More Tags for CO Landowners


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2010
How come you guys arent getting fired up about the possibility of Landowners in Colorado getting a bigger percentage of the tag quota like you were when it was going to happen in Idaho or Arizona?

They are using the cover of "fixing" the problem with Landowner Vouchers to sneak in a higher percentage of the tag quota for Landowners. Currently they get 15% of the quota but if the current proposal gets passed the will recieve 20% of the quota West of I-25 (10% vouchers/10% Private Land Only) and 25% East of I-25. IMO they need to do away with the transferable vouchers and have "Private Land Only" tags at the most if Landowners think they need something.

This year Deer tags were cut again and if this goes through deer tags can be pretty hard to come by. Please write the Commission and tell them NO!
I posted over on MM, and tried to get Oak to send me some info. They claim that 95% of the winter range in Colorado is private. I was hoping for more info. I would be against that for sure. They fact that they opened pandora's box in the first place was a mistake there.
I am fired up, they started getting a fair chunck of the tags ~6 years ago. Now they want and will get more?, let's hear what Oak has to say.
What's to say? Sportsmen have been bitching about the landowner subsidy and the lack of program oversight by CPW, so part of the proposal to improve the program is to increase the landowner percentage of tags from 15% to 20%. It will probably be approved with little opposition, because sportsmen are too apathetic to do anything about it. Nobody should need to hear me say what a ridiculous proposal it is.
sportsmen are too apathetic to do anything about it.

As long as anybody can go to Walmart and buy an Elk tag, nothing else the Commission does matters.

It just blows me away how if this same proposal was suggested in any other western state the hunting community nationwide would be on fire with anger, but since this is Colorado who cares, just sell me my OTC tag

Where's the RMEF??? They chose to get involved with Arizona when it came to tag manipulation

Even though I have a landowner(s) "hook-up" and this could benefit me, I still know whats right & wrong and this is BS!!!
I emailed the landowner committee members, with no responses. Like Oak said they will pass it with no consideration to the general public land hunter.
I wonder how much attention this would get if I had used MT, ID, WY or AZ instead of CO :confused:

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