More selling of public lands - Sorry

A couple of thoughts,
I do not support the sale of public lands, by anybody except the state of Alaska. (from whom I recently purchased 8 acres of forest on a small stream near Denali national park) I am a hypocrit(for Jose).
On the daughter, mom, wife issue. My opinion on the intent of the law would be; If a woman has consensual sex with her husband on a weekly basis and is later raped by another, some time SHOULD be taken and some measures SHOULD be used to determine ancestry.

What type of monitoring system do you want the government to implement to track women's sexual activity with their husbands? How you gonna make sure these women are having their weekly sex session with their husbands? Are you thinking some sort of camera systems in people's bedrooms, or, maybe some sort of microchip implanted into men and women that would track a man's orgasm and match it with some sort of sexual activity of a woman? And, you have to be careful in Idaho, as aren't there some sexual positions that are still illegal between a man and his wife?

Or, hey, about this idea, how about the government stays out of people's sex lives, their vaginas, their uterus, and, any other body part? Let's leave decisions like this to the individual and their medical provider and not have the government dictating medical procedures.
You sir, have an imagination. I cannot imagine an adult with nothing more to do than think of rediculous scenarios to rationalize irrational thought. I apologize to you for offending you. Do a little research on MY origin, then presume to preach to me about this issue. Perhaps a PM to move this from the thread?
What type of monitoring system do you want the government to implement to track women's sexual activity with their husbands? How you gonna make sure these women are having their weekly sex session with their husbands? Are you thinking some sort of camera systems in people's bedrooms, or, maybe some sort of microchip implanted into men and women that would track a man's orgasm and match it with some sort of sexual activity of a woman? And, you have to be careful in Idaho, as aren't there some sexual positions that are still illegal between a man and his wife?

Or, hey, about this idea, how about the government stays out of people's sex lives, their vaginas, their uterus, and, any other body part? Let's leave decisions like this to the individual and their medical provider and not have the government dictating medical procedures.

I must have missed something. I know these threads often veer way off course, but this may set some new kind of standard.
What type of monitoring system do you want the government to implement to track women's sexual activity with their husbands? How you gonna make sure these women are having their weekly sex session with their husbands? Are you thinking some sort of camera systems in people's bedrooms, or, maybe some sort of microchip implanted into men and women that would track a man's orgasm and match it with some sort of sexual activity of a woman? And, you have to be careful in Idaho, as aren't there some sexual positions that are still illegal between a man and his wife?

What type of monitoring system do you want the government to implement to track women's sexual activity with their husbands? How you gonna make sure these women are having their weekly sex session with their husbands? Are you thinking some sort of camera systems in people's bedrooms, or, maybe some sort of microchip implanted into men and women that would track a man's orgasm and match it with some sort of sexual activity of a woman? And, you have to be careful in Idaho, as aren't there some sexual positions that are still illegal between a man and his wife?

Or, hey, about this idea, how about the government stays out of people's sex lives, their vaginas, their uterus, and, any other body part? Let's leave decisions like this to the individual and their medical provider and not have the government dictating medical procedures.

This screed is worthless without pictures
It wasn't a serious budget, it was just political grandstanding by Ryan. Hell, it wasn't until 2040 that he got rid of the deficit. ....

Political grandstanding? Of course, it's like President Obama wanting to support the part of the Keystone XL pipeline that doesn't require his approval to get built. I don't like things in Ryan's budget especially the tax side of it. I equally loath the continued borrowing of Trillions that Obama wants in his budget. We can either borrow and spend or don't tax and spend but we can't get to a point where we actually reduce spending and increase revenue. It won't happen under Obama or the Republican candidate either.

About that land for sale...

Thankfully, we are the only two people on this entire thread trying to keep the topic on track.....

SALT LAKE CITY — Gov. Gary Herbert will sign a bill challenging the federal control of public lands in Utah despite legal warnings about significant constitutional issues.

Herbert plans to sign House Bill 148 during a ceremony at the state Capitol on Friday.

The bill is demanding the federal government relinquish millions of acres of land within the state by 2014. National parks, wilderness areas, military installations and Indian reservations are exempted.

Legislative attorneys have warned the bill has a high probability of being declared unconstitutional.

Herbert says he is willing to challenge the federal government in court if a political solution cannot be found.

The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance says the bill is unconstitutional and could eliminate important protections from development and vehicle use for wildlife refuges, forests and other sensitive areas.

Any guess what political party controls Utah and includes Gov. Gary Herbert as a member?

(And for bonus points, how does the Nikster's mandated weekly sex session for wives work in Utah? Is it one wife per week, or is it each wife required to have sex each week?) ;)
"Is it one wife per week, or is it each wife required to have sex each week?) "

for your sake, hope it's the latter. have never met anyone more in need of getting laid in my life!!!:hump::hump:
If the question is, should married people have weekly sex, I vote yes!!! I'm all in!!!
Back on point- If a majority of the voters approve of the sale of public land, they are wrong.
Dear Senator Santorum,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to proposals I hear to sell off public land, in particular national forest or BLM land in the west. An important part of my year is the time I spend hunting, cross-country skiing, or hiking on national forest land. These lands are the ones left over after all the “good” land was taken, and are in far better condition, in my view, than the private lands. And even more important, they are the ones I have access to.

In my view, selling these lands to the private sector, or turning them over to the state, is similar to the deals made in Russia to turn over industrial assets to the oligarchs.

I consider myself a staunch republican – the last time I voted for a democrat in a national election was when Nixon ran, and I normally contribute financially. I agree with much of what you propose. However I will be watching this issue very closely this year before deciding how to contribute and vote.

Thank you for your consideration.

James Fleshman
James and others, It is time to take the Letters and E-Mails to the Senators and Congressmen from your State. We must set into place a stop gap at the state level also, the State Representatives have the ear of the you Senators and Congressmen. Alright let's get busy! John
Although I can't find a current list of members for CWAC (there is ZERO transparency), the original list included 4 hunters/anglers (two who are Sonnenberg lapdogs and one that invited Don Peay to organize a Colorado chapter of SFW), 4 private landowners (including representatives of Colorado Cattlemen's Assn, Colorado Farm Bureau, and Colorado Farmer's Union), two outfitters (who are both also landowners), 2 retail sportsmen, 2 motorized recreation, 2 energy industry, and a handful of other interests.

One of the lapdogs is on Bowsite discussing the bill below.....

....and telling us why having Federal lands lands in state control would be a good thing:

Discussion of HB-1322


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