NAHC is SUEING Moosie/Hunttalk !!!!!!

Paws, I didn mean for me to have her job. I just think she/he/whatever takes to much pleasure in deletion, censoring, and banning. But I do beleive I could do that job in my sleep.
Now Toonces. :D Now Whiskers. :D Now Cowpoke. :D

p.s. Whiskers I knew what you meant. I was being feca.., fasee...; "punny"!

I am suprised at you. It is not at all suprising Webby thinks that the NAHC has a "consul". The NAHC is owned by a British company.

"Consul" is defined as an official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country and represent that government's commercial interests.
Me thinks they might be in need of a Barrister as well since they already have an ambassadeur! :D
Its just funny that all you guys actually thought that Nahc was a club. Its just a fu@#ed up magazine with a website and bb. Get over it! ;)
Not when I joined! It was a single propietor, AMERICAN-owned, excellnet club with plenty of potential to becoming the best hunting organization in the U.S.
Get over it? I don't think so! "This time, it's personal!"

Hey Moosie, I will donate some hours to your attorneys if you need it. I have no idea where they would try to sue (Federal of course, Idaho?) but I can answer in Fed Ct in UT and NE. Heck, you wanna go after em for trying to trample your 1st Amendment rights? Wouldn't the ACLU love to support you?

Wyoming TIM, Long time no hear bud. What state did you settle in After LIEing School... Err Lawyer I mean .. ;) Looks like you're harboring a NE in your location now ?

I might need ya in the Future but I think I'm OK right now. I haven't heard from them much after I posted the Origional Post.

I did get an Email requestion me not to air our future discussions because posting them only further fuels the Fire for the Topic. I told them I would and I'm a man of my words (Unless it is to funny then I might slip and Post something ;) )

Origionally I posted the Comment so Everyone knew It wasn't me that wanted the talk about whatever to simmer, but that it came from them. I also didn't apreciate the Approach and I made that Clear I think. The following few Emails were 180Deg different approach.

I was at a Board meeting for D.H.I. and someone started a topic about NAHC. I shut that conversation down and We continud about our local issues. It wasn't on my agenda and I didn't want to waste time bashing. I think there is Alot of bad feelings about the Organization from what I've seen and heard in person and across the net. I jsut don't know any facts so I stay out of it. I chalk it up to someone getting mad at me for . I has and Could happen again and Ya just roll with it. They'll either sink or Swim to shore and Regroup.
Me being the fisherwoosie that I am, I am wondering if this corp. also owns North American Fishing Club? I ask because a few years ago they pissed me off and I still get mail trying to get me to renew my memebership.
Yes they do own NAFC and a whole bunch more including a Handyman club, Sewing club, Cooking club, etc.
Originally posted by Whiskers:
Banned, I am banned. I posted Webbie's email to Oscar, she must not have liked the sound of her own I am banned. Put me on that list Paws. Can anyone spell CLASSACTION.
Glad to see you've got your "privledges back from NAHC. Did someone intervene on your behalf or did the Lapdog recant??

Must have recanted. They never said anything about being reinstated. One day there was something I felt that I had to respond to, I tried, and it took. I did write memberservices (that term is a joke) and emailed the managing editor.
Thats only because she didn't get to know me yet. When she knows me like you guys do, she will become a life long member of the dislike Whiskers Club. I been thinking about opening a website for members.
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