Paul C. the salmon expert, choke on the facts.

well to answer your question,i would rather people support hunting and fishing,instead of golf or any so called professional sport, but that wasn`t the logic of my reply, it was soley talking about economic impact in general. the trouble with statistic`s is how there used . a dollar spent is still a dollar spent into an economy.
cjcj, how much good does a dollar, or a million dollars, spent in Florida on golf help the local economy of Kamiah, Orifino, etc.?

Statistically that money spent in Florida is meaningless to the local merchants on the Clearwater and Salmon rivers.

Theres no reason, other than ugly politics, why we cant have great salmon runs and all the good that comes from them...
well buzz your right about where the money is spent,and that is my point,if money is spent on recreation that a dam provides [lakes for fishing ,skiing,boating etc.] or say the dam is removed, and the same money is spent for salmon fishing, then what`s the differance? i`m not talking about the health of the salmon here, i was just refering only to those fact`s about the dollar`s, a good example of how fact`s [statistic`s] are twisted is how the arizona cardinal`s got phx. official`s to help subsidize the super bowl, they showed that it would bring 400 million to the city, sound`s good right? well a follow up study after the super bowl showed NO increase in revenue [sales tax etc.] the reason was in jan. when the bowl is held all of the hotel`s and resort`s are booked with out of state visitor`s [snowbird`s] so all the super bowl did was displace the normal snowbird`s with nfl fan`s this might not be a fair comparison but it`s the best i can come up with to get my point across about the dollar impact only, i`m in agreement with you on most of this issue[salmon] but i have to question the economic part to some degree.

I have never heard anybody argue that the slack water behind these dams provides much recreation. It would be incidental at best.

Higher up the Snake, Hells Canyon and Oxbow provide a bit of recreation, but not too much. Brownlee has quite a bit for the trash fish guys (large- and smallmouth)
and the crappie fishery. But nobody is advocating breaching these three dams.

And I would also guess the free flowing river would have an equal (probably bigger) recreational value for whitewater and fishing.

The true economic difference is people like me. Without knowing the quality of fishing in Idaho for salmon this year, I have a trip planned to Alaska. The towns up North in Idahome will not get my dollars. Somebody up in Alaska will get those dollars, as in Alaska, I have a very good chance of a decent Salmon season. In Idaho, it is just a pleasant bonus. But if it is good in Idaho, I will run up North, and throw some money around the local tackle stores, gas stations, and cafes.

elkman i won`t even try to act like i know anything about the place`s you have mentioned, i guess when i think about removing dam`s and it`s economic impact ,they are probably all differant, i`m sure youv`e heard about the enviro- wacko`s plan to tear down glen canyon dam? well think of the negative impact that would have on lake powell[no lake] million`s would be lost. the whole town of page would be gone. the angle i`m thinking about is just in dollar`s and i think that in some instances i`m probably right, and in some other`s i`m wrong,but when i read all of the so called fact`s that buzz posted,i just can`t agree with all of those economic size does not fit all, and maybee removing certain dam`s in some place`s would surly benefit the fish, and the economy but it`s also got to put a hardship somwhere else.
by the way almost every fall i see pictures on the new`s of salmon swimming across the highway,and streets up in washington,they make it look like there is plenty of fish doing this [street swimming] why is this happening and what`s it all about?

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