Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

New Mexico Archery Elk - New ground, same game.

Hey Fin,
Make the Montana hunt a two episode feature. That should make up for this one that is if you have enough footage to work with.
Pekin and I are in the ring. So thick I can't see him. He is mad and letting me know it. I broke a limb on the way up to this ridge. I think he heard it and thought I was another elk. Now his yelling has two more yelling threats of butt whoppin. Close enough that I can here him growling. I have the wind, so I am going to see if one of the other bulls will be his demise.
I wasn't able to put together an elk hunt this fall. Man am I missing it. Your hunts are as close as I'm gonna get. Don't let me down man. :D
Not sure what has happened. A bull came up the ridge on the other side of Pekin. Heard him get up and go over to put the boy in his place. Now everyone has shut up, except the little squeaker who is coming closer above and behind me. Very surprised they started up this early in the day. First heard Pekin at 4:55. Brush breaking. Oh yeah, Pekin is back. Later.
Appears Pekin,wins the first round. He wasn't the guy taking the brush. I caught a glimpse and it was a satellite. Sounded different, also. Last I heard Pekin, he was about 200 yards and moving downslope. Not sure if all the satellites caused him toi grab his cows and leave, or what. The wind has been mine the entire time.

Stumped. It is completely quiet now.

I would have moved closer, but it was so thick and I heard a few cow chirps. I am sure they would have busted me at this close range.

Will slowly hike back down to the truck in hopes of seeing something in the next hour. Damn, that would have been too easy
Been out of town, (working, not hunting dang it) and just caught up, Bad break, but tv can wait, when you draw a tag of this caliber, the time and money are already invested in your life, not just the show. Glad you decided to stay, and are chasing bulls. I hope without the additional people along you can close the deal for you, and have a great time doing it. There's not much that can compare with bulls screaming in the woods for a good time. If you need a replacement hunt, do a local duck hunt, the way we all do your friends friday night, set it up for saturday when the weather seems good, and eat little debbies, drink coffee, and make fun of each other for missing. Or you could go with the good idea, and make the montana hunt a two part, including the planning that goes along with it. Glad you stayed, and now go get im.
Randy, I agree will all the advice given to stay and hunt. One thing I might add is that as you are well aware of you've got a fine wife there. Make sure she gets taken care of after this hunt! :) You might need to squeeze in one more walleye fishing trip for her sake between the next hunt!

Had I not just changed careers this fall and now have a much tighter schedule I would have jumped all over the chance to come film your hunt. Why couldn't this have happened last fall?:) Have camera, could have traveled. Now I'm like everybody else....

Wolf season stays open until Dec.31 if you need another hunt to fit in your production schedule.
I think there could be nothing better than a wolf hunt personally. I am sure there are considerations that need to be made but with the tremendous damage they have caused I think it would be a highly sought after production. Plus the cost would be cheaper for you and I dont think anybody else has done it. Either way love this show and good luck with Pekin.
There's always OTC whitetail deer in Idaho. Season runs right through Thanksgiving and it's public land galore. I'll be over there the week prior to Thanksgiving.
Pekin? That's hilarious! Hope he doesn't have a big belly button!....Still reading here but don't let the tag go to waste!...I'll take it if you don't want it!...Still exciting to read your blog if we can't watch you actually shoot it!...Good luck!
After the evening hunt, I get a call from Loren, one of the original film team guys along with Troy. Loren has finished his last gig and can be here today. Do I want to try a three day episode with lots of background stuff as some here have suggested, or just hunt it out by myself.

Loren will be here today. I drive to ABQ to pick him up this evening. He sure didn't miss anything this morning. Hope Pekin didn't head out of country. Didn't hear or see a thing. Well try to locate him this afternoon before getting Loren. Last night I was alk excited and sure we would get into them over the last the days, so I was excited to possibly have it filmed. After the did of this morning, not sure that was such a wise idea.

In down time, I have stopped by the camp of an older hunter. He is doing the On Your Own gig at age 70. He shot a longbow all his life and for years ago, stated with a compound. I have him my number and told him if he gets one, I would be offended if he didn't ask my help in getting it packed out. He smiled and said he would not want to offend me.

I hope I live to 70, let alone archery elk hunting the public lands on my own. He is a NM resident and had this tag three years ago. Has a lot of knowledge about elk in the unit. Come to find out he lived in AK up until give years ago. He seems to have taken full advantage of what AK had to offer. He invited me over for lunch, with the promise it wouldn't be PBJ. His might home has a better kitchen than my two-man tent.

So, looks like things are back on course, albeit with there hunting days down the tubes. I am frustrated by that loss of days, but excited to have three left that we can film.

Miller, where do you come up with these quotes that are always words of wisdom? Seems every time I am about ready to fold the tent, you and a couple others around here put things in perspective. Dr. Phil of the hunting world.

Going out to get Pekin tied up tonight so we can shoot him on film in the morning. Find need a big rope for one that tough. Probably going to stay further away tonight. Don't need to spook him, now that a camera is coming.

Thanks to Loren. He had another job, does a ton of travel, an infant son, and a very understanding wife. The consummate team player. Neither he, or Troy, get enough credit. The little roll of credits at the end is hardly reflective of what they contribute to making this show work. I mean think about it, look at the crappy talent they have to work with.
After you get Pekin on the ground, getting the spirited 70 year old's bull going down on film also??...he said with a wry grin.
Keep at it Randy! It only takes five minute at the right time to get a bull down. Things have only got harder up here. We got a good bull on the second day but haven't seen any since. Were running out of time as well. Staying hopefull. Did 16 miles yesterday. Didn't seem to help.

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