New Mexico Pronghorn - Act II

BBD!!! With only 30 minutes of light left Randy closed the deal on a smoker. We are busy gutin and gillen so we will have to post pics later.
Well guys, this is going to brief. It is midnight and I have to get up before daylight to finish out all the filming stuff that needs to be done. Those of you who we have filmed know that there is at least one extra day of work once the tags are filled.

Anyhow, after some amazingly long stalks this morning, none of which resulted in a shot, I decided to head back to the blind for the last afternoon/evening. I was somewhat apprehensive, as yesterday I missed such a gimme shot, twice, that I was sure I was wasting time.

When we got to the blind, Bugler and I looked over the shooting window and the location of where the shots were coming from. We expected the closer drinking spot when we set up the blind, but yesterday they used the 30 yards spot. That spot required me to bend around a part of the blind frame, and near was we could tell, it was messing with my anchor point.

We fixed all of that and made ready for whatever antelope might come in to the 30 yards drink. We sat, and we sat, and we sat. Today was the first full day of no rain and it was hot and humid. Very hot and humid.

At 5;45 a young buck came in and I passed. About twenty minutes later another young buck came in. And I passed again. Stupid, I know, given this was the last day. But, we had seen such nice bucks in this basin, that I figured I would go home empty and let the young ones grow up.

A doe came in and did not bring her buck with her. He stood to our west grazing and acting unimpressed with the cold clear water in our pond. She drank readily and after a few minutes of footage, trotted back under the fence.

I was now taking some serious flack from Bugler and Troy. We had about forty minutes left. The sun was setting and it was a beautiful sunset to a wonderful hunt. I stuck my hand out the blind window to take a bunch of pics. Figured I would have a great sunset for the ending of a great hunt.

I opened a flap to see what clouds might create some good stuff for the sunset. There were no clouds, but I am glad I stuck my face out the window. I looked over the sage and noticed the tips of some horns coming from the northeast. I dropped in the blind and told Troy and Bugler to get ready, as I think I would shoot this buck if he came in.

He paced back and forth in front of the blind for fifteen minutes testing the wind and staring right into the blind windows. I thought he was never going to come in. He paced out at 40 yards and beyond, never wanting to come closer. He walked behind the blinds and got our wind and snorted many times.

Eventually, a doe crossed under the fence. walked right past the buck and down to the 30 yard drinking spot. He watched as she enjoyed our cold refreshments. He could take it no longer.

With very little light to spare, maybe fifteen minutes, he strolled down to water next to the doe. Something spooked him. She continued to water, but he turned and was ready to bolt. It was too late. Bugler read me the range of 27 yards and the Magnus 4-blade Stinger was on its way. A perfect hit through both shoulder, at almost the exact same spot as the misses last night.

He is a great buck. I have not put a tape on him, but he will be hard to top.

Sorry the pics are kind of messed up and bloody, but we were rushed and doing everything by headlamps. Not the way I prefer, but sometimes it happens that way.

Will provide more details tomorrow.

Sorry we could not post more on this hunt. The rain messed with our preferred location and we ended up in areas with virtually no coverage. Promise to do better next time.



Awesome buck, Randy! Talk about the last minute. Congrats to both of you.

Thanks for posting I can go to bed...
Hell of a great story and 2 smoker goats, thanks for letting us tag along on your hunt, enjoyed every update WAY TO STICK IT OUT UNTIL THE END!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bugler, and Fin, great job on finding toads of bucks, and thanks for letting us tag along. Sometimes waiting till the end of the day is the way it happens, but Randy, you seem to be making a career out of it.
Hunting is such a mental game and its tough to stay focused over a long week like that. Awsome job Randy, way to stay in there till the end. Very nice buck.
Way to go FIN!!!! Very cool that both yourself and Bugler got nice goats,and awesome story to go with it. Thanks for keeping all of us pumped up!
Awesome job Randy!!!! Lets get Outdoor Channel to do a 1 hour episode on this one or better yet a full length movie:)

Nothing better than pulling a smoker out in the bottom of the ninth. What an ending to a great hunt and great play by play updates WTG GUYS!

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