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MT: Gianforte vs Quist

BHR, how about keeping this about the candidates instead of calling people with different viewpoints lame?

Here is some more bothersome stuff about GG, particularly his support of PERC. The article by PERC is about the Indian Creek Trail in the Madison with references to other situations including my case. It is full of sick lies about the permissive allowed by the Wonder Ranch (In 2007 these Texas transplants started posting the trail, which had been around since 1888). It is also another article in PERC mission into duping the public into asking permission to use public trails, which later sets up the case for the landowner to extinguish the easement. PERC is a very bad anti-public access group - and GG is one of the people channeling money to them.

Sorry about the source, but check the links. (Note the 404 on his foundation where he formerly touted PERC - Kat - can you get an old screenshot?).

An expose of his donations -

PERC smear of USFS:
(The actual case facts of the Indian Creek case are here:,d.amc)
I get not voting for Gianforte on the public lands issue. I just have can't seem to get to place in order to vote for Quist given his challenges with being truthful and forthright. Maybe the libertarian candidate will need a closer look. He isn't any better on public lands though.

I sure am sick of voting for the lesser of two evils. That just is short hand for still having to vote for an evil.

The longer this goes on, the less I like either.

Quist comes across as a generally likeable, nice guy that may be in over his head. With a few policies I agree with and a lot that I don't.

Gianforte comes across as someone from New Jersey ( arrogant, out of touch dickhead)with a lot of lip service to policies I like and some positions I despise.

Neither party is running the A-Team
"2nd amendment ramblings"

The Republi-tards play on 2nd amendment emotions. Ask your self this...what is more secure...the CONSTITUTIONAL 2nd amendment or your public lands.....realistically they are not coming for your guns no more than your freedom of speech but they are coming for your public lands....GG is a fake and phony douche bag....

Well said!
If you are on this forum it is likely that hunting on federal public lands is pretty much your life. You need to vote that way. Gianforte or whatever the hell his name wants to transfer federal public lands to the state. You just can't vote for that if you want your kids and future generations to have the hunting opportunities that have made you who you are. It would be highly selfish and self centered to have had the life you have had and not do your part to pass it on to future generations.

Not on my watch.
A New Jerseyan take on our special election. This is a riot.

Being called a ‘New Jerseyan’ is a major Montana insult

“I won’t stand by as a millionaire from New Jersey tries to attack my Montana values,” says Quist, the Democratic candidate, in a recent ad (he then shoots a television) (really). And he says “New Jersey” much the same way I might spit out “serial rapist” or “Yankees fan.” Not nicely, in other words...

3) Gianforte grew up in Pennsylvania, and has been living in Montana for some 25 years. He went to college here in New Jersey, and apparently that’s good enough for Montanans to sink their teeth into. Seems like “New Jerseyans” don’t poll too well out in wherever the hell Montana is. Well (bleep) you, Montana. Go skewer an elk or something. Seriously. I feel like sending a squadron of Snookis out there.
No one is stopping anyone from running. There is a huge constituency for public lands. It may be to late for this social election, but what about the next congressional election in 2018. My $0.02. GJ
With Gianforte, we will be assured that he can hit the street running with his connections to Goldman Sachs and the Trump cabinet. With Quist, he might never get up to speed on how to maximize the sale of public lands to private energy companies.

Another thing going for Gianforte, he has already established his Russian banking connections, so that part is taken care of.

I mean think about, the brilliance of a Goldman Sachs team along with Russian banking brought right to the heart of rural America. I have to say now that IS progress.

The choice is easy, a guy who can play a break in a Bluegrass band or a well educated Wall Street connected gentleman who has direct ties to Oil, Gas and Coal.

I think it is very important that we place our trust with the supply side economists, they keep telling me that if I just give them more power and more money they will trickle it down to me. I know, I just know they have MY best interest at heart.


Can somebody explain how someone can be a Russian shill and doing the work of American shale producers?

I bet a lot of us have stock in something Russian related if we have international stocks in our portfolios.
Mine is approximately 15% international I believe
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Clueless musician - Democrat puppet vs deceptive, arrogant, public land thief.

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I filled out and walked my ballot over to the courthouse the other day, and thanked them for using mail in ballots to save the county money!

While I have not been entirely ecstatic for Quist, I think he is at least approachable, won't undermine our public lands and has an open enough mind to learn, to listen to the people. He isn't coming into this with the dark money dinosaur he rode in on, like Gianforte, trying to buy an election, any high position election, to gain control of Montana's natural resources.
While I have not been entirely ecstatic for Quist, I think he is at least approachable, won't undermine our public lands and has an open enough mind to learn, to listen to the people. He isn't coming into this with the dark money dinosaur he rode in on, like Gianforte, trying to buy an election, any high position election, to gain control of Montana's natural resources.

Don't worry Kat...he'll become DC-ized just like they all do. He'll become a rubber stamp for the leaders of the left, no different than Gianforte would be for the right if he were to win. Sorry I don't have much faith in anyone that heads to that swamp.
Don't worry Kat...he'll become DC-ized just like they all do. He'll become a rubber stamp for the leaders of the left

That is exactly what I am worried about, not being a fan of puppets, rubber stamps and politics in general, which is why I think some of the people we need to look at replacing, that are culpable in this debacle, are the bloody county committee representatives that vote for candidates, instead of the people vetting and choosing a rep. I think that is part of the reason Curtiss was not chosen, not so much puppet, rubber stamp material.

Have I ever mentioned before, how much I hate political Machiavellian machinations?

In the words of political satirist Will Rogers, "If you ever injected truth into politics you have no politics."
Gianforte has a lot of muscle out working for him... VP Pence, Trump Jr, again...

Quist... has Bernie Sanders coming out to assist his reputation??? All respect to the few Montana citizens that value his social impression of governance however, not a good play, in my opinion. Might as well have Pelosi stump for him, if you understand what I mean...

Then again, maybe same could be said about Pence and Trump Jr... though Sanders? How about Bullock and Tester or something...?
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