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New Mexico Archery Elk - New ground, same game.

Good luck Randy. I'll be keeping up on this one a little closer then the last few as my deer and elk tags are filled! Hope the replacement gets there quick before drastic measures are taken!
Making us look bad I tell you. Camera guys.....they are a pain in the butt. If Randy wouldn't have beat me up so bad hiking on our last trip I'd fly down and help. Sorry to hear this man.

Sounds to me like a good time to ask for a raise - good/reliable employees with a talent are worth it in the long run. Oh yea I forgot - employers don't ever look at it that way.
Still no luck with a camera man. One last hope that will notify us tomorrow morning. Even if he can do it, we have lost the first two days of the hunt. My suspicion is he can't do it. And, given the short notice, I wouldn't expect him to.

Went for a long hike tonight. Blew like hell on my bugle. All in an effort to burn off the frustration and clear my mind of what I can control and what I can't. Not one elk spotted or heard.

If we don't get a camera here, I am not sure I will hunt it out. I have a bajillion things that need to be done with the show, the website, the new web player we are patenting, none of which make any progress while I am away. And being gone so much as it is, I find it hard to rationalize being away from home if we are not working toward the episodes we need to finish.

Guess I will wait to see what I hear tomorrow. But, I can pretty much tell you what that will be.

So, do I pack my junk, get home and get some stuff done in hopes we can find a replacement for this episode that can be fit into the mix in an already tight schedule? Or, do I stay and hunt for the last four days of the season? Neither of which are an outcome that I had anticipated when I finally drew a first choice elk hunt in NM.

Oh well, up in the morning to find a big bull. Whether to film or to shoot, I am not sure. Will worry about that when I find him.
Sounds to me like a good time to ask for a raise - good/reliable employees with a talent are worth it in the long run. Oh yea I forgot - employers don't ever look at it that way.

I agree 100%. Hopefully Warm Springs is reading this and realizes that they have an excellent/professional cameraman/producer right under their noses. The work that both the cameramen and Randy have to do is very demanding both with time and physically. Sometimes giving someone more financially can take away the sting of being away from home and family. (I'm not referring to Randy by this comment)
The money you might have saved by only paying a cameramen a decent wage is completely lost at this point. Possibly you could of offered a tried and true camera man more incentive financially and you would be dollars ahead right now and have a product that you know will work.
Randy, its obvious to all of us how important the show is to you, But remember how it started, You have a tag in your pocket, your in good country. Lace them up and go hunting. As a wise man said, hunt when you can. you will run.......... You know the rest! Good luck!
Randy, its obvious to all of us how important the show is to you, But remember how it started, You have a tag in your pocket, your in good country. Lace them up and go hunting. As a wise man said, hunt when you can. you will run.......... You know the rest! Good luck!

.........heck yea.
I too would head out there. The work can wait. A little "me" time chasing elk in NM is probably just what you need. Do things the way you want to do them, not for how they might turn out on film. You can always post pictures of your adventure on this site!
Hammer a big one BigFin, and have a blast! >'you can only control what you can' --- head home early find some replacements', shoot some filler episodes = OYOA Ducks in Minnesota. SongDogs in North Dakota. Good luck man.
I agree with all above! Spend a little time for yourself, relax and enjoy the time you have down there, make the best out of the situation, and in the process, find a big bull to fill that tag with and worry about the rest when you get back to MT. Good luck...look forward to reading your updates!
As that tag was my first choice in the draw as well, I gotta tell you I would find it a little annoying if you burned it. That draw would have changed my fall. Hunt the dam thing and have fun. Work can wait.
FIn, you really need to stay and hunt it out. Whether on film or not, you have a lot of time and money invested already, would be a shame to cut short. At least stay for a couple more days......

I also think you should be trying to get a hold of Tyler J..........

Maybe this flop on this hunt will mean we might get a good wolf episode in its place:):)
You need to do what is best for you, but I would think really hard about just hunting for yourself without the camera pressure if thats what it comes to. Enjoy your time in the hills and hunt elk.
Hunt. Take the anger out on perkin. Work can wait your supposed to be the anyway so enjoy your days. It would seem 1st choice would be a hard tag to chew.
Well, got final word that filming of this episode is cancelled. Pisses me off to no end, but nothing I can do about it. Told Mrs. Fin. She says toi stay and hunt if I want. She knows how many years I have applied for this tag.

All that being said, not sure how we fit a replacement in for this one, given what current schedule looks like. And, not sure all the other work gets done when I am on a replacement hunt.

Oh well. Right now I am glassing 22 cows and 4 bulls bedded in some pines about a half mile away. Biggest bull is a very nice five point. Trying to figure out what he is doing with this many cows. Where are the big dudes?

This morning I was north of here about two miles, listening for bugles in the dark. Heard some, so took an old two track south, getting me a little closer. Stopped to listen and they were les s than a half mile, coming my way. Got out and thought I would ease closer for daylight. As I am gathering gear and camera, an ATV drives up behind me. Sees I am getting organized and drives right around me to get ahead. Drives right through the elk. End of bugling.

Slightly PO'd, I drive south a couple miles toward where the elk seemed headed. Climb a big ridge and watch them come and bed near here. Bozo and his buddies are driving their put puts through the PJ, calling from every point. Kind of makes me laugh.

Need to make a decision about this hunt and let Mrs. Fin know the plan. Think I am going to leave these elk below me, as there is really nothing there that gets me too excited. This is where I spotted the split beamed bull on Sunday morning. Was kind of hoping he would be here today. I might regret leaving these ones below me, but I didn't come here to shot a five point, unless he is a big/ugly five point.
If you pack up and head home it leaves the impression that your first priority is filming a hunt you can make money off of. I'm assuming you spend the fall hunting with your buddies because you love it. I don't like the idea that you're tired of hunting and would rather catch up on work back here in town. If that was the case, you should have never went down there in the first place. Go stick a toad.
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