New Mexico Archery Elk - New ground, same game.

If you pack up and head home it leaves the impression that your first priority is filming a hunt you can make money off of. I'm assuming you spend the fall hunting with your buddies because you love it. I don't like the idea that you're tired of hunting and would rather catch up on work back here in town. If that was the case, you should have never went down there in the first place. Go stick a toad.

I think if you knew all the details, and i'm not claiming i know them all, but i dang sure know enough to know that making a bunch of money off this filming thing is far from a priority and in fact with what i know, i'd say damn near not even practical;). In fact what I think makes it so crappy, is the amount of money SPENT to even put a production like this together. It may be a priority to film the hunt but thats because it is required just to keep the whole thing afloat, not rake in the green..............I can tell you that knowing Fin personnally, doing this gig as a priority to make money, couldn't be any farther from the facts.

I would still like to see FIN stick it out and arrow a big NM bull, but if priorities call, sometimes thats just how the ball rolls.........

Good luck Fin, hope you hammer a big one!
Sucks that the camera guy was a flake, and now you need a replacement show. An idea, perhaps: Your last elk hunt in Montana sounded like there would be plenty of good footage for a 2-part show. If you edit that one into 2 shows you should be good. I know I would like seeing more of the "stuff behind the scenes", especially when you two were sleeping under 2 face cords of pine.
I too would enjoy a 2 part show with more behind the scenes footage. You could add footage of the prep work in deciding what units to apply for, gear review, all of this would be great. No need to try to slam a quick hunt in for a full episode.
"Hunt when you can - You're gonna run outta health before you run outta money!"

Take the attitude that sh$t happens and start enjoying what you like to do. I'm a lot older than you and have seen much worse. Make the best of it if for nothing else your own personal satisfaction.
Heck Fin--I am never home when your show runs anyways, but I have loved following your hunt on the internet! Go get'em--Just keep us posted!!
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Mrs. Fin is a smart lady. make it what you want it to be Randy. Most of my hunting experiences, as I know your's are, are positive. Make the best of a great tag and get this thing done.
Mrs. Fin just gave the "Get a big one" nod of approval. She will help complete more tasks while I am looking for Pekin. In case anyone had not yet figured this out, Mrs. Fin is what keeps this operation afloat. I may not be the best hunter in the joint, but I am the best at picking out a great wife.

I know a big one is getting right now. He sent his boys out to last a few nails down in front of me. Changed the low your and headinf back to town to get the nail pulled and a plug in the tire. The things a big bull won't do to save his hide. Sorry Pekin..............too little, too late.

Now that you all convinced me to stay, don't be asking about getting the logo gear store on line. It is all in my garage, waiting for me to get the store page finalized. And don't be asking where the next online episode is. And don't be asking .................. Those are all things that won't get done this week.
Book it Fin that everyone always gets a Kick in the Butt from reading of your Doe Killing spree near your house. Just use that as a filler and let us enjoy your fun, they don't really have to have Horns on em for us to enjoy Busting One! John:D
Hey Fin ,when are we going to be able to order........OPPS. Sounds like you have a good woman there, congrats. Now go enjoy the rest of your hunt, and kill a Biggun!
Forget all that other stuff and enjoy yourself. No pressures of camera work. Forget work. Just enjoy the hunt!
Fin, I was so excited to be tagging along on the last hunt through your narrative that I know this one will be a success for us anyway. It'll be another chapter in your book. We can get along without the video if you include a few pics of the goings on. Thanks for taking us with you.
Mrs. Fin just gave the "Get a big one" nod of approval. She will help complete more tasks while I am looking for Pekin. In case anyone had not yet figured this out, Mrs. Fin is what keeps this operation afloat.

"Never met a Good Man that didn't have a Good Woman backing him up" - Me

You only live once............

And I was in that unit on the last Archery hunt two years ago. Saw the same thing you did 5 points hanging with groups of cows..... What I did learn is keep a eye on them as we had a huge bull come in a kick a 5 points butt and take all his cows..... Seems they let the smaller bulls do all the work and when they are ready they come in and take the prize
Shoot. I guess I should have voted for you to go home. I was looking forward to catching the next episode on the computer. Glad to hear you're sticking it out. I need to live vicariously through you since I can't leave cell service until this kid shows up. Looks like I'm stuck chasing antelope and mule deer for the next couple days. Hope you can relax and enjoy another great hunt without the expectations associated with filming.
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