Kenetrek Boots

New Mexico Pronghorn - Act II

No great kill pics today. My quiver has room for two more arrows and one buck got a haircut on his shoulders. I am a mere mortal, not the divine archer that Bugler is.

Tired and out of batteries. Will try to post more tomorrow.
Awesome buck Bugler, congrats. Can't wait to see/here more.

All the stalks are yours now Randy, good luck.
Well I have a minute to update everyone on what has happened the last few days. Yesterday was a pretty slow day as we had resort to sitting in a blind most of the day. It was our first morning of decent weather. We spot and stalked the first part of the morning but nothing really happened. We decided with the nice weather that we should sit the blind since we saw a bunch of lopes around it the evening before. We settled in around 10:00 checked the trail came to find 82 pics on it. They obviously.had been hitting the water hard. The first 8 hours were brutal with no lope sitings and some rain storms. We had decided if we saw no antelope by 6 we would leave. With minutes to spare we caught movement about 100 yards out. It was a lone for. She circled the blind and never came in. In that time we noticed a nice buck feeding our way. While watching him we noticed horns coming over the hill in front of us at 50 yards. A buck and doe were coming into water. They made it to the water hole and drank at 20 yards. Randy debated shootings younger buck but with a nicer one on the way he decided to pass. The two hung around for a few minutes then walked off. I thought troy our camera guy was going to come kick randy in the butt but after we showed him the other buck which was closing fast he let it slide.

After watching the other two water he felt safe and came in. He hung up for about 30 minutes making sure everything was ok. When he finally came in to drink he was at 30 yards. When his head dropped randy came to full draw. The buck was in a little bit of weeds so randy felt he had to aim a little higher. At the shot the buck dropped and the arrow skimmed right over his back....

Randy is on his way back from a 2 hour stalk so I must end for now. There is another encounter at the water hole that you won't want to miss.
This mornings stalk was awesome it spand 2hours and ended with antelope at 80 yards. 30 more yards and he would have had a stud buck with 7" prong. It should make for great video. We are currently driving on our way to the blind for one more chance. This is Randy last evening of hunting so wish him luck.

Anyway back to yesterday. After the shot the buck ran off and Randy was in complete disbelief. He quickly calmed back down when he saw the buck standing at 60 yards. It took 45 minutes but amazingly the buck was heading back in. He came in to the same spot and Randy drew. This time Randy aimed lower and fired. Again the buck dropped and the arrow gave him a good shave. I relayed the info to him that the shot was high. He looked at me and said no f%$#ing way. I felt bad for Randy because I've seen him shoot. He makes these shots regularly. All we could think was that with the odd angles of shooting out of a blind he is changing his ancher point. He is ready and we will be posting a dead buck sometime tonight.
I should seriously quit checking back in to see the status but it's like the guy on the corner I buy "medicine" from..... Keep comeing back to the addiction ;)

It's like if I don't keep checking in that I will miss something. Do feel for THE man though, and yes it takes a lot out of you getting that close and not closing the deal.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!! Congrats you guys!!!! What an awesome thread this one turned out to be. I can't wait to see that bruiser!!!!! And Moosie, I may have to hide in your camp gear and watch you shoot your biggest speed goat!!!!
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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