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Muley Freak in trouble?

Huh... looks like a pattern...

First time (2007?) was dad's fault for saying he had permission there. Not sure about 2015. 2017 was honest mistake, didn't think it was legally posted. Warden and landowner were out to get him (take a look at hi-ute ranch on onx - if that area worked it could be added to @Hopzone Freak's easy to access honey holes). I'm sure there is a reason someone was plotting against him this year in Idaho and it wasn't his fault.
I didn't see any assault rifle, but I feel bad for those kids. They are pretty much just props for him, hope they grow up differently than him.
You’re right. That’s triggering word. It’s a precision carbon fiber folding stock equipped hardcore dinky antelope sniper rifle for those grinds where you’ve got to earn it.
We use it all the time when getting bids from new subs. It’s fun because guys will file bankruptcy under one LLC, then open a different one the next day.

Also works for potential clients… looked up a developer once, he had sued every GC he had worked with.
Can you do it for a potential date? Asking for a friend that doesn't want to go broke.
One of those looks like a big old felony. Dude is gonna have to become a dedicated bow hunter.
I was surprised by the F word in there. Any Idaho folks know how this normally works? Frequently plead down? What I've found so far in limited search was an article from a 2014 incident with 3 guys poaching bulls.
Any person who unlawfully kills or has in their possession an unlawfully killed trophy animal can be charged with a felony. For elk, a trophy animal is a bull with a Boone and Crocket score exceeding 300 points. Any person who knowingly and intentionally sells any unlawfully taken animal or its parts can be charged with a separate felony. Idaho Fish and Game felonies are punishable by up to 5 years in state prison, a lifetime suspension of hunting and/or fishing privileges, and up to a $50,000 fine per count.

A "Trophy" mule deer is defined as being 150" or bigger B&C score from what I've read.

The best experience and results I've had with a gunsmith was with TS Customs who is a friend/partner of Muley Freak. I have 3 rifles they chambered and all are fantastic. Travis wasn't having any of me pointing out Erik's legal problems last go round. Would be something if he stood by Erik until he could no longer legally possess a firearm..
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I was surprised by the F word in there.
Me too! All too often you hear of some egregious poaching case where there’s little more than a misdemeanor charge, paltry fine, and maybe a two year suspension of hunting privileges.
Probably won’t lose any firearms rights due to the felony; it’s really a small list of them that get your firearms rights revoked. The amount of convicted felons that legally have guns is high. The felony charge is usually a good plea bargaining chip
Allegedly he "had" permission and then when the landowner found out he shot a buck that someone else was after he "no longer" had permission. Fish and game confiscated the deer and issued him multiple tickets.
Yes of course they were jealous, not only of the big buck muley, but also his manly physique, and flowing red locks beard. Can’t wait for the movie to come out.
Probably won’t lose any firearms rights due to the felony; it’s really a small list of them that get your firearms rights revoked. The amount of convicted felons that legally have guns is high. The felony charge is usually a good plea bargaining chip
Is that an Idaho specific thing? A lot of states seem to automatically revoke with a felony of anything that has a potential prison sentence, violent offense or not. Voting rights too. Then one has to petition the state after the probation period to have a full restoration of rights. Expungement is the language some use.

Either way, I’ve always thought it was silly to revoke firearms rights over non-violent felonies. Kind of, dare I say, progressive of Idaho.
Is that an Idaho specific thing? A lot of states seem to automatically revoke with a felony of anything that has a potential prison sentence, violent offense or not. Voting rights too. Then one has to petition the state after the probation period to have a full restoration of rights. Expungement is the language some use.

Either way, I’ve always thought it was silly to revoke firearms rights over non-violent felonies. Kind of, dare I say, progressive of Idaho.
My understanding is that it is largely a state by state thing
Either way, I’ve always thought it was silly to revoke firearms rights over non-violent felonies. Kind of, dare I say, progressive of Idaho.
I’d mostly agree, except in cases like this where a firearm was used to commit the crime - jackass should lose his gun rights.

It’s not like he embezzled funds from a little old lady, he illegally committed violence on wildlife.
The guy clearly makes shitty decisions, is a shitty representative and influencer of hunting/hunters, and seems to be full of shit, BUT if there is any question or gray area about him maybe having permission a felony seems pretty dang stiff IMO.
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