Caribou Gear Tarp

NAHC is SUEING Moosie/Hunttalk !!!!!!

Damn,, I'm going to quit working overtime :mad: :mad: Just can't let that Moosie play with strangers anymore
Del, it was your turn to look after him :D :D ...

Kick butt Moosie


PS,,,Hey I just thought of something,,,( Yes it hurt) Can we start calling Oscar,,,A Moosie call Sue??
Sorry Paws, I wasn't trying to belittle you. I was just showing you that I had in fact listened to what you had to say. Your first post in this topic reiterated your original point. ;)

Thanks lfor the follow-up Oak, I do appreciate it! Boys it is reported that it at present is impossible to access the NAHC site. The email trail flowing to the old mail box is quite exciting. I'm saving everything if anyone needs documentation.

You were an original series Star Trek fan weren't you? Remember the episode where Spock and Kirk were held captive on a planet that was run by 'droids. Think the episode was called "The Great Harry Mudd." Spock figured out that if they overloaded the memory circuits and shorted the 'droids out, they could make their get away. "Illogical...illogical...that does not compute...illogical" "FZZZZZZHT! (insert descending tin whistle sound now) ROTFLMBO! That's what I thought of when I tried to log onto the B/B over there and it won't load.

It is a distinct possibility!! We'll just have to see where this goes. As I recallRogie the episode ended with a half dozen "clones" of Webby; errr uh Mudd's wife! (Damn Frued got me again!) :D
Stella: HARCOURT!!! Harcourt Fen-ton Muddd! You've been drinking againnnn! You miserable, miserable thing...thing...thing!

HEHE.. Glad I have all of you at my Disposal,, Now would nbe a Good time to Cry the Blue and Ask For money ;) (Just kidding)

I'm not planning to get involved legally and I'm sure they don't either. I told "WEBBY" that I'll let everyone know his stance and that he didn't like it. So I posted his Email and My Reply.

I do have to Chuckel at myself (If I may) at some of my comments, But hell, I was taken off guard at his First Email.

Paws, I can't and won't stop you from Cutting and Pasting anything thats Posted, It's ALL a free world anf the Internet is open asa far as I'm concerned.

I jsut Posted it mostly for a Chuckl;e, And you guys haven't done anything to Upset me or anything I see wrong... Although I might be breaking something other then the 410.20 Penile Act with some of my replies sometimes ;)

Anyways, Carry on and NO ONE needs to say Sorry to me, First you'd have to of upset me. I think there was a Comment made by Paws on Using a Remington and I deleted that part. I can't and Don't intend to read everything that goes on. If something gets Crazy I jsut slip in , nuke it, and leave a message. till now everyones played nice and I apreciate that.


Alright, I have real world stuff to still do.. I'll check in tomorrow or Next Sundday when MY Banquet stuff is done. Sorry for being busy right now

PS. I cleared out some PM"s so you guys can PM me now, It's the Easiest way to get ahold on me usually.. Tomorrow I'll write down all the Phone #'s and Addys I'm saving in there that I haven't yet, MY bad :D
But Moosie; Winchester, Mossberg, nor Browning make typewriters!!! ;) Thanks Moosie; I'm thinking there is going to be a letter. Once drafted I'll pm you a look see! :D This works out right; WebMenses will have fired herself! Real shame, :rolleyes:
Holly shit Oscar I am fugging impressed, you get the homeland defence after your ass. Damn you stud, you have to tell me your secrets. You must atrack much higher quality of Internet Kooks Than I do. All I got was the FBI and a private investigator running survalence on me from the last KOOK.

Is NAHC from Texas also?

Moosie that means this will be the second case Tried in KOOKS Court.

NAHC is a subsidiary of NAOG, Inc. owned by.......
So top end is tea-sipping, pinky-crooking, panty-wearing, NON-HUNTING BRITS!!
Of course that don't excuse the AMERICAN based key punching, coke-glassed, zit-faced geeks sitting behind the screens HIDING the TRUTH.
As for Webby, sned him my way, PLEEEEAASEE!! I used to train DOGS. He obviously needs disipline!
No Cookies for you!! Bad Webby, piddled on the floor again!!

A Remington? Heck what's he going to do with an electric shaver?Give somebody a haircut? I'm confused :confused: ;)
Sounds like there a bunch of whinging Poms!
Oh by the way you guys; beware of plain white Ford vans and nondescript economy cars in black, white, blue, or beige. :eek: :eek:
mimics in a whiney, nasally, British accent: "So the old girl won't curtsey, eh? Let's seat her in the corner booth with the bloke from New Guinea with the bone in his nose!"

You know, honestly, I have mouthed off more than I should have here, and about this subject. My apologies to anyone I may have offended. I'm going to take a leave of absence for a while until I can get my thoughts and feelings figured out. If anyone needs to contact me, you are welcome to do so by email or messenger. I'm always here for a friend. I just didn't want to go "poof" and give the impression that I was mad at anyone.

[ 02-20-2004, 13:14: Message edited by: RogueWarrior1957 ]
I agree Rogue, When Paws left the BB over there I sent an email about the fact that a single member complained about Paws and other members. The response I got was a canned so... we will lok into it. When the Misc Board was taken down that person took the same rederick over to the lifer board. I see no benefits once they received my money. In the 4 yrs of membership I have had one field test, and from what I sent in they published a rosey review but on the board the product was slammed. It's all for the $$ and the life members are cast aside because we already paid. I didn't get any action until I posted when I ordered a shirt. took 6 months to get it.
When I got it they sent a bill my wife paid it. then several months later they sent a card saying I had overpaid. Why didn't they send the shirt knowing I had already paid???
That's a good question! Here's an email address for the V.P. Customer Relations. [email protected] Name is Linda Smith
I'm not sure that her mailbox isn't FULL though!!

BTW, the war has escalated! Weblapdog has now removed any post or thread containing the dreaded four-lettered word....... C H A S !!!
The horror, the horror....

Chas(oops, did I say that??)
Banned, I am banned. I posted Webbie's email to Oscar, she must not have liked the sound of her own I am banned. Put me on that list Paws. Can anyone spell CLASSACTION.
Hey Whiskers, none of us have any class!! :eek: Now what will we do?? :D LMBFAO!!
I'm changing my name to Rod Serling and moving to Florida! Anybody know where I can get some white shoes??
Thats some funny shit Chas!! You should be proud that an organization of over a million people picked your name to hate! :D
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