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MT: Gianforte vs Quist

Suppose that makes sense if there was a question about the Democrat vote going elsewhere though for the Independent vote? Thought there might be better response from the neutral rank of voters to a less Democrat based tone. Granted my day job is not a political strategist. ��

Politico seems to believe the Democrat Powerhouse gave up on Quist as of late last month. Republicans are making sure Gianforte has it and seeing the heavily slanted support for Trump in MT for the election... think the Democrats gave this election to the Rs as well... ��

As early voting kicks off in Montana this week, national Democrats are holding back from heavy investments in the state’s May 25 special House election, believing Democratic candidate Rob Quist still has a steep hill to climb to win a state that voted heavily for President Donald Trump just months ago.

Edit added: On this site, massive ad campaign by Gianforte, etal. I would imagine w/ content discussing the two candidates... and one party pouring the $$$, this would be the case though annoying as heck! I keep hearing the radio portion about Gianforte's "protecting our public land..." and "Quist has no record of hunting license"... They are creating such a fog over Quist it's pretty much a given. ��
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KRTV had a fact checking piece on Gianforte. It hurts a lot of the Democrat position on GG. They are doing the same for Quist tonight so we will see what comes of that.
I refuse to partake in the mental gymnastics required to determine which steaming pile of fecal matter is less odious and has a slightly less contemptible taste as the other.
As long as the two swamp parties continue to turn out bad candidates, I'll keep voting for a third party.

As long as the two swamp parties continue to turn out bad candidates, I'll keep voting for a third party.


Throwing your vote away is voting for the same old failed ideas that have got our country in the situation it is in.

But yes, vote for the broke-dick economic illiterate tax cheat or the east coast d-bag that wants to sell your hunting spot and waste your vote if you want. It's your vote to do with as you please.

Quist would be my choice to hang around at a BBQ and Gianforte my choice to run a business I had a financial interest in, but they seem to both be less than adequate to serve in the House of Reps for Montana's lone seat, in my opinion.
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Throwing your vote away is voting for the same old failed ideas that have got our country in the situation it is in.

But yes, vote for the broke-dick economic illiterate tax cheat or the east coast d-bag that wants to sell your hunting spot and waste your vote if you want. It's your vote to do with as you please.

Quist would be my choice to hang around at a BBQ and Gianforte my choice to run a business I had a financial interest in, but they seem to both be less than adequate to serve in the House of Reps for Montana's lone seat, in my opinion.

Just giving you hell man. Voting for the lesser of two evils sucks. Don't blame me, I voted for Bernie.
But yes, vote for the broke-dick economic illiterate tax cheat or the east coast d-bag that wants to sell your hunting spot and waste your vote if you want. It's your vote to do with as you please.

I don't disagree with your vote, but just realize that Wicks (and all libertarians) are also for public land transfer. Not that it's a reason not to vote for him, unless someone is a one issue voter.
I don't disagree with your vote, but just realize that Wicks (and all libertarians) are also for public land transfer. Not that it's a reason not to vote for him, unless someone is a one issue voter.

I hear you. It's more of a protest vote against two terrible picks from the two major parties.

There isnt Bull Moose candidate
How a Prairie Populist Could Redraw Montana’s Electoral Map

He needs to do something that many Democratic candidates for the House over the past decade have been afraid to do: avoid the temptation to listen to political insiders who will tell him to moderate his campaign and instead embrace a call for the kind of radical economic reform that protects the middle and working classes. Too many Democratic candidates for the House have been so afraid of being tarred by the epithet “liberal” that they have run from the very message that would have inspired voters to turn out. They have simply been afraid to run as Democrats, the kind of Democrats who have won before.

If this sounds suspiciously like the kind of message that carried Bernie Sanders deep into the presidential primaries, that’s not an accident. But that kind of message has deep roots in Montana, too. It goes back to former Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, who fought for the passage of the Civil Rights Act and opposed the Vietnam War, and Senator Burton K. Wheeler, who ran for vice president on the Progressive ticket in 1924. It goes back to the reformers in both parties who cast off the yoke of the Anaconda Copper Mining Co. in 1972 when they wrote one of the most progressive state constitutions in the nation.
Yep, a key word there, could! Let's hope Quist learns a thing or two from Bernie and the public that he has been meeting across the state.
If you are on this forum it is likely that hunting on federal public lands is pretty much your life. You need to vote that way. Gianforte or whatever the hell his name wants to transfer federal public lands to the state. You just can't vote for that if you want your kids and future generations to have the hunting opportunities that have made you who you are. It would be highly selfish and self centered to have had the life you have had and not do your part to pass it on to future generations.

Not on my watch.

Yup well said but some will not heed your warning, sad really.
The marxists at the Missoulian editorial board has endorsed Gianforte.

In other news; a pig, strapped with roller skates was seen flying today and at the same time a fat lady was heard singing.

Any democrat that can't get the endorsement of a Lee Enterprises newspaper should probably go back to yodeling and playing the fiddle.
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As an economist said, "Don't tell me where your priorities are, show me where you spend your money and I will tell your where your priorities are."

Gianforte's repeated assurances to the Missoulian editorial board don't mean squat in light of Gianforte's contributions (where he spends his money): like privatizing marketers PERC, who advocate for transferring federal public lands to the states.

The Missoulian can say, "He absolutely must not allow his ideology to drive his public votes on things like science funding." The reality, I fear, is going to smack them across their wishful thinking faces.

The "encouraging" and "hopeful" Independent Record was not any better, though they got it right when they stated, "The candidates in the special election were not selected by an inclusive public process, but by a few nominating committee members from their respective political parties. And we’re not so sure those committee members picked the candidates that most Montanans would have chosen. As a result, the voters’ options have been limited to three (four if you count the write-in candidate). And now they have a tough decision to make."
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The marxists at the Missoulian editorial board has endorsed Gianforte.

In other news; a pig, strapped with roller skates was seen flying today and at the same time a fat lady was heard singing.

Any democrat that can't get the endorsement of a Lee Enterprises newspaper should probably go back to yodeling and playing the fiddle.

Sing it Willie
The Gazette just endorsed Greg too. Weird endorsements by both papers: we endorse him even though his policies and beliefs are scary-bad. He'll be OK as long as he don't vote what he believes. Real comforting there... But he'll be easier to beat next year than a primary nominated R. I was liking Buttery for a while, but he voted against me on every issue I contacted him on.

Here is the lawsuit Gianforte filed. You can see GG's story denying this is pure BS.


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Just yesterday, trying to figure out a reason why 3 Lee newspapers, who endorsed Bullock against Gianforte in the recent election, would make the type of endorsements they just did, I started searching the money. Granted, I am not enthusiastic about Quist, but he is not stupid and can learn, where I feel Gianforte's track record speaks for itself.

So I started looking at the money trail, to see who owns Lee, based out of Iowa, and found this NASDAQ site. I was curious to see if any of the Gianforte companies I have seen listed were now shareholders, since the election in November. You know, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, he who controls the news controls the politics kind of thing.

Then I found Gianforte's 116 page Financial Disclosure Statement, already knowing about the Russian oil and gas stock from the Guardian article in April, which I don't recall being reported in Montana Lee papers, but it did come up at Montana Cowgirl at the beginning of May. For those not keeping up with the Russian/Trump crap for over a year now, Gazprom and Rosneft are part of it.

BTW, I have been getting back into my Cryllic and Russian this last couple of weeks, you know, Imperial Russians penchant for making conquered countries adopt Russian as the official language. Maybe I should adopt the Russian variant of my name with my father's patronymic for Ekaterina Yakovovna, you could call me Katya for short. Yes, I am being heavily sarcastic here, but not about relearning the Cryllic and Russian (was part of my archeology research Before Conservation).

Anyway, I noticed their were commonalities between some of the stockholders of Lee Enterprises and Gianforte, like Vanguard, but those could be common stock for people with that much money to invest. Not having money to invest, being intimately familiar with the world of stocks and needing to get back to work, I mentioned it to Rob who took a peek and saw this news article today...

Montana GOP Candidate Owns Stake In Company Accused Of Paying Off ISIS

So for any of you curious with some time, have fun. There might be more interesting things in there.
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