New Mexico Pronghorn - Act II

We are currently on the drive home so where ever I get service I will try and fill in the blanks of our hunt. We arrived Friday afternoon and setup camp quickly so we could get out and do some scouting. I had rush ordered a new Minox digital adapter, thanks to Van franke, in hopes of getting some pics for pre-scouting. These are the pics we took. Some of the pics were up to ½ mile out and some much closer. I have a lot to learn about using it and hopefully the pics will get better the more I use it.







These next set of pics were from opening day of the season. We were unable to hunt because the camera guy didn’t fly in until a little after noon that day. We had a good day saw a few smokers some would have been real easy to shoot too.

We called this buck the hooker buck. Randy stalked this buck a couple of times and had a couple of close encounters with him.




We found a good water hole that had a ton of antelope hitting it. Our intention was to spot and stalk but we knew if push came to shove we would sit the blind and make sure we had opportunities. It also helped that we knew of 3 bucks in the mid 80’s within 1 mile of the water. We setup the trail camera and would check it every day. We ended up with over 100 pics in 6 days. With a delay of 1 minute and only being able to cover a small section of the water we knew a lot of antelope were coming in. Here are some of the pics at the water hole.

Randy passed this buck up both days. That's pretty good knowing that this might have been his last opportunity on the last day.




We had rain everyday so not sitting water was an easy decision.
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We had some great encounters while using the bethedecoy hat. Here is Randy doing his best to close the gap on some of the bucks. This is the buck Randy shot under on his first stalking attempt of the trip. I don't think he likes looking at these pics. :confused:


Here is the pic after the miss.

Here is the stalk that Randy had when the two bull elk screwed up his stalk. This buck got within 48 yards.


Another stalk that the buck hung up at 80 yards.

Some miscellaneous pics of the trip. Here is the buck before Randy made a stalk on him.

This is how you tell if your camera guy is tough. Stalking in cactus with crocs on.

A buck at 30 yards on private property. How did he know?

Great job guys! That was an incredible hunt and some great pictures too! Thanks for taking us along.
It was now day 4 of 6 and we were getting a little worried about getting a kill on film. You could tell Troy our camera guy was getting edgy with all the close encounters and only one arrow being released. Fin had made a bunch of great stalks which ended with a lot of close encounters. I on the other hand had a couple of stalks and one was on a really smoker buck that we guessed was in the mid 80’s. The grass, flowers and weeds were so tall from all the rain that it made it really hard to range the buck as he was coming in. We guessed the buck was between 70 and 80 yards. Another 20 yards and I would have had a good opportunity at him. The footage should be really cool.

It was now the evening time and we found another nice buck to stalk. We quickly closed the gap and got within 100 yards of the herd. Same thing as the last few days. The buck would stay interested for 30 minutes, close the distance to 80 or so yards and then run off. Randy and I had just meet back up when I looked up and saw a good buck at 200 yards. This buck and I had history as he was one I had already stalked two other times. During one of the missed opportunities on this buck I remember looking at the camera and saying that this is the buck I would really like to take, little did I know in two days it would come true.

Randy and I had a quick pow-wow and decided I had better hurry and make up some ground as this buck was feeding the other way. I closed the 100 yards quickly with no problems. I slowed my pass enough to make sure he didn’t see me coming from behind. As he feed I closed the gap. I was now within 65 yards of the buck without him knowing I was there. I quickly ranged and came to full draw. I started grunting like a deer (ya, I know not like he had ever heard that before) but for whatever reason he turned broadside and gave me the broadside shot. I made good on the shot and within 80 yards laid the buck I had wanted from the beginning. As we walked up to him I knew I had arrowed my best archery buck. He was 16.5” long with ok mass and prongs. With just a quick tape on him I got 81” gross.

Now with one buck on the ground the truck ride back was a little less stressful and all the camera guy and Randy could talk about was tube socks.:eek:


With the pressure off and the late night of taking care of an antelope we decided to do some spot and stalk in some familiar country. We found a buck that Randy had taken a picture of last year and he was a hoss this year. As big bucks do he never let us get closer then 200 yards. We could tell this morning was going to be hot so we headed to sit in the blind. This was our first time sitting it and with 4 full days of getting use to the blind we thought we had it made. :rolleyes:

After 2 hours of sitting in the hot it started raining. SHEEEET! It rained for 2 hours off and on and we were sure that no antelope were going to come in. Even though the trail camera showed animals coming in everyday. It had now been 7.5 hours with not one siting of antelope. We had told ourselves hours before that if we had not found anything by 6:00 we were heading out. With 5 minutes to spare the first animals came in.


As this guy came in Troy was burning film like crazy. He thought for sure Randy was going to shoot him. As he walked off he couldn't believe and we could feel the stem radiating from his blind.

As the buck was coming in we had seen another buck about 500 yards out coming from the west. It made the decision easier because he looked like a much better buck. After relaying this to Troy he felt a little better. You have already heard this part of the story so I will just post a pic of the buck as he was coming in. Minus of course the two shaves he got that day. ;)
Fin was surprisingly happy on his last morning. I guess he must of known good things were about to happen. In the morning Randy made a couple of awesome stalks but again never closed the deal. We headed back to camp to clean ourselves up and get ready for the last hunt of the trip. Even though we had originally made plans to wait until 4:00 to sit the blind. Randy had other plans and we headed out at 1:00 instead. It was again hot out and when we arrived at the blind we saw 3 different bucks within 500 yards of the blind. It was going to be a good day.

You have already read Fins side of the story so I will add my two cents. As the first buck came in I was surprised to see Randy pass this buck up.

24 yards out and a chip shot. Was Randy scared of missing again?

As this buck walked off Troy was beside himself. He couldn't believe Randy had passed this buck up. We ensured Troy that we still had 2 hours of primetime left. He wasn't having any of it and pouted in his lonely blind.

Within an hour the second buck showed himself. This time I was sure Randy was going to shoot this guy with only 1 hour of his hunt left.

Randy practice drawing on this buck.

Is he mocking you Randy?

Troy was filming away and as the buck walked away I could tell he had enough. He looked into our blind and said what the @#$% are you doing. I was pretty impressed with Randy's will power to hold out and he said he didn't need to kill something to make this trip a success. After that was said Troy again looked into our blind and said, "That's fine because you would have just shot 2 feet over his back anyway." We laughed as again Troy pouted in his blind.
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Now with 30 minutes left the story was told and holding out for the big one was a good decision by Randy. He earned this trophy.



Man, that sounds like a lot of fun. You guys did well!

IB, you got some good photos with the DCM. Looking forward to getting out with mine soon.
Great hunt guys! Sounds like you had a great time and you took some sweet trophies. Thanks for taking the time to update us.
Fin,...IB... Great adventure, just the story without the pics was awesome. With the pics it is at a whole other level. I'm very excited for the both of you guys, what an episode this will make. Thanks again.
IB, Randy, All I can say is this sucks!!

Cause now we have to wait a year to see this freaking awsome episode. Man it sure sounds like you guys delivered on this one and we cant watch it until it airs. Congrats guys its tough enough to archery hunt pronghorn, but to kill two great bucks. That rocks. Thanks for sharing it with us. Drive careful
Oh and Ib those are good pics. The dcm is a great tool for scouting and judgeing but not really the greatest picture quality. Especially when heat waves are magnified. Their is some awsome bucks in there. Thanks for the pics.
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