Muley Freak in trouble?

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Muley Freak is taking the Trump approach by utilizing a negative hashtag against the fish and game officer. If he is found guilty, that will most likely play into the sentencing.
If you look at the other charges for Trespassing/Disturbing the Peace (separate from the felony in Idaho's online system), there's an update to reflect a new hearing on 10/19 for Change of Plea/Sentencing.

After the entire deal with the "one bad fish cop" and video series proclaiming how innocent he was, I wonder if they will try to go the Josh and Sarah Bowmar route of gaslighting their followers about innocent they are. I'd really love to see prosecutors stipulate in plea deals for influencers that they have to make a video explaining exactly what they did and why they're pleading guilty and have it pinned to the top of their page as a way to actually hold them accountable.
Motion to amend the complaint - they added Disturbing the Peace. Probably going to plea to that instead of criminal trespass.
So I see the trespass and disturbing the peace is going to sentencing....does anyone have any deeper info on that?? But I notice the Unlawful Possession of Wildlife seems to be vacated. I'm curious as to where everything stands. It seemed like there were a few folks commenting here from that area with knowledge on the proceedings.
So I see the trespass and disturbing the peace is going to sentencing....does anyone have any deeper info on that?? But I notice the Unlawful Possession of Wildlife seems to be vacated. I'm curious as to where everything stands. It seemed like there were a few folks commenting here from that area with knowledge on the proceedings.
I'm bad at the internet so I depend on the super sleuths on here to keep me posted too. Sounds like it's tough being an influencer content creator these days.
Looks like a change of plea and sentencing now on 12/7 for the trespassing and disturbing the peace but the Felony possession of wildlife charge jury trial says it was vacated.

Can someone interpret these icourt results for someone who doesn't understand all this stuff?
Looks like a change of plea and sentencing now on 12/7 for the trespassing and disturbing the peace but the Felony possession of wildlife charge jury trial says it was vacated.

Can someone interpret these icourt results for someone who doesn't understand all this stuff?
Seems to me like it's a plea deal. Guilty to simple things and delete the stuff that absorbs the DA's time
Looks like a change of plea and sentencing now on 12/7 for the trespassing and disturbing the peace but the Felony possession of wildlife charge jury trial says it was vacated.

Can someone interpret these icourt results for someone who doesn't understand all this stuff?
He’s taking a plea to avoid losing hunting privileges more likely than not.

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