "SIR". (this is for everyone) I also don't like being called MR Williamson, or anything that Replies Respect. MY name is Moosie. Call me Moosie. I DEMAND IT :D :D

HEY PAWS, Should he be watching his Mailboz becasue you're gonig to send him the Gift I sent you and you didn't want ? Not being rude here, I'm just wondering......
Well Mr Bexley, then I apologize on the details of the matter; however in general sir my opinion remains that you really shouldn't "assault" folk especially sir those you have never met. As far as whether or not I may need mental medical attention sir that is purely none of your business and you retain no right whatever to express that particular opinion. Moosie I do not intend to forward your gift to anyone. As previously stated, I do indeed appreciate the thought. Indeed it has been recovered from the trash receptacle where deposited none the worse for its experience I trust. It remains unopened. I caught wind of your post regarding the loss of, as I recall $20.00, and for a moment my heart relented. :rolleyes: It will remain unopened until I determine its final disposition. :D I think maybe it should go to Marland! :D
:D .... WHAT you read a post after you "LEFT" for the 3rd time .... ;)

If you forward it to Marland, I'll sent the Shipping Money.
Phil, I am glad to see you back. But it seems that you are still pissed off! [just my perception] I have had plenty of issues and or clashes with plenty of the people on this board, You have alot of talent, so why waste it being pissed [most of the time]. Anyway just glad you are back, but i wish we could all "lighten up" a little.
CJCJ don't tell anyone; but I'm not pissed off!
(I am however somewhat disappointed with a few of the members here.)
But what can you expect? look at the leadership!
Thank you for your comments though I agree that we probably do need to try a lot harder at "lightening up!" :D
Moosie I thank you for your offer; and although I don't need your money but if you wish to cover shipping I'll certainly send the package overnight express, special handling, registered, and certified, and if at all possible hand carried by a Security Courrier! Oh and insured as well!! About $65.00 ought to do it! :D That is of course if I should decide to send it to MarlandS
from the favorite links page of

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An exciting discussion forum composed of seasoned hunters, survivalists, and shooters. Lots of humor mixed with a wealth of experience. Especially helpful for the big game hunter. You will enjoy your visit here and leave a lot smarter . "Warning; Sometimes the language gets a bit colorful!!"

Hey JB,

I am thinking he cracked....

Mr. JB I have decided that I am not going to provide advance warning regarding any action I take whether it be toi litigate or perform a different physical act
Looks like it was low 20s or so, when he he lost it....

I think you owe me money..... How about just sending the $20 Idaho Rivers United... :cool:
Hey Moosie and Del,

At what point do you just ban him, and decided that he isn't worth having around???

I hate to think he can't figure out how to get along, but there seems to be a burden or chip on his shoulder he carries.
Actually, I have no problem with Mr. Foreman. I think he's kinda fun and entertaining. I hope he whips all your asses, too! :D :D I'd really get a kick outta that! :D

Besides, how often do we get a chance to banter with a real live genius? ;)

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