NAHC is SUEING Moosie/Hunttalk !!!!!!

I can get on the BB and you are not missing anything. Man, that BB is BORING now.
How about a link to that board??

I have tried so sigh up and keep getting told I am already a member??????????
I don't recall ever joining??

For some unkown reason I can still get on, but don't know for how long. If you do manage to get there don't use words like or or or or or

or anything else like that when refering to the management!!
Well, I finally made it back on!

Hey Chas, I used your name on purpose to see if it works, and it still does!

Just how much club support would you men like?

I was wondering? Isn't calling someone a terrorist without any proof illegal?

At the least, her..ass..ment! Get it Phil? :D
her-ass-in-cement?? Isn't that reserved for hollywood porn stars??
Paul, don't do anything irregular. May need some testamony later from bonafide members without a grudge.

OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!! That is as good as anything Gibson or MarS ever did on their best sick puppy day!! :D But I find I really, really like; "WHACK THE PEE-PEE!!" :D :D
I have a lot to say on this subject, but I don't know what it is!!!
Well guys I joined the thing because whe nthey sent th info it sounded good, then when they told me about Lifer sounded great, now Isee this happening and have questioned why I did it?
mars when I went to sigh up it said I was already a member??????????
I e-mailed them twice asking about it and have never gotten a reply?
Gee Michaelr; maybe you don't get a choice!! :eek: Zey hav vays ov making yoo zign up! :D
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ. My computer goes in the shop and all hell breaks loose. If they don't have anything useful to do at NAHC they can come wash my friggin' Jeep. What a waste of bandwidth.
Well shoot;two can play at this game I guess. How does fraud, deceptive advertising, libel, slander, and alienation of affection sound to you guys?? :eek: Heck, I may even hire an attorney this time! :D What would you guys consider to be an adequate settlement?
Nothing less than restoration of the level of performance prior to purchase. A full accounting of all programs involving merchandise, a complete halt to deceptive and fraudulent marketing practices, envelopment of "Board of Members", and the deal-breaker....A written apology to ALL members(suitable for framing!).

Whiskers; how will you do Webby's job while you drive the bus?? :D Although, she did make it personal! Hmmmmm.... Chas I think that sounds right on and I think the apology along with an FTP accounting should be published on the board and in the magazine as well. I also think that something similar to a disclaimer in big bold type needs to be included with all their ads sucking in potential members telling all that they are not a club but a for profit marketing or retail service activity and listing all their other activities which they call clubs.

They already represent that they are "North America's Largest Club of Hunting Enthusiasts". :rolleyes:

What else do you want from them?
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