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MT: Gianforte vs Quist

Just yesterday, trying to figure out a reason why 3 Lee newspapers, who endorsed Bullock against Gianforte in the recent election, would make the type of endorsements they just did, I started searching the money. Granted, I am not enthusiastic about Quist, but he is not stupid and can learn, where I feel Gianforte's track record speaks for itself.

So I started looking at the money trail, to see who owns Lee, based out of Iowa, and found this NASDAQ site. I was curious to see if any of the Gianforte companies I have seen listed were now shareholders, since the election in November. You know, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, he who controls the news controls the politics kind of thing.

Then I found Gianforte's 116 page Financial Disclosure Statement, already knowing about the Russian oil and gas stock from the Guardian article in April, which I don't recall being reported in Montana Lee papers, but it did come up at Montana Cowgirl at the beginning of May. For those not keeping up with the Russian/Trump crap for over a year now, Gazprom and Rosneft are part of it.

BTW, I have been getting back into my Cryllic and Russian this last couple of weeks, you know, Imperial Russians penchant for making conquered countries adopt Russian as the official language. Maybe I should adopt the Russian variant of my name with my father's patronymic for Ekaterina Yakovovna, you could call me Katya for short. Yes, I am being heavily sarcastic here, but not about relearning the Cryllic and Russian (was part of my archeology research Before Conservation).

Anyway, I noticed their were commonalities between some of the stockholders of Lee Enterprises and Gianforte, like Vanguard, but those could be common stock for people with that much money to invest. Not having money to invest, being intimately familiar with the world of stocks and needing to get back to work, I mentioned it to Rob who took a peek and saw this news article today...

Montana GOP Candidate Owns Stake In Company Accused Of Paying Off ISIS

So for any of you curious with some time, have fun. There might be more interesting things in there.

Lee Enterprises recently bought the Missoula Independent.

Entertaining conspiracies coming from the alt leftist kooks on this side of the Divide over this purchase!
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All I have to say is Quist is one lucky s.o.b. that many with mail ballots already sent them in... Had I held off, and I will for future mail ballots, he would be lucky to get my vote. The craptacular advertisements by both Gianforte and Quist are incessantly ludicrous! Both are lying s.o.b.'s!

I would have been better off with an X in the "write in" slot...
Anything in particular Sytes?

Both beyond crap. This is not a lesser of two evils... they are both such crap that my American vote is not worth either... Same sentiment as below.

As an editorial board, we would like to be able to say that one of the two major party candidates in the current congressional race demands our endorsement, that he is clearly the most qualified to serve our state and country.
Unfortunately, we see serious flaws in the campaigns of Greg Gianforte, the Republican, and Rob Quist, the Democrat, flaws we don’t believe we can set aside to tell our readers how they should cast their votes. Just as regrettably, we believe the current campaign plainly illustrates the broken and polarizing nature of politics and civil discourse in our country.

In the ad, Quist addresses his own tax and debt problems, looking into the camera and saying, “Greg Gianforte is attacking me on tax liens and debt when he knows I paid my debts and my taxes, every dime. Gianforte and his business had 22 tax liens, I have had three.”

Quist had three years for which he didn’t pay his property taxes, and was taken to court by the state and private plaintiffs for unpaid debts spread across 16 years. He did pay his property taxes for all three years in 2016, at which point the earliest unpaid tax bill was nine years old.

The candidate is still under court order to pay a $10,301.69 debt stemming from a Wells Fargo line of credit that Quist and his wife, Bonni, quit making payments on in 2010. The debt now belongs to Security Credit Services LLC, which has successfully sued the Quists for payment.

Quist has more than once said his debts have been paid including last week, during a meeting with the Gazette Editorial board and Gianforte. The Gazette corrected Quist, noting that court records showed the Wells Fargo debt remained unpaid.

As one example...

Rob Quist has not had any fishing or hunting license since 2002 while Gianforte has multiple licenses each year for the 16 years, including resident sportsman with bear, antelope, deer, mountain lion and turkey.
“Born and raised in Cut Bank, Rob Quist has been an avid sportsman his whole life, however for the past few years, Rob has been unable to get out as much as before because of a surgery in the mid 1990s that went wrong..."
He claims he has been an avid "Sportsman" his whole life... however the past few years? Past few years? Not a single fishing or hunting license since 2002 and that is only because that is as far back as FWP goes not that he's not had a license since 2002... past few years?

Another fib. Hands down, I have more faith in his position regarding public lands in public hands over Gianforte. However...
You're probably old enough to remember this Rob......

I'll be glad when tomorrow comes and we don't have to listen to anymore freakin commercials from either of them.

Your probably right but there is a Trump backlash that your not figuring in. Also there's Medicare and Health care woe's for Gianforte. Might be closer than you think Dandy Don.
Just heard Gianforte bodyslammed a Guardian reporter in Bozeman. That should help

You know the day Nixon resigned it was a huge party in Butte. Even the cops were in the street drinking.
The next election was called "Fudge Repuplicans Day"
MT has always been conservative,just not totally stupid.
Good luck up there with a Jersey carpetbagger posing as a MT Conservative.
He would have been tarred & feathered by the MT GOP back in the 70's.
So does allegedly body slamming a reporter help or hurt his chances?

24 hours left in the election, it will keep some GOP'ers from voting, increase turnout for dems and fire up organizers working on GOTV. It would have helped Quist more a couple of days ago.
A d-bag pretending to be a Montanan and a 'journalist' from a place of 'news' called the guardian roughed each other up. WIN all around.

Joking. Kind of
“God created the Heavens, he created the earth! He created all the Gianiacs! Then, he created a set of 24-inch pythons, brother!”


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